I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2006: Come to return the goods?

The next morning, Jiang Siming was awakened by Eva's wife's phone call. He was squinting and blindfolded, groping for a while by the bedside, and finally found the phone.

Xinyi didn't wake up at all, she was still sleeping.

Xinyi couldn't hold back last night, and was easily hooked up by Jiang Siming.

Bing Meiren took over from her bedroom, taking care of Xiao Luoyu's sleep.

Only then did she rest assured that she ran out and "ghosted" with Jiang Siming.

Can't blame Xinyi, after all, she hasn't been warm with her brother for a long time, more than half a year.

Now that the child has finished giving birth and the body has recovered, I can’t give a good vent to it~

So Xinyi overslept directly today, causing Xiao Luoyu to not eat breakfast today and was crying.

Bingmei hurriedly coaxed, but did she have a'breakfast' for Xiao Luoyu to eat, but she didn't want to wake Xinyi.

After thinking about it, I had to make some pureest goat fat milk powder with Huo Wu to feed her.

These milk powders are all produced in the New Zealand ranch of the top milk source company that Jiang Siming has obtained, which is much better than 99.9% of milk sources on the market.

Although newborn babies should not drink milk powder, it is completely allowed to drink a little occasionally.

With ‘breakfast’, this made the little guy stop.

"Which little baby is crying?" Jiang Siming came downstairs while Xiao Luoyu was holding the baby bottle and grunting.

Seeing my father coming, Xiao Luoyu didn’t need any feeding bottles, so he opened his hand and babbled at Jiang Siming, sometimes mixed with a few words~

Fortunately, Bingmei quickly grabbed the bottle with eyesight, otherwise this little Luoyu's breakfast would be smashed into her face.

Jiang Siming walked over, took the little guy, teased her for a while, and then gave it to the ice beauty belt.

"I have to go to work, Eva said something is wrong with the company."

"Well, you go, we are at home." Bing Mei nodded.

Jiang Siming smiled and pecked on the ice beauty's mouth. He looked up and found that Huo Wu was looking at him pouting, with an expression that you know what I mean.

Jiang Siming was soaked in rain and dew, and he gave her a sip before leaving.

When I came to the company, there were already people standing outside the company.

These people are well-dressed, rich and wealthy, and luxury cars are parked in front of the company one by one.

But if they let their tongues shine, the company guards will stop them mercilessly.

"I am the chairman of Dafu Jewelry Company, please go and tell your leaders again, we really have something to discuss with your company."

"I am the chairman of Fengxiang Company..."

"I am the chairman of Dasheng Company..."

"I was sent by Morgan headquarters in the United States..."

"I was sent by Donald's headquarters..."


These people reported their homes one after another, and asked the security guards at the door in a good manner.

In normal times, how could they look at such a small character with straight eyes, but today, being forced to do nothing, they can only cast the most sincere look and tone to the security guard.

The security guards of the Jiang Group have a sense of pride, because they often see this situation.

All the princesses of Samsung Group have been taken out by them, and all the real estate tycoons have been driven away by them.

No one believes it.

Being a security guard here is so good.

This time, they still did not lay down their vigilance and principles for this, and still kept them out without changing their faces.

Until they saw a familiar car approaching.

"The chairman is here, let go."

When the security guards saw Jiang Siming's car, they immediately took action, which was completely opposite to the attitude they had just turned away thousands of miles away.

However, the security guard accidentally exposed Jiang Siming's information. These jewelers immediately gave up the idea of ​​going in and ran to surround Jiang Siming's car.

"President Jiang, I am... I want to have a good discussion with your company."

"Mr. Jiang..."

These billionaires, at this time, are like street vendors selling their own products. They are not letting go in front of Jiang Siming's car, which is quite shameless.

When the security guards saw that the chairman was surrounded, they immediately went to pull them away, but these people seemed to have caught a life-saving straw at this time and did not move alive.

Jiang Siming had to turn off the car temporarily, rolled down the window, and said to these people: "If you think this trick works, I will call all the company's security personnel and let me go."

"President Jiang, please, let's talk about it. We have been standing here for several hours, and a drop of water has not entered for most of the day."

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a chairman stood on Jiang Siming's car window, pleading.

Jiang Siming was speechless, afraid that he would turn off the rearview mirror of his car, so he could only say: "Okay, I'll give you ten minutes. Let's talk here."

"Talk here?"

"If you don't want to, let it go."


I usually talk about business in high-end office buildings and top restaurants.

Now on this road, facing the big sun, these pampered bosses are really uncomfortable.

But now they have to adapt if they don't adapt. This is their only hope now.

"Let's talk about it, only ten minutes."

Jiang Siming was still sitting in the car, lit a cigarette by the way, and slowly leaned back in a comfortable seat.

He couldn't bear it anymore. What should I do if the sun is hot and tanned? Well, although he is not afraid of the sun at all...

Although these people have complaints, they can only admit their fate.

"Mr. Jiang, I am David, the agent of Morgan Group in China, and I want to talk to your company about returning the goods."

A blond man squeezed the crowd, walked to Jiang Siming's car window, and said with his head high.

He came to China for this purpose.

During this period of time, jewelers all over the world are spending money crazily every day, causing countless damages.

Their jewellery company under the Morgan Group, at least invested more than 150 billion soft sister coins into it.

The equivalent of US dollars is as high as more than 20 billion U.S. dollars, and the company has lost money to vomit blood, even if they are Morgan Group, a market predator with a market value of more than five trillion soft sister coins.

It can't stand this wave of losses, and all losses are cash flow, which is the most terrible.

The cash flow of large companies is also very small. This has cut Morgan's liquidity by nearly a third. How can they not be in a hurry.

And all the jewelers found out that Qingyuan’s diamonds can’t be bought at all!

They seem to be able to produce on their own, with a steady supply of goods every day.

Bought one batch, another batch, another batch, and another batch...

In this cycle, these jewelers finally couldn't resist it, their wallets were empty, so what else to buy?

Now they are here to negotiate with the Jiang Group to return the diamonds.

Without raising his eyes, Jiang Siming asked knowingly, "Return the goods? What goods to return?"

David was angry and had to swallow his anger for the task given to him by the family.

"Of course it is diamonds. We want to return all purchased diamonds to the company. Of course, in order to show our sincerity, we can only recover 90% of the price."

David looks like we are at a disadvantage and let you take advantage of it.

He expected that Jiang Siming would have to sell his face when he heard that he was a member of the Morgan family?


Second more~

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