I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2015: Do you have hemorrhoids?

At the company's door, even though I had been standing for more than ten minutes, Ivanka didn't look impatient at all.

As the previous three-star princess, I'm afraid she would have been arguing about beating people.

But Ivanka didn't, but stood patiently in place, and she was indeed very charming under the well-dressed.

When she saw Jiang Siming coming out, Ivanka's expression was subtly proud, but she was well hidden.

"Hello, this is Donald..."

Ivanka was about to introduce herself, her hands were already raised, but Jiang Siming ignored her directly, skipped her and walked to the Demon City Vice City next to her.

"Sorry, let you stand here for so long."

The vice city obviously did not expect that Jiang Siming would take the initiative to greet him first. He was honored and very happy, and hurriedly waved his hand:

"Where, Mr. Jiang, as the world's richest man, China's pride must be a busy man. I also have no choice but to follow Ms. Donald to trouble Mr. Jiang this time."

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "Understand and understand."

The vice city was happy, but Ivanka and the American ambassador looked ugly.

Jiang Siming completely regarded them as air and went to talk and laugh with a deputy city.

It's just a vice city, who are they? One of them is the U.S. ambassador, and the other is Old Special's daughter!

Which status does not need to be a district or vice-city important?

Jiang Siming ignored them completely. He was clearly telling them that he was able to come down to see them because of the face of the vice market.

Rather than the American ambassador and the daughter of the old man.

The ambassador was about to attack, and Ivanka cast a look at him to keep him quiet.

I am not impatient or impatient, waiting patiently for Jiang Siming to finish talking with the vice city.

The vice city also felt that this was a bit out of courtesy. After all, his identity was indeed more important than him, and he was a guest from afar.

"Mr. Jiang, let me introduce you. This is the U.S. Ambassador to China, Logan, and this is Mr. Donald’s daughter, Donald Ivanka."

The introduction of the vice city made Jiang Siming finally look away.

"Hello, what's the matter with me, Jiang Group?"

Jiang Siming spoke to the two of them in a hurry, without even intending to invite them in.

Ivanka smiled slightly and raised her hand: "I have long heard that Mr. Jiang is the best man in the world. Whether it is talent or appearance, he is one in a million. I saw it today, and the rumors are true. "

As the saying goes, you don't hit smiley people with your hands, this wave of flattery makes Jiang Siming a little bit to laugh.

But he reached out and shook her.

"I heard that the companies that attacked our Jiang Group's real estate and jewelry companies all have your Donald, am I right?"

Ivanka was stunned for half a second, then smiled and said, "It's just normal business competition. Mr. Jiang won't hold such grudges, right? I am here this time and I also apologize to Mr. Jiang. If I am lucky, I would like to invite Mr. Jiang Have dinner and have a good chat~chat~"

In the last sentence, Ivan Carter added a bit of tone, and winked at Jiang Siming with a wink.

Standing behind Jiang Siming, Chen Guo was angry when she looked at her, scolding the fox in her heart!

"If Ms. Ivanka is to give me money, I would be happy. I can avoid eating. The clam is too fishy, ​​and I always foam at myself, I can't bear it."

Jiang Siming suddenly said something inexplicable, and everyone present looked confused. What does this mean in the end?

What about clams? Are clams foaming? Isn't it eating?

Only the old man from Vice City understood, blushing and almost didn't laugh a pig cry.

"Mr. Jiang joked. You don't like seafood. You can change your diet and follow the customs. I have been fascinated by Chinese cuisine for a long time. We can go to Chinese food."

Ivanka just didn't understand the broad and profound Chinese culture, it doesn't mean she is pure.

Jiang Siming raised his hand to stop, and said, "Let’s stop here for food or whatever. If you want to talk to me for business, please come in. If you just want to eat with me, please come back. I still have a lot of work to do. ."

"Of course there are business matters to discuss with President Jiang, and President Jiang will lead the way."

Ivanka was not annoyed either. This woman did a pretty good job on the surface, and she probably learned it from her father.

Since it was a business, the deputy mayor and the ambassador would not be able to stay. The two left, only Ivanka and her assistant and bodyguard were still there.

Jiang Siming made a please gesture, and Ivanka took the lead. The bodyguards behind him wanted to keep up, but they were all stopped by the Jiang group security.

"Mr. Jiang, is this?" Ivanka frowned.

Jiang Siming said: "Our company has always been very confidential. If you don't come to our company if you don't wait, if Miss Ivanka feels that it is not safe to come to our company, we can talk at the door."

Ivanka hesitated for a second, then smiled: "I believe Mr. Jiang will definitely protect my safety, and I feel safe with you."

After that, let a few agent bodyguards wait outside.

In fact, she did come up with this idea, and wanted to take the opportunity of going to Jiang Siming's company to ask the agents to investigate Jiang Siming's company to see if she could collect some secrets of the Jiang Group.

But this idea was ruthlessly suppressed by Jiang Siming, and she could only give up.

Ivanka followed Jiang Siming all the way to the meeting room. Chen Guo poured tea and left the meeting room.

In the meeting room, only Jiang Siming and Ivanka were left.

As soon as there was no one else, Ivanka began to gradually become presumptuous.

First he sat down on the sofa, then deliberately lifted his long legs, and raised his short skirt at a very ambiguous angle.

As long as Jiang Siming is not blind, he will definitely be able to see the scenery inside.

However, Jiang Siming did not squint, holding a teacup and drank leisurely.

Even the action of glance has never been done.

Ivanka sneered in her heart. She didn't believe that a man with nearly thirty wives could be such a gentleman?

Install it, continue to install, I see when you can install it.

Ivanka continued to play with a few more sitting positions. How could the temptation come from? She was very confident. With her figure and appearance, this Jiang Siming would not be hooked?

Just as Ivanka was diligent in scratching her head, Jiang Siming said a word.

"Do you have hemorrhoids?"

Ivanka stopped on the spot awkwardly, her face flushed, and she wished to pour the tea in her hand on Jiang Siming's face.

I think you look like hemorrhoids!

Straight man! Straight male cancer! Hopeless!

This kind of person has so many wives, it's really outrageous!

Although there was a lot of dissatisfaction in her heart, on the surface, Ivanka still explained that it was because the sofa was not suitable, but this time she finally sat down honestly.

"If you have any business to talk about, just talk about it. My time is precious."

Jiang Siming put down his teacup.

This time I did not drink tea, but he took out his mobile phone.

"Winter is here, is the plum blossom in my hometown..."


Second more~

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