I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2016: Stealing chicken will not lose the rice

Yes, Jiang Siming started playing the glory of the king...

Hearing the voice of choosing a hero inside, Ivanka knew that Jiang Siming was playing a game even if he had never played the king.

This time, no matter how good the patience was, he lost his pretense.

"Mr. Jiang, this is how you do business with people? It's very rude."

Ivanka was so angry, this Jiang Siming didn't look at himself even if he was watching games on his mobile phone. Is he blind?

Isn't she better than the game?

Fortunately, she didn't say it, otherwise Jiang Siming would tell her very honestly that you are not as good as the hero in his game, one percent of them are not.

"You've been twisting there all the time, it's like having hemorrhoids, wasting my time, I have to play games and wait for you to finish the twist, are you finished?"

Jiang Siming asked without looking up.

"I... the twist is over!" Ivanka gritted her teeth and said.

"Oh, then I haven't finished playing, you can wait for me, it's very fast."

Ivanka: "..."

"Okay! Then I'll wait for Mr. Jiang to finish the game and talk again!" Ivanka's face was pale, and her tone was angry.

"Well, I'll do it as soon as possible, go up and up, I'll start a group!" Jiang Siming said, lying directly on the sofa, playing with all his attention, regardless of the feeling of Ivanka on the other side of the sofa.

Ivanka took two deep breaths, trying her best to calm her heart about to violent.

If Jiang Siming were his useless husband, she would definitely lift the teacup on the table and smash him on the head.

Seeing Jiang Siming playing games with her back to her, a poison trick flashed in Ivanka's eyes. She quietly stretched her hand to the bag and took out a pill.

Then it was secretly put into Jiang Siming's teacup, the pill went into the teacup, and quickly disappeared.

Ivanka succeeded in his strategy and began to wait leisurely on the sofa.

After half an hour, Jiang Siming finally put away the phone, stretched his waist, and sat up.

"Sorry, my teammates are too pitted. After playing for a long time, I finally won."

Ivanka regained her charming and confident smile, and said, "It's okay. I didn't wait too long. Mr. Jiang must be thirsty after playing for so long. Let's drink some water and discuss things later?"

"Okay, I'm just thirsty." Jiang Siming drank his teacup after speaking.

Ivanka watched Jiang Siming drank the water in the teacup in one sip, and she was delighted. In order not to make Jiang Siming suspicious, she also drank the water in her teacup.

"Let's talk about it, I have something to do after talking early." Jiang Siming said with a yawn.

Ivanka was no longer wordy, and said straight to the point: "This time, I mainly wanted to talk to Mr. Jiang about the return of Qingyuan Diamonds. The manager sent by our company did not negotiate with Mr. Jiang last time, so this time I coming."

"This matter has not been said long ago. As long as I can agree to my terms, I am willing to reclaim all Qingyuan diamonds. It is for your father's face. The original price can be returned."

Ivanka smiled and said: "Mr. Jiang said and laughed, my company cannot accept the terms you opened."

"Then what else is there to talk about."

"Mr. Jiang, our company bought your goods for nearly 20 billion U.S. dollars, and it is impossible to lose so much. Don't you have to return the goods for seven days without reason?"

Jiang Siming rejoiced, and said, "You said that my good friend's company did this. My company has always bought and sold it. Unless there is a quality problem, it will not return the goods."

Ivanka's face was no longer friendly at this time, and said: "You really want to eat the 20 billion dollars of our Donald Company? Don't be too greedy, don't do things too aggressively, otherwise, you will suffer retribution."

Jiang Siming leaned on the sofa, spreading out his hands very bachelor, and said, "I want to see, what will I get for me?"

"You..." Ivanka was about to have an attack, but found that Jiang Siming was pulling on his shirt with a look of something wrong.

"Strange, why is it so hot all of a sudden?" Jiang Siming was puzzled and muttered, "Is the company's air conditioner turned on too high?"

After Ivanka heard it, she was overjoyed, and the effect of the medicine finally came out!

What she gave to Jiang Siming, but the latest Tsubaki medicine developed by the United States, is waiting for this time.

The only thing I'm afraid of is that Jiang Siming won't get the bait.

The micro video device in Ivanka's bag is already turned on and can record everything that happens.

Waiting for Jiang Siming to pounce, everything is under her control.

"Why is it hot, Mr. Jiang, you have an illusion, right?"

Ivanka laughed and started to scratch her head boldly, even unbuttoning her coat.

Just to further stimulate Jiang Siming.

She has already decided, first enjoy it, and then threaten Jiang Siming.

Such a handsome man, she is also looking forward to the process with him, it must be very wonderful.

"Illusion? Impossible, aren't you hot?" Jiang Siming asked in confusion.

Ivanka smiled happily, and said: "I'm not hot, is it Mr. Jiang's heart?"

As soon as I finished speaking, Ivanka felt that her body was also starting to heat up.

At first she thought it was also an illusion, but the enthusiasm became more obvious, and it got hotter.

Ivanka is dumbfounded now, why is she also hot?

She obviously only gives medicine to Jiang Siming!

Looking at Jiang Siming again, he is all right now, and he is still leaning on the sofa, looking at her gleefully.

"Miss Ivanka, something is wrong with you, are you sick? Or is the clam about to spit?"

Ivanka finally knew what this sentence meant. She was furious and wanted to get up, but found that she couldn't control herself at all.

The efficacy of the drug is about to spread.

Jiang Siming took out his cell phone at this time, turned on the video, and said, "I recorded it for Miss Ivanka and sent it to the Internet for a good look. What's wrong with Miss Ivanka."

Ivanka was shocked when she heard this, quickly picked up her bag and walked outside.

She must not be caught by Jiang Siming. If this is posted on the Internet, will she still have a reputation? By then, her father may be affected.

Today, I was really stealing the chicken and not losing the rice. She couldn't figure it out. Jiang Siming obviously drank the bowl of medicine. Why is he okay, but he is okay?

Enduring the onset of the drug's effects, Ivanka hurried out.

Jiang Siming didn't stop him, letting her run out.

Outside, the agents and bodyguards all saw the lady rushing out, thinking that she had been persecuted.

"Get in the car and go back!" Ivanka shouted urgently.

The bodyguards were also confused, but they could only wait for Ivanka to return to the hotel.

As soon as Ivanka walked, Jiang Siming said to Xiaoxian: "It's up to you, secretly record it."

Unexpectedly, Xiaoxian actually disobeyed his order for the first time.

"Master, Xiaoxian doesn't want to record such a nasty scene, Xiaoxian is afraid of long needles (covering eyes)."

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, this little guy, he's quite going to happen, just like a human.

In this case, you can only go out on your own.


Third more~

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