I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1999: Shocked mold!

Nuclear pollution itself is an extremely serious and terrifying topic.

Nearly 50 years have passed since the accident occurred in Chernobyl. It is still a dead city, and a full 2,600 square kilometers has been banned.

Tens of thousands of people died, hundreds of thousands of people suffered from cancer, and millions of people were affected.

Although nuclear waste water is not as serious as a nuclear explosion, its radiation is definitely not something humans can resist, let alone animals and plants.

And discharged into the sea, these nuclear waste water will follow the ocean currents to the seas around the world.

It will directly affect the ecology of the entire marine system, and the number of dead or injured marine life and plants will be astronomical.

This is actually similar to the consequences of a nuclear explosion.

A leader who can make such a decision is simply inhumane.

In the news, the Minister of Environmental Protection claimed that since the Fukushima nuclear leak began, they have been using storage tanks for nuclear waste water, but all the storage tanks are almost full.

This is the only way to be forced.

But anyone who knows a little bit knows that they have many ways to deal with nuclear waste water.

There is still a large amount of abandoned land near the Fukushima leak, enough for them to build a new piggy bank base, and wait until a new solution to nuclear wastewater is developed.

Or hit the nuclear waste water in one place, seal it with metal and cement to isolate it from radiation, and bury it in the ground. When a solution is found, it can be dug out and solved again.

But they didn't do this, and they couldn't do anything directly, they would enter the Pacific Ocean.

It's a fool. A developed country can't even do a little nuclear waste water. Isn't it ridiculous? The nuclear leaks have been dealt with. What kind of nuclear waste water is even worse?

There are no more than several reasons. The cost of the solution is too high to give up money, and it is an oil bottle project, because if you use this method to solve it, you have to stick to it.

Because nuclear waste water is generated every day, great efforts must be spent on it all the time.

The Japanese side refused to do it and was too lazy to do so, so it decided to go into the sea.

Their rank has directly become a global problem.

They felt that the whole world should contribute money and efforts to this matter, and why should they bear it all by themselves?

This announcement also has a threatening meaning in it, forcing other countries to help them.

Jiang Siming turned several pages, and today's news is all this, and Ge deserves his breakfast and can't eat it anymore.

Bing Meiren said: "I heard from the members of the Tian Group that the teacher would arrange for people to go to Japan to inquire about the reality, in case they have other purposes."

Jiang Siming nodded and didn't say anything. He was not required to intervene in everything.

Unless it is encountered by the Tian Group, it can't be solved.

This time it was not the turn of Ice Beauty and Huo Wu. They had just abandoned their cultivation bases, and the old man would definitely not ask them to go.

Let’s watch the changes first, and hope that Japan’s best not to do any tricks, just to scare others and give some support.

If it is true, Jiang Siming might help them pour the nuclear waste water into the'Yasukuni Stove', or to their Emperor's Palace.

It's all okay, anyway, it will harm all mankind if it falls to the Pacific, it is better to harm them only.

Thinking of Jiang Siming's appetite coming back, he turned off the news and enjoyed his breakfast.

Today’s NBA finals are off, but Jiang Siming can’t rest. It’s time for him to'go to work'.

The latest issue of the "Le" program starts today.

And just in time for the NBA finals break, the two shows did not crash.

Jiang Siming invited Corvo to watch the show on the spot, and they all readily agreed.

I wanted to call Zhan Huang and the players to come together, but they wanted to train, so they only called the couple Corvo and O'Pang.

Shanghai Workers Stadium.

The scene is actually more lively than the NBA Finals.

As the most popular variety show in China, its charm in China is far more than just basketball fans like the NBA.

The happiest thing is the audience. I just watched the NBA Finals yesterday, and today I can see the "Le" show again.

Tomorrow, I can continue to watch the NBA, and then I can watch "Actors" again.

In the issue of "Actors" in which Star Master participated, several actors were scolded and cried, including some actors who had the qualifications to act for many years.

He has never escaped the poisonous tongue of Master Star. In his eyes, whether the acting is good or not has nothing to do with acting for several years. If it is bad, it is bad.

In short, this month's viewers really relived a previous TV addiction and waited all day to watch the show.

At seven o'clock in the evening, as the sky dimmed, the lights in the hall came on and the show officially began.

The host who walked onto the stage this time was replaced by Wang Han.

The audience has become accustomed to seeing these gold medal hosts, their hearts are now not fluctuating.

No way, this is the most common operation of the "Le" program. Asking a gold medal host is as simple as asking a coolie.

Wang Han talked freely on stage, driving the atmosphere of the show.

Several tall figures were sitting in the nearest audience seats.

Celebrities Yao, Corvo and his wife, O'Neill, etc.

When the camera swept them, Corvo and O'Neal greeted them very face-to-face.

The audience also gave warm cheers.

Everyone knows that Corvo must have been looking at Jiang Siming.

When the camera was swept again and the people sitting next to Corvo, the audience was taken aback, and then more enthusiastic cheers broke out.

Corvo sits on the left with Vanessa, his wife, but on the right, there is a woman.

This woman was blond and blue-eyed. It stands to reason that everyone should be strange and unknown, but she was very familiar.

Because this woman is Taylor Swift! It is the mold that countless Chinese fans love.

The emergence of mold directly brought the atmosphere of the scene to the top.

Wang Han's voice was covered, but he was also quite surprised when he discovered the reason.

"Unexpectedly, the guest here today has a figure that everyone unexpectedly. My wife likes her song very, very much. Welcome, Ms. Taylor." Gentleman Wang Han said.

The lens gave mildew, and the mildew smiled brightly and waved at the camera openly.

In fact, she came to watch the Lakers game, but yesterday there was no time for a concert.

After the opening, she rushed to China, and Corvo told her that the second game would not start until tomorrow, and invited her to watch the show together.

The relationship between Mildew and Corvo is also very good, so naturally he readily agreed.

The audience can't help but ridicule when they see the mildew, the show should invite the mildew to compete.

In terms of global fame, none of the guests on the "Le" program may be as high as hers.

Mildew, who is only in his twenties, has won 10 Grammy Awards!

The total number of other awards has surpassed Michael Jackson.

The number of INS fans is nearly 100 million more than Ronaldo!

Such a terrifyingly accomplished woman is the darling of fans all over the world.


First more~

Some friends said that the sake had a wrong memory, and not only owed six more, so let's think it is better to owe eight, and start paying back on the first of next month!

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