I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2043: New copy, here comes! [Seeking bank note]

On the night of the NBA championship, the Lakers hadn't left yet, but Taylor had already left.

She has been in China for too long and must go back.

Her company is going crazy.

If it wasn't for Taylor to be the queen of the song, it was the pillar of the company.

Changing to another first-tier singer company has long since turned over.

But Taylor's words, the company can only talk about it, after all, Taylor's status in the music scene lies there.

Jiang Siming originally thought Taylor's company was just a small company, so he wanted to buy it directly.

But after checking, he found that he underestimated Taylor and his company's strength.

Taylor's agency is called Universal Music Group.

It is the world's largest music company, occupying nearly 30% of the global music market.

There are countless artists under its umbrella, such as Taylor, LadyGaga, Rihanna, Eminem, Bieber and other world pop superstars, are all artists of this company.

Even many of China’s top singers, such as President Tan, Zhang Geshen, A Mei, Fat Chen, Sun Yanzi, Liang Yongqi, etc., are all artists of Universal Music.

Universal Music Group has a market value of up to 30 billion euros.

Penguin bought a 10% stake in Global for a billion Euros.

Now I know why NetYiyun can't beat Penguin. Many songs are not broadcast on NetEase at all, but Penguin has them all.

It is because they bought the copyright of all songs by Universal Music artists.

No way, the penguin is wealthy, and it's normal for the net to suppress the cloud.

Jiang Siming really paid a lot of money if he wanted to buy it, at least more than 200 billion yuan.

The key point is that Jiang Siming wants to buy it, but he will not sell it. After all, Universal Music is also very profitable.

Universal Music is a subsidiary of Vivendi Group, a subsidiary of Vivendi.

Vivendi is also a business giant.

Although not as good as Jiang's Group, it is also one of the top 30 global companies.

The market value is more than one trillion soft sister coins, which is not a small workshop.

Even if Jiang Siming is the world's richest man, people can completely deny face, the facts are just like that.

Jiang Siming asked his French father-in-law to help. The father-in-law told him that Vivendi said he wanted to buy his Universal Music.

But there is a condition, this condition is that Jiang Siming hand over the Holographic Jedi to them.

After Jiang Siming knew, he blocked the company directly.

A music company wants to change his holographic Jedi? They are thinking about fart!

Had it not been for the fact that Fragment Mall had no equity in Vivendi's company, Jiang Siming really wanted to drop some universal fragments for the company to acquire it!

The special toad wants to eat swan meat.

The highest market value of Universal Music is only more than 200 billion. His holographic future is worthless, and the trillions of market value are trivial.

Want to exchange two thousand for over ten thousand? They are not crazy.

Wait, I will buy your company if you have a chance!

Tyler went back anyway, but temporarily.

She will still come in the next episode. After all, she signed an agreement with the "Le" program group.

Universal Music can't say anything.

[Holographic Jedi] has been propagated and predicted for five days, and it is only two days away from the public beta.

After these five days, online publicity and big anchors on the three platforms are indulging in live broadcasting every day.

Coupled with the word-of-mouth from players who have tried the ring, the sales of [Holographic Jedi] have increased.

In five days, more than 9 million players have bought [Holographic Jedi] game ring.

This is just a place in China.

When the global market is opened in the future, it is estimated that it will increase more than ten times.

This allows all game companies to see the approaching winter.

The most terrible thing [holographic Jedi] is the highest praise in all.

Every player who tried it out was so addicted that it was the most incredible and fun game they had ever played!

Even if the open beta has not yet started, they can only cheer on the training ground, which is enough to make them addicted.

Of course, all game companies have also bought a lot of game rings. After each company tried it, they were shocked.

What the player said, there is no lie.

Even they can't find the slightest bad thing about this game.

Even some game companies specially arrange engineers to find game bugs to discredit the reputation and image of [Holographic Jedi].

But their top hackers, engineers, and technicians searched for days and nights, and they couldn't find half of the loopholes. He even couldn't find the firewall of this game.

They are desperate and can only give up, and only pray that the content of the game's public beta will have loopholes, or that it is very different from the publicity.

In this way, there may be a chance to prevent the [Holographic Jedi] family from growing bigger.

Vivendi is also in the game industry, so they want to use Universal Music to trade with Jiang Siming's Holographic Jedi.

Knowing that Jiang Siming refused, they saw that [Holographic Jedi] was unstoppable and the market was booming.

Vivendi began to contact Jiang's Group proactively again, saying that shares could be exchanged for shares.

They said they would exchange 40% of Universal Music for 35% of Holographic Jedi.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming didn't have them at all. Change shares? He felt that he had lost 10% of the entire Universal Music.

Leaving Vivendi behind his head, Jiang Siming waited for the game open beta day.

He can't wait to enter the game and have fun, and he will finally come back from the days of picking up pieces~

Many wives in the family are looking forward to the [Holographic Jedi] public beta.

Those who love to play games such as Duan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Kite, Zhi Xiao, etc., don’t play PUBG anymore. They nest in the training ground of [Holographic Jedi] every day and have fun everywhere.

Even Shengxue and Bingmei have Huo Wu, and they love to run to the [Holographic Jedi] to practice guns.

They don't like to play computer gun battle games at all, because they are too fake and not real at all.

But they have tried the holographic gun battle, which is very real, so they will go to the [holographic Jedi] training ground to play guns after practicing.

So as not to patronize cultivation and forget the marksmanship, it would be ashamed.

The three women said that this game is really helpful for marksmanship training and can even be extended to military and police districts.

In short, the wives who love to play games at home are happy.

Fortunately, there is no public beta now, and the training ground can only be played by one person, otherwise they would have teamed up on the training ground alone.

The other wives are not so eager, they don't like to play games.

It is estimated that [Holographic Jedi] is in public beta, and they will only try it occasionally, and they generally don't like to play gunfight games.

But I am very interested in the online game hologram that Jiang Siming said two years later.

Jiang Siming said that there will be, and there will be sooner or later~

Two days before the open beta, Jiang Siming ate up Xiao Luoyu's rations again.

When I put my arms around Xinyi and was about to fall asleep, there was a long-lost copy prompt in my head!

A new copy is coming!


I still owe two more~ I'm asking for a silver ticket~ The sake ranking is about to be caught up, urgent! Jianghu help!

[Author's digression]: Fifth update ~ two more owed ~ continue tomorrow, everyone vote, thank you~

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