I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2007: Stickman David?

The Morgan family’s market capitalization ranks fourth in the world, surpassing Amazon and Apple.

Only China Industrial and Commercial, Swiss Bank and Samsung Group can dominate.

Although Jiang Siming is the richest man in the world, it is only because he occupies all shares of the Jiang Group.

Jiang’s Group ranks only 16 in the global corporate rankings. Compared with the Morgan family, it is not qualified at all, at least for now.

David concluded that Jiang Siming would be jealous of his family when he heard his origins, and would discuss with him instead of under the big sun.

However, Jiang Siming didn't. Instead, he unceremoniously dusted the soot on his expensive leather shoes, not knowing if it was intentional.

"I am about to acquire Morgan Group recently." Jiang Siming said astonishingly.

David immediately sneered: "Are you kidding me?"

"You teased me first." Jiang Siming responded unceremoniously.

His wife Yingzi taught him this trick.


David became angry for a while, and if ordinary people dared to talk to him like this, he would kill him every minute.

But now that he is asking for help, he just wants to say that Jiang Siming has a good life. He has a large number of adults, so let him go and give it up temporarily.

"President Jiang, according to our family investigation, you have made nearly 400 billion yuan by selling diamonds during this period. Do you think your appetite is so big that you can really eat this 400 billion yuan?"

David spoke slowly and said in a threatening tone: "If a cat eats too much fish, it will be crushed to death."

Jiang Siming looked at him as if he was mentally retarded, and said, "A cat is also a cat if it is dead, and no matter how many fish are fish, it is not something you should worry about whether the cat will die. Cat eat."

David finally gave a warning: "70%, we only need to get back 70%, this is my last letter."

"Climb for the Lord!"

Jiang Siming didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, and flicked the burnt cigarette **** in his face directly.

David immediately yelled, his face was burnt with a big bubble.

David was completely angered, and he vowed to destroy this upstart family!

Before that, I had to let out my anger.

So in order to let out an angry David, he lifted his foot and kicked at Jiang Siming's car door.

Jiang Siming's eyes narrowed, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth.


There was a muffled sound.

Then came the sound of fracture.

David wailed and fell to the ground holding his leg.

But Jiang Siming's car door was unscathed.

"Just because of your physical fitness, you still want to kick my car? Kicking a piece of tofu doesn't necessarily make it bad." Jiang Siming mocked mercilessly.

The people around were holding back their laughs. It was the first time someone saw someone kicking their legs. It was amazing.

David did not believe in evil, endured the severe pain, lay on the ground, raised his other foot, and kicked into the rearview mirror this time.



Folded again...

what! ! !

David screamed louder and broke both legs.

Only then did David's entourage react and hurried up to help David.

But when they touched David's two arms, there was another terrifying sound, click! Click!

Well, now the two arms are also broken.

The subordinates were at a loss and didn't know when their young master's body was so fragile, worse than dry branches.

David was so miserable that he had abolished his limbs with two feet.

The key is to destroy yourself, even if you want to call the police.

There are a lot of monitoring at this gate, everyone can see it, he kicked the car and broke his leg.

Xiuer did not show him.

"Back... Carry me..." David said weakly.

The subordinate hurriedly moved, and carefully lifted David onto the back of one of his subordinates.

But just after putting it on, David’s ribs were crushed several times!

The subordinates almost didn't cry, it's really nothing to do with them, Master, your body is really virulent~


David spit out blood and a suffocation in his chest.

The men dared not move David, so they had to call an ambulance to get David away.

This wave has baffled all jewelers, why did the Morgan family send a stickman over?

They couldn't see the difference between this person's bones and matches.

As soon as David left, the problem was not solved yet.

They must return the goods today.

Because if they do not return, the company will have no liquidity, and diamonds will only become cheaper and cheaper. The diamonds they buy and the diamonds they own will become waste stones.

The loss at that time might be enough to make them go bankrupt like the previous real estate companies.

"Mr. Jiang, 50%, we only need to retreat to five to achieve enough."

"Yes, President Jiang, please, everyone is from Huaxia. Help, don't kill them all."

Jiang Siming said impatiently: "Are you bothered, winning or losing in a business game deserves it. Why didn't you think about it when you wanted to kick me out?"

These people are dumb.

Among them, two old heads fainted and fell to the ground, and the other middle-aged people were also crying, and the scene was miserable.

Jiang Siming was speechless. They had to attack themselves when they were bad guys. If they failed, they were crying and crying here, making it as if they had become bad guys.

Jiang Siming was about to turn a blind eye to drive away, and Eva walked out of the company.

I automatically ignored these "diao people" on the ground, walked to Jiang Siming's car, secretly bent over and said a few words to Jiang Siming, then turned around and went back.

Jiang Siming fell into thinking.

After a few minutes, Jiang Siming patted the car door, and the movement made these people look over.

Jiang Siming leaned in front of the car window and said, "It is not impossible for me to accept your return."

When everyone saw hope when they were desperate, they all hurriedly leaned over, and some even crawled over without image.

Jiang Siming looked at them with such a spineless look, and only felt contemptuous.

He didn't want to talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "You can return the goods, but only 50% of the price can be refunded."

Everyone is ecstatic, and 50% is enough!

But then, Jiang Siming's next sentence made them dumbfounded.

"Besides, I want 30% of the shares of all your companies, and in the future your stores, you must unconditionally sell the products of our Qingyuan Jewelry Company. Of course, we will give you one-thousandth of the profit as a channel fee. We will dispatch the salesperson and the person in charge."

"If you agree, just follow me in. If you don't agree, go back to your own house."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, everyone did not dare to stop him and let Jiang Siming drive into the company.

They are outside, thinking about whether to agree or not.

A 30% share is already quite excessive.

You have to provide Jiang Siming as a channel to sell things for him, and only one-thousandth of the profit.

The profit sharing is too small, and they can only get 10,000 yuan if they sell 10 million things.

They can only get 100 million if they sell 100 billion, which is lower than the commission for buying a house from an intermediary.

Vladimir is not so blood-sucking.


Third more~

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