I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2038: Giant buff·Celebrity Yao [Silver...

They don't understand anything, no matter how hard they work, it's useless.

Now they can only pray that the game is not fun, and players will not buy it.

At the same time, all game companies have begun to decide to focus on VR research.

They think that the holography that Jiang Siming said is just a more advanced VR. As long as you work hard to develop VR, you may be able to research it.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that no matter how much they studied, they would not be able to catch up with Jiang Siming's footsteps.

The global game market is about to enter a dominant stage, and the game market will also be reshuffled!

The next day Jiang Siming woke up, the number of people scheduled for the game had reached more than 1.5 million.

It seems that after waiting for the public beta in seven days, five million is at least, and maybe it can break ten million.

As Jiang Siming sent out more and more game rings, almost all the anchors got them the next day.

Jiang Siming also gave many celebrity friends who love to play games and let them play live.

Celebrities such as Yao, Jay Chou, Lin Sansui, Cheng He and other game fans all received gifts from Jiang Siming, decisively incarnate as a free hitting worker, and advertise for Jiang Siming at the same time.

Celebrity Yao received the game ring at last, and after receiving it, he temporarily put his favorite monster aside.

Then he opened a live account on Jiang Siming's live broadcast platform, then entered the game, and started the live broadcast according to Jiang Siming's instructions.

After the celebrity Yao entered the game lobby, he looked around and looked around, no different from other anchor stars.

"It's too real, haha, this game is amazing! It's amazing! If there is an NBA holographic game, it would be even better. I will mention it to Boss Jiang in the next broadcast, haha."

Celebrity Yao spoke and started to create an image.

His image is too tall, 2.26m tall, just like a giant.

The key celebrity Yao thinks this is not bad, too lazy to adjust, just set this ‘giant buff’ to complete the creation.

The friends in the live broadcast room laughed when they saw the image of the celebrity Yao, so tall, it is estimated that when the public beta is waiting, they should not be beaten as a sieve? Hahaha.

After the celebrity Yao played more than two hours in the training ground, he also began to fall in love with this game.

At the same time, he regrets that he really shouldn't create such a role...

Unfortunately, the character cannot be changed after it is created, unless the character is deleted and a new ring is bought.

For this reason, the celebrity Yao Hui didn't start at the beginning. He could only comfort himself that although he was easy to get shot, he ran fast and had a wider field of vision than other players.

Can be a scout, of course, this scout may not be exposed soon...

In this way, the advertising effect of celebrities plus anchors.

Coupled with Nuwa's continuous online publicity, the popularity of [Holographic Jedi] seemed to be on the brink, and soon it became known to all.

However, before the start of the open beta, everyone was still skeptical. Many people would not make a decision so quickly before the open beta saw the real product.

Three thousand yuan is just a piece of cake for the rich, but it is not a small sum for the working class.

Now, no matter how hard Jiang Siming works, it will not have much effect. Anyway, so many copies have been sold. Just wait for the public beta to play.

What is the reputation of the game, it will be revealed after nature.

Otherwise, everyone will not believe it if it is said to be a mess. On the contrary, it may be more doubtful whether Jiang Siming is speculating.

While [Holographic Jedi] maintains its original heat while fermenting, the eyes of non-gaming parties pay more attention to today's Guru video.

Because today is the day of the latest live broadcast of "Le".

As early as the end of the previous issue, the "Le" program team announced on the official website that the program will enter the next stage, world pop music collision!

And just the first new guest invited has already made everyone look forward to it. She is Taylor.

Taylor announced that not only Huaxia, but her fans all over the world, all immediately started to find out where the Gollum video is.

Wait for the show to be the first time to support their idols!

Today's Workers' Gymnasium has even attracted many foreign audiences.

They are holding Tate's support card, and many Chinese audiences are also holding Taylor's poster.

It is indeed a global pop queen, even in China, they are full of cards, and there is no shortage of fans.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the premiere of "Le" will start on time!

The host has changed again, this time, it turned out to be Wang Xiaoyu.

The men all showed heartache, Boss Jiang, is this too obvious for you?

Bai Song did not stand on stage for the second time. Wang Xiaoyu, an unknown reporter, was able to host "Le" twice.

What does this show? Needless to say, it is clear.

Pooh! Old color P! shameless! Shameless!

I'm still not satisfied after receiving a Taylor, even the pure and sweet little reporter!

Was another goddess pried away?

The surname Jiang, have you ever endured?

You can take away all the beauties of the world!

The female audience members all ate the vinegar and were envious.

How come they weren't caught by Jiang Siming.

Wang Xiaoyu doesn't know what the audience thinks, she is even more comfortable with hosting again than last time.

"Thank you all for watching the seventh live broadcast of "Le". Today’s program is different from before. The three new guests we invited today are all foreign singers. The voting session will also open foreign channels. There will be audiences from seven countries that can participate in the voting."

Wang Xiaoyu smiled cleverly, and then announced that today's first guest is Taylor Swift!

When Taylor appeared on the stage, the cheers of the audience almost overturned the entire venue.

The loudness of the noise is unprecedented. Even Jay Chou and Ren Tian Wang have never received such treatment.

It's not that they are weaker than Taylor, but the limitations of Chinese songs are destined to miss the world.

Even after so many years, English songs are still the mainstream in the world.

Unless Chinese is more popular than English someday, Chinese singers can go to the world.

Taylor, who participated in this kind of music variety show for the first time, is not uncomfortable, but happier than her concert.

Even on the stage is a trot, taking small cheerful steps.

If someone pays attention, you will find that Taylor's lipstick seems to be lighter, like... just kissed someone and wiped off a lot of lipstick...

Jiang Siming was in the background, looking at the lip prints on his face and mouth in the makeup mirror, dumbfounding.

At the age of three, Zhou Donglin and two foreign singers looked at Jiang Siming enviously.

After getting the favor of world-class songs, how can they not envy...

Jiang Siming was rather calm.

He counted the time, and Taylor's relatives seemed to be leaving too, is it possible to come to a home run tonight, hehe (raise eyebrows).


Ask for silver ticket~ silver ticket~ ticket~

[Author's digression]: Fifth more! Still owe four more ~ ​​continue tomorrow!

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