I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2040: This can be done

The last place to be eliminated came to Jiang Siming and Arthur.

If Jiang Siming's votes are lower than Arthur, he will be eliminated.

But could Jiang Siming be eliminated?

The difficulty of the previous issue allowed Jiang Siming to win the first place. Now in this issue, Taylor has released water for him.

Although I don’t know if it’s a release, but the scope of Taylor’s topic is too big, and Jiang Siming can do it by just writing a song.

But everyone is still waiting for Jiang Siming to appear last tonight.

Following Wang Xiaoyu's last announcement tonight, the song information floated on the screen.

Song: "RightHereWaiting" (this love can be waited for)

Lyricist: Jiang Siming (Ming)

Composer: Jiang Siming (Ming)

Singing: Jiang Siming (Ming)

When they saw the title of this song, many Chinese audiences felt faltering.

This translation is absolutely amazing!

It is not that I have studied both English and Chinese to a certain extent, and it is absolutely impossible to translate such a beautiful song title.

No wonder I can write so many beautiful English and Chinese songs.

Foreign audiences also feel very romantic when they see this English name. The name of the song is actually a short love poem in English. Not many people know it.

Unexpectedly, a Chinese person would know it.

This means that a U.S. singer has written an ancient Chinese song.

In surprise, they all looked forward to this song.

Moreover, Jiang Siming could write Chinese songs this time, but he chose English.

Is it because you're afraid that Taylor won't understand it? It must be.

Some viewers who are not optimistic about Jiang Siming hold a fluke mentality.

In case Jiang Siming just happened to see this sentence in English, and used it as the title of the song, it might not sound good at all.

The moment the subtitles disappeared, the stage lights were turned off, leaving only a dim yellow light cast in the middle of the stage.

On the stage, a lift gradually rises.

The elevator was accompanied by a magnificent piano, and Jiang Siming in a tuxedo was sitting beside the piano.

The black and white tuxedo set off Jiang Siming's figure, and appeared in everyone's sight like a piano prince.

For female audiences, it is undoubtedly a heart-pounding crit!

Not only the Chinese girls, but also female audiences from the other six countries, no girl from any country can handle it.

At this time, they all watch TV or live broadcast, or cover their mouths or scream or blush. In short, there are all kinds of ways to express heartbeat.

The key point is that these six countries are not Asian countries, and their aesthetics are very different.

But Jiang Siming told the world with absolute beauty that sometimes the aesthetics are different, just because that ‘beauty’ is not beautiful enough.

When the ‘beauty’ reaches a certain level, there will be no regional differences in aesthetic differences.

Without the stands, both Wang Xiaoyu and Taylor looked intently, their eyes reluctant to move half a step away.

"This guy is too stinky." Corvo, who was still watching Jiang Siming's show, said sourly.

"Dad, you are jealous. You can't even reach one percent of my idol's appearance. It's ugly."

The day before yesterday, when the school was on holiday, I had time to come to GIGI in China, and unceremoniously complained in front of my father.

At the end, I added a sentence: "No, it's not one percent, it's one thousandth."

Corvo clutched his heart and was too angry. Is this a little padded jacket?

The key sister-in-law also added a sentence gloating: "I agree with gigi on this point."

Corvo looked up at the sky, closed his eyes, and didn't want to say anything!

O'Pan next to him is answering his daughter's call:

"My dear daughter, you said you want an autographed photo of my suit? This is too boring. You have inherited my best image gene. Can you compete with Taylor, what? You say mine The genes are too ugly. You have no chance? Oh my goodness, what are you talking about, I'm so handsome..."

Before everyone could see enough, Jiang Siming was already dancing with his hands on the keyboard.

A melodious note floated from the piano.

The first prelude, in an instant, hit everyone's hearts and forcibly pulled everyone back from looking at Jiang Siming's appearance.

Because of this prelude... so beautiful!

Just like the dark night sky, when you retract your gaze in disappointment, the starry sky suddenly fills your heart!

Just this small prelude made everyone instantly intoxicated.

If you want to talk about the reason, you can only use ‘magic’ to describe it.

Everyone was thinking at the time, if this prelude was played forever, without lyrics or singing.

Just making a piece of pure music, it is estimated that countless people will fall in love with it.

Even Tyler closed his eyes and fell into the piano music.

From this prelude alone, Taylor can conclude that this is the best song written by Jiang Siming!

In fact, it is true.

The English song "rightherewaiting" was originally a very old and classic English song.

But Jiang Siming asked Xiaoxian to search, and the song disappeared. Like Song Brother's music, it seemed to have never appeared.

Reluctant to leave this divine comedy in dust, Jiang Siming also moved it out.

This song was written in 1990 and has since been sung into countless versions around the world.

Even the pure music version of this song is widely circulated.

Jiang Siming still doesn't know what kind of musical sensation he will bring out of this song.

Everyone at this time was still obsessed with the sound of Jiang Siming's piano.

But this song is not pure music. After the accompaniment sounded, Jiang Siming's voice also sounded.

At the moment when Jiang Siming opened his voice, the audience wanted to say don't sing, they just listened to pure music.

But when Jiang Siming finished singing the first sentence, this idea was immediately shattered and was forgotten by everyone.


One side of the sea, day after day


I start to be in a trance


Your voice can be heard online


But how can I relieve my depression?


How can you swear that the sea is dry


Jiang Siming's magnetic voice and superb singing skills, at this moment, once again conquered all audiences.

It was piano music just now, now it is his singing.

People who originally thought pure music was the best, after hearing this song, they immediately defected.

Foreign audiences have already given their knees to Jiang Siming's five bodies, and love this song even more!

Western music is mostly rock and roll, hi songs, the rhythm is that everyone wants to dance with.

But Jiang Siming was the opposite. He used slow, lyrical songs to leave them speechless.

This song is not hilarious at all, on the contrary, it is like a beautiful long love poem that is piercing everyone's hearts bit by bit.

The Chinese audience was also impressed by the song's rhythm and beautiful translation.

English can be translated to this point, even a simultaneous translator rarely can.

No wonder Jiang Siming was able to act as an interpreter next to the elders during the environmental protection meeting.

I saw it again today, one word, service!

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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