I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2039: Isn't it Xiu Enai?


Love is only customized for two people


Try all the ways to get back to you


What should I do?


I want to run wild with you


This is not my inspiration


At first, everyone thought Taylor would sing a classic of hers.

But after hearing this prelude, fans can't remember which song by Taylor is? They have never heard of it.

Is it a new song?

If so, then this show is too profitable, since it can let Taylor sing a new song.

And this song looks great, I can hear it from the prelude, and there is a sense of love coming to my face!

So sweet~

And Taylor sings this song in this state, I don't know why, it feels very suitable.

Recalling Taylor's relationship with Jiang Siming, everyone understood.

No wonder this song is so sweet. I have never seen Tyler sing a song so devotedly.

Like Jiang Siming's last issue, Taylor also translated the entire song into Chinese, right on the screen.

Even the Chinese audience can know the meaning of this song.

After a few minutes, the concert will end.

Only then did the screen begin to pop up the information of this song.

Song: "Look4You" (Looking for You)

Lyricist: Jiang Siming (Ming)

Composer: Jiang Siming (Ming)

Singing: Taylor Swift (TaylorSwift)

Seeing this, everyone was surprised. Unexpectedly, this song was written by Jiang Siming to Taylor!

No wonder Tyler sings so sweetly and joyously, boy, is this a disguised form of spreading dog food?

Is it possible that Jiang Siming is the Taylor goddess who got soaked by this song?

This guy has changed to T. Can English songs be easy to come by? Too much!

The singing is over.

Taylor blew a kiss to all the audience and waved enthusiastically.

Obviously, she likes this stage very much and also likes it here.

Wang Xiaoyu walked up with a smile, and the two goddess-level figures from the East and the West were on the same stage for the first time.

Although Wang Xiaoyu is just a host, her appearance can definitely be regarded as an oriental beauty.

Everyone is pleasing to the eye, but at the same time, they have to complain about Jiang Siming again, this guy, can't you leave them two goddesses?

"Hello Tyler, how does it feel to sing on the China Stage for the first time?"

Taylor casually lifted his blond hair to the back of his head and smiled slightly: "It feels very good. The atmosphere here is great. The Chinese audiences are also very enthusiastic. I like it here."

This made the Chinese audience feel very comfortable, haha, not everyone can get the praise after world pop songs.

Wang Xiaoyu covered his mouth and joked: "In addition to liking here, what else do you like? Do you like someone here?"

Tyler was happy, his white teeth bared, and he smiled happily.

She nodded generously: "Of course, my boyfriend is from Huaxia, because of him, I like Huaxia even more."


The Chinese audiences booed one after another, and foreign audiences looked sad.

It’s really uncomfortable to be prying away the national treasure goddess of my country by people from other countries.

Wang Xiaoyu really wants to add, I like your boyfriend too~

But because of her shy and shy personality, she didn't dare to say this, just keep it in her heart.

After chatting a few words, Wang Xiaoyu announced the start of voting.

"This vote will be a vote of seven countries together, let's get started!"

After that, the voting session begins.

Three minutes passed quickly.

Taylor's votes came out, directly breaking the record set by Jiang Siming on the "Le" program.



Seeing this number of votes, all the audience took a breath.

Turtle, what horror vote is this?

Jiang Siming only rushed to more than 11.5 million by relying on double magnification.

Taylor did not double the number of votes, which means that more than 21 million people voted for Taylor.

Although this is a vote of audiences from seven countries, it is too high!

This is the queen of world-class pop songs!

It really deserves to be a person who won 15 Grammy Awards in a row. Apart from cowhide, no one can find any other adjectives for the time being.

This also means that Taylor sang a song and donated more than 21 million yuan to China Charity.

Taylor is also quite satisfied with this number of votes, and thank you all for being happy.

"Then, next, you need to choose the current singer for today and write a question. There is still only one current singer today, and you should have guessed it too."

Taylor heard the words and thought for a while before he said, "Because my agency is still in the U.S., there are still a lot of itineraries that need to be arranged. I have been in China for a long time. In a few days, I will return to U.S. temporarily."

"I hope to hear a song that allows me to miss him thousands of miles away, and hope it can accompany me through all the lonely days in the future."

After Taylor finished speaking, the Chinese audience, including Wang Xiaoyu, remembered that Taylor is not Chinese, she is from the United States.

And after the hottest song in the United States, the itinerary must be very busy.

It's not easy to be here for so long.

The Chinese audience was also very reluctant to think that Taylor would return to China in two days.

At the beginning, the Chinese audience who disagreed with Taylor and Jiang Siming's relationship suddenly changed their camps.

Brother Jiang, quickly marry Taylor! I bought her from a brokerage company, so that Taylor can stay in China forever~

Tyler left the stage after finishing the question.

In fact, her question is not very difficult, and the scope is too wide, no matter what song Jiang Siming writes.

Some viewers smiled bitterly. Did Taylor deliberately find this reason to release water to her boyfriend?

Next, two other new guests came on stage, both from well-known singers from Europe and the United States.

One is Usher, also called Arthur Boy, a pop singer from the United States. Although he is far less famous than Taylor, he is also considered a first-line singer in Europe and America.

The other is Martin Garrix, Chinese called Martin Garrix, a Dutch pop singer.

The two sang their own masterpieces separately, and both got very good high scores.

Boy Arthur: "Hismistakes" 855w+

Martin Garris: "Animals" 1073w+

Both of them are not fuel-efficient lamps, and the scores are very scary.

Next, it was the turn of the original guests of the "Le" program. They were all Chinese singers.

If it counts, it doesn't have any advantage.

After all, people abroad rarely like to listen to Chinese songs, and it is estimated that very few people will vote.

But everyone did not expect that everyone's votes were quite high.

Jay Chou: "The Sea of ​​Flowers", the number of votes is 1331w+

Zheng Yuan: "Passing by", vote 704w+

Lin Sansui: "AlwaysOnline" with 996w+ votes

Han Lei: "Don't Forget Your Original Heart", vote 620w+

Ren Tianwang: "I am a fish", votes 874w+

Jay Chou's votes have exceeded 10 million. It seems that Jay Chou is also very famous abroad.

Others, except Lin Sansui, are also very tall.

Zheng Yuan and Han Lei are confirmed to be eliminated.

No way, they belong to the older generation of singers, and the songs they sing are very contemporary.

Foreign audiences don't want to buy it.


[Author's digression]: First! Early friends, remember to vote~

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