I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2005: The first planet to be transformed

Six architectural robots, plus the three previously obtained, make a total of nine.

Every construction robot wants to be equivalent to the work efficiency of a medium-sized construction company.

With the addition of Jiutai, the speed of construction can be said to surpass China Construction and China Railway.

For this reason, Jiang Siming spent a whole day of work, taking Xiaoxian to find suitable transformable planets.

It took a dozen robot batteries to let Xiaoxian use galaxies to explore and find suitable planets in each galaxy.

In the end, a galaxy located 10.5 light-years from the solar system was selected, which is also a galaxy that cannot be explored by earth scientists at all.

This galaxy is not big, even smaller than the solar system.

It also consists of a star plus several planets.

One of the planets is very similar to the earth's environment, which is twice as small as the earth, but the climate and environment are almost the same.

If it is allowed to develop, within a million years, life will be born on this planet.

In the Puma galaxy, those planets with life have evolved from the initial cell life to human life.

All living planets are inseparable from this process, but some planets often evolve in different directions.

Planets like humans generally evolve towards the direction of wisdom, while planets like animals evolve towards the direction of limbs.

Then there are some strange life body planets.

As for the planet Jiang Siming selected, I don't know yet in which direction it has evolved. I want to know unless it can live for hundreds of millions of years.

But now here, it is no different from Jiang Siming's best private domain.

Without life, it has formed an environment and climate similar to the earth.

This is like cooking. When the ingredients are ready, the next step is to cook into dishes.

But at this time, Jiang Siming appeared, cut his head, took all the ingredients as his own, and made full use of these ingredients before he started cooking.

Before getting the [Planet Transformation Seed], Jiang Siming could only find a suitable planet.

But [Planet Transformation Seed] This thing sells for 100 omnipotent fragments, and Jiang Siming's total is only 160 yuan. How could he be willing to spend money on this thing.

Fortunately, after searching for a day, I finally found it.

In fact, there are quite a few such planets in the entire Milky Way, but Jiang Siming was lucky and found only this one in a dozen galaxies.

Selecting a place, Jiang Siming brought all the construction robots over.

Let them find a suitable construction site on it first, and even brought three mining robots to help.

As for the construction, Jiang Siming hasn't figured out what to transform it into.

If it's just one or two buildings, he can design it in minutes.

But this is an entire planet, or a city, and it takes a long time to just architectural drawings.

Jiang Siming first asked them to prepare the foundations of the points suitable for building cities.

Including the city's geographic location, drainage system, underground transportation, surface transportation, urban infrastructure and so on.

Especially the location and drainage system are the most important. He doesn't want the city he built to be flooded when it rains.

A lot of domestic sewage, the air is filled with the smell of sewage.

This problem has appeared in many cities in China, even in Kyoto, when it rains and floods.

There is no way. Kyoto's drainage system was not completed.

After the city is full of tall buildings, it is too late to think about rebuilding the drainage system.

In the same capital, London is different. 150 years ago, London was similar to Kyoto.

But when cholera broke out in London, the mayor announced major changes to the drainage system.

Afterwards, London never had these problems.

The best drainage system in China's cities is Fushougou, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, built in the Northern Song Dynasty.

At that time, Liu Yi, the Minister of Water Resources, designed a very sophisticated and mature drainage system.

It has been intact and unobstructed for more than 900 years.

Therefore, the drainage system is the most critical part of urban infrastructure.

Arranging these first and transforming a planet is not a matter of days and months. It will take at least two or three years to take shape.

However, as there are more and more building robots in the robot factory, the construction speed will definitely become faster and faster.

All arrangements were made properly before Jiang Siming was able to return to Earth.

As soon as I got home, I found that there was a call reminder on my mobile phone, and Moyue called him a few hours ago.

Suspicious Jiang Siming went back to the past.

At this moment, Momo is chatting with Christine on the sofa.

It can be seen that the moldy state is still not very happy, and Christine also knows her, so he has been joking with her.

Suddenly, a phone rang.

Mildew took a look, his eyes lit up instantly, and the whole person's mental state was turned upside down in an instant.

"How come...I misunderstood him..." Momo murmured.

Kristen came over curiously and found that the phone number on the caller ID was exactly what they thought was a fake number.

"Is this guy really not in the service area? Where did he go?" Christine muttered.

For Mildew, it doesn't matter where Jiang Siming goes at this time, she is now full of blood and resurrected!

It turned out that she had been sulking for a long time, and she really misunderstood her feelings.

Thinking of this, Momo quickly connected to the phone, and Jiang Siming's nice voice came over the phone.

"I just saw your phone on the plane, what's the matter?"

After listening to them, Momo and Christine covered their faces at the same time.

Yes, why did they forget this, because they are not in the service area, they are probably on the plane.

Although some airplanes have signal devices, most airplanes do not.

The two women were stupid by themselves.

"Um... nothing, just want to ask you why you didn't come to the game today?"

Momo covered her mouth as soon as she finished speaking, wishing to slap herself, what was she talking about?

Why did you suddenly reveal your purpose after thinking about an excuse to talk about songs?

Sure enough, Jiang Siming on the other end of the phone was a little strange, but he still replied, "I left Shanghai for some business matters, so I didn't have time to come over. Is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, this way, it's all right, I'll just ask, hahaha."

The mold of trying to hide his embarrassment with laughter is exhausted.

"That's good, if it's okay, I'll hang up first." Jiang Siming said.

"Well, good, goodbye." Mould felt relieved and hung up the phone as if fleeing.

Christine, who has been listening to the side, joked with a smirk: "This is how you treat your confidant? How can you better than your boyfriend?"

Mildew did not turn back, just leaned on the sofa and raised his head, covering his forehead with both hands, wanting to feel the IQ in his brain with the palm of his hand...


First more~

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