I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1991: Joint Discrimination

After finally waiting for the news of the happy daughter to stop, Jiang Siming was ‘set fire’ by netizens again.

The reason for the fire this time is nothing but the NBA Finals.

The 2020 NBA Finals are about to start, and one of the two key finals teams is Jiang Siming's Lakers.

All Huaxia fans want to ask Jiang Siming to let the Lakers play in China for the finals.

Jiang Siming had done this kind of thing before, but it made China's basketball fans so excited.

Of course, everyone wants to watch the finals on their own sites. Even if they can't get the tickets, they are willing to stay outside the stadium.

In order to persuade Jiang Siming, what they asked on Jiang Siming's Gulu Weibo was called sincerity.

The other requests are okay to say, what kind of kind words are you begging.

But Jiang Siming found that there was one comment that was the hottest, and it was also the most difficult for him to refuse.

[We will give out benefits every day when we get married. If we are so happy, we will also give out benefits. We don’t ask for one every day, just this one, please~]

This comment was pinned to the top by netizens, and Jiang Siming could not refute it.

Emm...makes sense.

It's up to them, of course, it's definitely not that he wants to watch the finals himself, hehe.

Jiang Siming immediately contacted the Lakers general manager and asked him to negotiate with the headquarters.

After the NBA headquarters knew it, it was actually reluctant.

After all, this completely disrupted their game plan.

But who made Jiang Siming the richest man in the world?

In the United States, the trend towards money is the most important, and being rich means having everything.

Otherwise, how could Lao Te be in the position? He is purely rich and throws money to let everyone vote.

The laws of the United States are actually designed to take care of the rich.

Jiang Siming also had a fight with the NBA before, because Morey, the cub, the original China NBA spokesperson, was unilaterally terminated by Jiang Siming.

For this reason, Jiang Siming also compensated the NBA for 300 million US dollars in compensation. The NBA also blackened Jiang Siming and announced that he would never cooperate with him again.

At that time, Jiang Siming was far less rich than he is now, and the United States did not even know who Jiang Siming was.

But now, after becoming the richest man in the world, no one in the world knows you.

The United States even deified Jiang Siming. Fortune and Forbes magazines published several special issues at that time.

Even Yu Lao Te changed his face, often on ins with Ai Te Jiang Siming, inviting him to invest in the United States, saying that they are good in the United States and welcome investment.

Of course, that was only Lao Te's superficial skill, and he was so tolerant in the face of Qian. From the bottom of my heart, I still remember the hatred against Jiang Simingkeng.

The NBA was the first time Jiang Siming became the world's richest man. It expelled Morey and invited Jiang Siming to be the spokesperson for China again.

It's just that Jiang Siming didn't bird them, let alone agree.

But it can be seen from here that in the United States, as long as you have money, you can walk sideways.

Now, Jiang Siming proposes to change the address of the finals to China Magic Capital.

Although NBA officials are reluctant, they can only agree in the end.

You don't agree what can be done, Jiang Siming is not only the richest man in the world, but also the boss of the Lakers.

If he gets angry and tells the Lakers to stop playing, who will they look for in the finals?

Under the double pressure, the NBA promised very decisively and changed the game address to allow the two final teams to go to China.

As soon as the news came out, fans all over China were so excited that they thanked Jiang Siming on Weibo, and the words such as Big Brother and Dad became catchy.

The happiest people are the people in the city of Demon Capital. Jiang Siming will hold any good things in Demon Capital.

Like previous masterpiece weddings, Barcelona ball games, PUBG games, solo concerts, etc.

There are also many current shows, such as "Actor", "Le", etc., all in the magic city.

A reporter once interviewed Jiang Siming and asked him why all these activities were held in Magic City.

Now we have another NBA Finals, which is also placed in the magic city.

Jiang Siming only replied: Because he is close to home.

I am happy for the people of the Demon City, and at the same time, fortunately, Jiang Siming lives in the Demon City.

People in other cities are so envious, and even the mayors of cities everywhere are calling on Jiang Siming to come and settle in their cities.

Regardless of the conditions of the manor house, they are willing to give it away.

Just how much GDP can be driven by Chong Jiang Siming to make these programs, and the number of tourists alone has to soar.

His Jiang's group company has already added a lot of color to this city.

First in the country for economic efficiency, first in the country for average salary, first in the country for tax payment... etc.

Anything you can say can be used as a city slogan.

"Madu, the city where the world's richest man lives, and the headquarters of the world's top ten companies."

This propaganda is not much better than those propagating dry economic data?

It's a pity that Jiang Siming has never had the idea of ​​changing places to live. Even if there is one, they don't need them to send the land. The land of his current space estate is too much to count.

If you want to change home, you can do it anywhere, regardless of whether it is foreign or domestic.

In short, Jiang Siming satisfied the wish of China's basketball fans and changed the NBA Finals to China.

For this reason, he received another wave of telephone shocks, and friends were looking for him to book tickets.

Jiang Siming knew a lot of friends who liked basketball. They were all trivial things, and he agreed.

Just when Jiang Siming accepted the praise and gratitude of all China basketball fans, a large number of people stood up and accused Jiang Siming of being a black-hearted businessman.

Moreover, this voice, not only in China, but also in all parts of the world, seems to have suddenly initiated a joint diss on Jiang Siming.

This situation happened so unpredictably that even Jiang Siming was at a loss.

It was Eva who hurried home from the company ahead of time and told him.

"My dear, now the jewelers all over the world are uniting to discredit you. This may be the most severe test Qingyuan Jewelry has accepted."

Eva with a serious expression said to Jiang Siming who was strolling in the yard holding Xiao Luoyu.

"Jeweler? Why did you discredit me?" Jiang Siming was a little confused.

Just received a big wave of thanks, and it’s still not warm, is there someone disrupting the situation? Forcibly discrediting yourself?

Eva nodded and said: "This is how it happened. It was initiated by the jeweler in the U.S., saying that it was determined that our precious gems were artificially synthesized."

"The United States? It seems that our company's business hasn't expanded overseas yet?" Jiang Siming thought of this.

"Yes, it's only in China. I am planning to expand overseas business next month, but at this time, someone will unite to discredit us. Ninety percent is deliberate."

After Eva explained, she continued.

"Actually, I have guessed who it is, the daughter of Old Special is the best."

Jiang Si was clear, got it.


Second more~

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