I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1992: Tell a big lie

It turned out to be this old lady's whole moth again.

Last time he was sniped by Jiang Siming and his old man in the real estate stock market.

It seems that she can't swallow this breath to retaliate.

"What can they discredit us?" Jiang Siming asked.

Eva replied: "These jewelers have joined forces to discredit our Qingyuan gems as synthetic gems and fakes."

"Why do they say that?" Jiang Siming was speechless.

"Because they said that this kind of precious gemstone is not found in the world, and it does not belong to any gem type."

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "They mean they can't imitate, so they say our gems are fake?"

"That's what I mean." Eva nodded with a wry smile, and said: "Because of these negative publicity, our Qingyuan jewelry sales have plummeted. Now let alone overseas markets, the domestic market may not be able to spread."

Jiang Siming expressed his understanding that the power of public opinion is terrifying, and he has long known this.

But in fact, the way to eliminate it is also very simple, and that is to use public opinion to defeat public opinion.

"They say that this kind of gem is synthetic, so we just announce the origin of this kind of gem." Jiang Siming shrugged.

"The origin of the gems? Honey, do you want to declare that these gems are alien gems?" Eva was surprised.

Jiang Siming had told them that the gems of Qingyuan originated from space. The reason for not making them public was that they would not believe it, and to maintain a sense of mystery.

Since it is said that his gems are fake now, then Jiang Siming will simply play big!

Announcement is naturally impossible, at least not now. You can never say that it was picked up by a meteorite from outer space.

If so, the satellites of various countries should have been discovered long ago.

Even if this doubt can be resolved, the gem will be considered a space meteorite.

Meteorites are not valuable. This thing is not unusual at all. On average, hundreds of thousands or even millions of tons of meteorites fall on the earth every year.

Moreover, when a meteorite falls into the earth, it will be burned by the atmosphere, even a gemstone will be burned into briquettes.

So this doesn't make sense.

Since this is not okay, that is not okay, simply, Jiang Siming decided to tell a big lie, and he wants to change the jewelry pattern!

"Just leave it to me. By the way, let me use your storage ring first."

"Oh, good." Without thinking, Eva took off the ring immediately.

As Jiang Siming said, handing Xiao Luoyu to Eva, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The wives in the family are not surprised at this. Their husband is a powerful cultivator, and they can learn this little skill in the future.

"Dad~Dad~" Xiao Luoyu didn't respond yet, turned his head around looking for his father, thinking why he suddenly lost his father...

Jiang Siming went to the company and took all the rings of the other wives, and then the speed of light came over the familiar Pacific Ocean.

Through the wormhole, Jiang Siming traveled to a place that truly belonged to him.

To be precise, the entire galaxy belongs to him. If he really wants to be the master of the galaxy, he can destroy the earth in minutes, and the same goes for other planets.

But Jiang Siming is not so boring, nor does it need to be so troublesome.

On the planet Barno, Jiang Siming found the largest gem mountain range.

Mining robots are still working tirelessly inside, collecting gems.

And as Jiang Siming's robot factory produces more and more machines, there are also more mining robots.

The mining efficiency of gems has been greatly improved, and Jiang Siming has temporarily asked the robots to store the mined ones on the planet Barno.

Too many are easy to reduce the price, and the rare thing is more expensive, just like a diamond.

In fact, there are so many diamonds on the earth, but they are controlled by jewelers. They only put a small part at a time, and then speculate the diamonds as the most precious gems for profit.

Qingyuan Gems is the same routine, but only Jiang Siming can do this routine, because he is the only one who has Qingyuan Gems and has a complete monopoly.

In addition to mining gems, other robots are fully exploiting rare earth resources.

This planet is also extremely rich in rare earth resources, twice the total amount of rare earths on the earth.

Moreover, rare earths are practical and scarce resources. Many industries cannot do without it. As much as possible, the more the better.

Rare earths are known as surface gold, and the price per gram of rare earths is more expensive than one or two gold.

There is no other reason, because rare earths are widely used in industry and high-tech fields.

Now any country on earth is eager for rare earths.

Jiang Siming has already planned to open another rare earth company to sell rare earths to his own China, and he can even sell them to other countries at a high price.

This is not anxious for the time being, Jiang Siming first came to the gem storage.

Inside, it was piled up with mountain-like gems, all of which were mined and accumulated.

Almost as high as a hill, there are at least ten million tons by visual inspection.

If all these gems are really sold, the price will have to plummet.

Jiang Siming is not so stupid, a little bit of money is what smart people will do to make the highest price.

Jiang Siming packed all these gems into the storage ring. After the wife's 30 storage rings were filled, his own universe ring was also full.

After getting all this done, the hill lost a big chunk instantly.

After the installation, Jiang Siming immediately returned to the earth and came to a rare mountain in Guizhou.

Not far from this mountain range, it was the place where Jiang Siming first discovered a gold mine, but the gold mine was long gone.

Jiang Siming swept away his spiritual consciousness, and there were still many people near the mountains. Just in case, Jiang Siming set up a barrier around the mountains.

Then, Jiang Siming focused on two connected barren mountains.

Jiang Siming raised his hands, pointed at the two barren mountains, and made a gesture of separation.

Immediately afterwards, the two adjacent barren mountains were really torn apart!

For a while, the surrounding area shook, but the people outside didn't feel anything.

The small enchantment technique isolates everything, including crustal movement.

The two mountains are like oranges. Jiang Siming easily broke apart and moved the mountains and the sea. Jiang Siming is not just talking about it, it is completely achievable.

After the two mountains were torn apart, Jiang Siming poured all the gems in the storage ring.

Then hollow out the two mountains a little bit, and then put the mountains together and return to the original state.

It's like tearing open a bun, then making a hole in it, stuffing it with meat, and closing it.

There is a truth.

After it was done, Jiang Siming checked it and found that there were no flaws, then clapped his hands and took out his phone to fix a position.

Then he called and asked 100 billion to contract this barren mountain, and asked the employees of his own mining company to leave for Guizhou immediately.

Hundreds of billions of questions did not ask the reason, and immediately followed suit.

Jiang Siming hung up the phone, removed the enchantment, and slid freely.

But instead of going home, he left the earth again, but this time he did not run out of the solar system through the wormhole.

Instead, he stayed in the solar system. This time, his target was Neptune.


Third more~

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