I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2018: Yulong brand!

Of course, the prerequisite for not wanting to expose his strength is that he didn't encounter the opportunity that made Jiang Siming think he needed to move.

If it really annoys him, Jiang Siming, a reckless man, doesn't mind loosening the bones of the gods and shuffle the whole world!

What world powers are just torn down and support their own China to reach the top of the world, it is not good.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming is still relatively lazy now, and he has not encountered too much.

However, it is not known whether Old Special will find his own death.

It is said that the old special has been pitting the United States since taking office, but everyone knows that this is just a joke.

But if Jiang Siming really angered him, he really pitted the U.S. into it, and it would depend on the old special being out of the way...

Apart from this trivial matter, what attracted Jiang Siming's attention more was the good news from his hometown.

Dad told him that all the first batch of tobacco leaves were produced and processed.

Nearly 100,000 boxes of his cigarettes have been mass-produced and are ready for sale.

Don't underestimate these 100,000 boxes, think they are very few.

According to the standard unit of Huaxia Cigarette, there are 250 cigarettes in a box, 10 packs in one box, and 2500 packs in one box.

One hundred thousand boxes, which is 250 million packs of cigarettes.

This number is already quite large.

And Jiang Siming's planting base has been expanding, and the second batch and the third batch will only increase.

However, according to the growth cycle of tobacco leaves, the second batch of cigarettes will have to wait at least 3 months.

The second batch will be drawn next year.

Dad asked him how much cigarettes cost.

Jiang Siming didn't speak first, but planned to decide how much to ask after seeing it.

He ran home the first time and brought back ten boxes.

When Jiang Siming opened a box, he first saw this packaging box, which was different from other cigarette packages with yellow and red bases.

The simple version of Jiang Siming's Yulong Cigarette has a black box and a strip pack.

It is said that the yellow color represents the supreme, but it is not. It was after the Tang Dynasty that the yellow color was positioned as the national color, and only the emperor could wear yellow clothing.

But before the Tang Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, black color was the supreme color.

Black can also be called black, but unlike black, it is red black and originated from Xuanwu.

And compared to the yellow color, the black color is much more solemn and full of mystery.

On this cigarette, there is also a five-claw golden dragon printed on it, which looks majestic, like a dragon coiled around, the whole cigarette seems to be a dragon pillar, standing tall in the eye.

This box is not in paper, but in wooden box.

Just unpack the bag and open the fine buckle on the wooden box.

The wooden box is touched by hand, the texture is first-rate, the imprinted dragon is vivid, it is not simply printed on it.

Just looking at the packaging, Jiang Siming fell in love at a glance.

When you buy a cigarette, you don’t have to be too brandy. Gifts and other items are definitely the best choice.

This is the most luxurious version. The simple version of Yulongyan is divided into three grades, including low, medium and high.

This is also what Jiang Siming ordered. Since he wants to enter the cigarette market, all prices have to be swept away, otherwise, what is he doing with such a big cigarette factory.

There are three grades of low, medium and high, and the packaging of each grade is different. The low-grade and ordinary packaging are no different, and the price will definitely be the cheapest.

In addition, the three grades of cigarettes contain different Yulong tobacco leaves.

The high-end products are made of 100% Yulong tobacco leaves, the medium-end products are only 50%, and the low-end products are only 20%.

The other remaining parts are filled with ordinary premium tobacco leaves.

The taste of the three types of cigarettes is naturally different. Jiang Siming personally tried the taste of Yulong tobacco leaves. After his first puff of Yulong tobacco, he was no longer interested in other cigarettes.

Although he smokes the real Yulong Cigarette, this one is only a simplified version.

But in terms of taste, there is not much difference, the difference is only the magical effect brought by Yulongyan, the simple version is definitely not.

But smoking, who would expect smoking to be healthy, all for the taste.

Moreover, the simple version of Yulong Smoke has no nicotine and has a very low tar content, so it will not harm the human body at all.

Jiang Siming opened one package, lit one, and took a sip.

The taste is really good, at least 70% of the taste of real Yulong smoke.

Although there is no effect, the refreshing can still be really felt.

And the burning smoke is not as unpleasant as other smoke.

Non-smokers will not feel much resistance when smelling it. This point, he even tried it with his wives in the family specially, and he said it was not contradictory.

This is also very important, because smokers tend to worry about many inconvenient occasions. This Yulongyan can eliminate half of their worries about smoking.

Jiang Siming took out the mid-range and resisted and tried separately.

The mid-range taste is only 40% of the real Yulongyan, and the low-end taste is less than 20%.

Even so, it definitely tastes better than any cigarette.

This Yulong cigarette has long been greeted with the old man of the Tian Group, and the permit has been fixed long ago.

Each package above has a barcode, which can be directly searched online.

Completely legal.

Can be sold at any time.

Although the cigarette industry is a state-owned enterprise in China, it cannot be operated by private individuals.

But who made Jiang Siming face up? Haha, this was approved by the elder himself.

In fact, many foreign cigarette manufacturers say they are private companies, but they are all fake.

Almost 99% of tobacco manufacturers are controlled by ZF in various countries. Even if they are private companies on the surface, they are in fact state-owned companies.

After all, cigarette profits are more terrifying than oil profits. Which fool country will give all this stuff to private individuals? It's not a fool.

Jiang Siming was completely dependent on his own contribution to get this business.

This is also why the elders want to make up for it in this way, but they have also discussed with Jiang Siming that they cannot promote or advertise.

After all, tobacco is definitely not a product for sale. Have you seen any TV commercials that advertise cigarettes?

You can sell wine, but cigarettes are not acceptable.

Jiang Siming readily agreed to this.

After trying all three Yanjiang Siming, three prices were set after a little consideration.

Low-grade Yulong cigarettes are priced at 25 yuan per pack and 230 yuan per pack;

Mid-range Yulong Cigarettes are priced at 65 yuan per pack and 620 yuan per pack;

High-end Yulong Cigarettes are the most expensive, priced at 288 yuan per pack, and 2500 yuan per pack.

There are regulations for Huaxia cigarettes, and the most expensive pack cannot exceed 100 yuan.

But Jiang Siming is a special case of private companies, so he can set prices freely.

To be honest, 100% Yulong tobacco leaves, 288 yuan Jiang Siming is too low.

After all, his cigarette is not an ordinary cigarette.

After the price was set, Jiang Siming asked his father to start selling.

A new type of cigarette, in this way, began to appear in the market.


Second more~

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