I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2017: sensation

That night, it also happened to be daytime in the U.S. time.

A video shocked the entire US network!

This video is a wonderful story about Ivanka and the bodyguards.

The scale is unprecedented.

Although the video was taken off the shelves urgently, it was useless at all. As long as the saved netizens spread it casually, it would be everywhere.

And this video can't be deleted even if it is deleted, it will appear on the Internet for some reason not long after it is deleted.

For a while, the entire American population was shocked.

After the shock, there was unprecedented anger.

If it's an ordinary woman, it's fine, but this person is Old Special's daughter, this matter can be a big deal.

As the daughter of a U.S. administrator, she did such a ridiculous thing and was spread wildly throughout the Internet.

Lost their faces in the United States, how decent they are.

Even an open mind can't accept this kind of picture.

The video soon spread to the Internet in other countries, and the whole world was shocked.

This time, the influence was worse than that of the Hollywood banquet.

The Americans were even more angry after knowing that it spread to other countries.

Ivanka instantly became the target of the entire American people vying to condemn.

The sentence was publicly executed online, suggesting that Ivanka should be expelled from his nationality and not worthy of being a U.S. national.

As Ivanka's father, he was not immune.

If you teach your daughter to this virtue, your father is certainly not a good thing.

There was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and the Donald family went up and down, and they were not spared.

Old Special was originally going to give a lecture at Harvard University today.

You can walk into the church, and all the Harvard students will be sprayed out of the church.

It makes him inexplicable.

But when he learned of this, Old Te directly clutched his heart and fainted.

Not to mention, this old boy got back a lot of sympathy by relying on this.

The bodyguards hurriedly carried him away and sent him to the hospital. As soon as he left the school gate, Old Special woke up in the car.

This wave of acting, leveraged.

"Immediately notify Ivanka, let her roll back, remove her identity as the general manager of the company, and send her to California to be locked in a villa. Without my permission, she must not be allowed to leave the house for a while!"

Old Te, with a cold face, gave orders to his assistant.

"In addition, let the FBI arrest all these bodyguards and execute them secretly, and then warn the major media platforms that anyone who dares to report in private, invite them to the Intelligence Bureau for tea."

"Finally, I would like to ask Ivanka to find out what is going on and who did it. Tell me as soon as I find out."

"Okay, I'll do it right away." The assistant noted down one by one, indicating that there is no problem.

Old Te calmed down a bit, took out his phone, and began to wonder how to write a suitable set of rhetoric on his Twitter. First of all, he had to separate himself.

Lao Te is worthy of being a Twitter expert, and soon compiled a long story.

Above, he first stated that he did not know about this matter, and that it had nothing to do with him. He said that the child had been married a long time ago and was not in his charge at all.

Old Te put himself clean first, and then a lot of nonsense.

Later, in order to protect his daughter, he threw the pot to Ivanka's husband.

It is said that the investigation revealed that Ivanka's husband had drugged Ivanka and wanted to harm her, so Ivanka was squeezed out and the Donald company was inherited.

Many people really believed what Old Special said, and they transferred their anger to Jared.

Jia Lid, he is old and innocent, but he dare not refute. If he dares to refute, Old Special can kill him in minutes.

The helpless Jared could only plead guilty and was soon arrested by the police.

Ivanka became a victim. After all, in the video, it can be seen that she is indeed delirious after taking drugs.

Lao Te's trick was so beautiful that he picked himself clean and pulled his daughter out of the quagmire.

Although the daughter is certainly not so simple to wash white, at least it is better to be transferred into the abyss of public opinion.

Ivanka was urgently recalled to the United States, and when she got off the plane, she was taken into the car.

Those few agent bodyguards were arrested immediately.

When they were arrested, they even yelled that they were wronged, and it was Ivanka who took the initiative to order them.

They are wronged and innocent.

But before he could say half of his words, he was knocked out by the FBI and taken away.

Only death awaits them.

Not bad, at least having a happy life with the old daughter before death is not too wrong.

California villa.

Ivanka was slapped a dozen times by Old Te, but she didn't dare to resist.

"Do you know that you almost tired me? Your father and mine are now more coveted. Do you really want your father to step down sooner?"

Ivanka covered her face, and she was still confused. The effect of that medicine was so strong that she hadn't awakened yet.

"Father, I was framed."

"What the **** is going on! Say!"

"It's Jiang Siming, it must be him! Yesterday, I..."

Ivanka explained everything, without hiding anything.

After listening to the old special silence for a few seconds, he muttered: "Jiang Siming, this is another person. He has been right with us many times!"

Ivanka said: "Father, this person is no small thing. He seems to have a very special ability. I now suspect that his brother was beaten by him."

Old Special's eyes flickered a few times and said: "Leave this to me to deal with. You can reflect on yourself here. You can't go out of this door for two years."

Ivanka also admitted, knowing that the situation is definitely beyond her control, so she can only accept it.

"Father, you must avenge this for me. I want this Jiang Siming to die!"

Seeing his father was leaving, Ivanka viciously begged his father.

Old Special didn't say anything and left.

Those who are familiar with him know that when there are many old special words, it means that he is not angry at all. He is a very good person.

But if he doesn't speak, when he is bored, he is really angry.

The first thing Lao Te left California was to go to the Morgan family...

In China, Jiang Siming still had nothing to do, and continued to happily be in front of his big boss.

He didn't feel that he had done too much.

As early as the first time I saw Ivanka, he knew what the old lady was doing.

If he was recruited today, or if he was just an ordinary person, he would be the target of the entire network.

So is she pitiful? If she hadn't planned to use this poisonous trick first, how could Jiang Siming give a tooth for a tooth?

He just wanted to just punish Ivanka and kick out the company.

But she wasn't reconciled, she insisted on using this kind of vicious scheme, so embarrassed, he didn't need to be merciful.

Without killing her, she didn't want to make things too much. After all, this woman's father is still the daughter of the ruler of the world's largest power.

If she died, Jiang Siming would definitely have no less trouble.

Before he didn't want to reveal his strength, Jiang Siming didn't want to have so many troubles for the time being.

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