I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2000: Stumped outrageous questions

No one thought that the show would bring such a big surprise.

Mildew, this is mildew!

Even Liang Tian's eyes gleamed, wishing to look for the mold to take a group photo now.

"It would be nice if you were willing to participate in our show."

Liang Tian came up with a bold idea. If Mildred is willing to participate, he will simply turn the next few programs into a PK field for Eastern and Western singers!

This idea lingered as soon as Liang Tian appeared in his mind.

Moreover, it is getting harder and harder to invite guests on the "Le" program, and those big-name singers are reluctant to come.

There is no other reason. The competition is too fierce, and the masters are like clouds. They are also likely to be eliminated if they don't survive a game. It's no face.

These well-known and qualified singers also have to be face.

Of course, this is also human nature, and whoever changes it will feel a bit reluctant to give up the old face.

Moreover, famous and powerful singers have long been invited away by other shows, and they can't get them if they want to.

The "Le" program directly gave birth to a large number of follow-up music programs. These program groups, like robbery, madly snatched one singer after another.

Even Zhang Geshen was poached by Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV, and Liang Tian felt helpless.

That's why she only invited traffic singers in the last issue. The guests invited in this issue are actually not very powerful. They are not the king of singers or queens, but just a few past singers.

Liang Tian also knew that it would not work to continue like this. The appearance of mildew gave her an excellent idea, and she must try it later!

At the scene, after finally waiting for the mildew heat to drop, Wang Han was able to continue hosting.

"Let's welcome today's first singer, Shi Zhe!"

(Fictitious characters, please do not check in.)

The audience was stunned when they heard the name, and then remembered for a while.

Shi Zhe is also a singer. Ten years ago, his songs were quite popular and his singing skills were also good.

Back then, he was still a member of an idol boy group like Fahrenheit. Later, because he was too arrogant and arrogant, he chose to leave the team and make his solo debut.

But without the team, his fame fell drastically, and the songs he wrote were worse than each.

In addition, Shi Zhe's character was extremely poor, and he was only profitable, and he was gradually forgotten by people, and he became a bad singer.

Backstage, Shi Zhe was full of ambition, looking forward to this episode of turning over and regaining his former popularity.

Just when he was ready, his agent came over and happily took the phone and said to Shi Zhe:

"Quick, take the call, Director Guo is calling."

"Guo guide? Which Guo guide?" Shi Zhe wondered.

"It's Guo Xiaosi, Director Guo!" the agent replied.

"Why would he call me?" Shi Zhe was surprised. At the time when he was the most popular, Guo Xiaosi had made friends with him.

But later, as soon as he passed away, Guo Xiaosi directly forgot him.

Even when Guo Xiaosi was about to make the movie "Little Times", he begged his grandpa to tell his grandma to ask Guo Xiaosi for a role. Who knew that after Guo Xiaosi finished his unspoken rules, he gave him a soy sauce role perfunctory. .

After that, he never contacted him again.

Shi Zhe was surprised to call him suddenly this time.

Although he still hated Guo Xiaosi for playing him and dumping him, Shi Zhe was able to bear the humiliation and took the phone decisively.

After talking on the phone for a few minutes, I hung up.

Shi Zhe looked excited, and his agent hurriedly asked him what Guo Xiaosi had said to him.

"He asked me to come up with the most tricky question when I will give Jiang Siming a question." Shi Zhe replied in a low voice, and looked around to make sure that no one dared to say it.

The agent was taken aback and said: "Are you crazy? Do you dare to embarrass Jiang Siming? I don't know who he is?"

"I know, but I'm just writing a question. No one asks you to be more disciplined, right?"

"Why did Guo Xiaosi make you embarrass Jiang Siming?"

"The two of them had a festival. In the episode of "Actors", Jiang Siming made Guo Xiaosi like that, and starting later, Guo Xiaosi disappeared directly. He must have been kicked out by Jiang Siming. Four look for opportunities to retaliate."

Shi Zhe smiled and said that no matter what happened to him, Guo Xiaosi promised to give him 1 million after the incident, and also promised him the second male role in the next movie.

One million is already an astronomical figure for Shi Zhe, who has passed away. He now makes a living by doing business and making less than 200,000 a year.

And there was a second male character waiting for him, Shi Zhe agreed without thinking.

The agent was also dazzled by this ‘sugar-coated cannonball’ and immediately stood on Shi Zhe’s side to support him.

After Wang Han announced his guest, Shi Zhe stepped onto the stage.

Shi Zhe took out his most famous song before and received a lot of applause.

When Wang Han came on stage to interview, Shi Zhe began to play his sentimental card, all kinds of memories of the good time with the idol team, and then began to sell miserable, said how he was.

Not to mention these two tricks really work, many viewers generously picked up their mobile phones to vote.

Three minutes later, Shi Zhe's bounty was 165w+.

This bounty is definitely not comparable to the resident guests, but Shi Zhe is quite satisfied.

He is self-aware, and he didn't expect to be able to make it to the next issue. He just wanted to come to this show to brush his face and catch the heat.

With such a high number of votes, the folds on his face laughed.

"According to the old rules of the show, in this episode, there is still only one guest who chooses to create a song, so let Shi Zhe write the title."

Shi Zhe pretended to be thinking, then looked at the mold in the audience, as if inspiration emerged.

"I think about it. I am a loyal fan of Momo. I didn't expect her to be here today. I think we always sing Chinese songs, and Momo must not understand it. So let's just use the English song as the title. Right."

After Shi Zhe finished speaking, the expressions of the audience and Wang Han were a little dumbfounded, what? English song?

Can this topic be a little bit more outrageous?

This is like asking a foreign singer to write a Chinese song on the spot, which is too difficult.

But this is not over yet, Shi Zhe continued: "I personally like electronic music better. I hope this song can add a little more electronic music elements, but don't all be a mixture of electronic music, electronic music and popular. "

After saying this, Wang Han wanted to beat him. He seriously suspected that Shi Zhe had a feast with Jiang Siming and deliberately embarrassed Jiang Siming.

After Shi Zhe said this, the audience once again had a better impression of him and blocked him again.

Shi Zhe didn’t know that he had just written the topic, and the little audience and popularity he had built so hard was gone...

However, the program did not stipulate the rules for questioning. Since Shi Zhe had questioned, he could not modify it.

"Okay, the topic has been out, Mr. Shi Zhe can go to rest first." Wang Han made a please gesture with unswerving expression.

Originally, he wanted to force this to say a few more words, but now he doesn't have too many words.

Shi Zhe had achieved all his goals anyway, leaving happily.

But Jiang Siming’s fans are worried, can Jiang Shen handle such a difficult subject...


Second more~

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