I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2044: Xianzong World!

"The new dungeon world is about to open, 5, 4, 3... successfully opened!"

"Random dungeon world: Xianxia class..."Xianzong World", you can choose the difficulty to enter at any time."

Xianzong World?

Jiang Siming was stunned for a few seconds. Which copy of Brainstorm is called "The World of Immortals"? He has never heard of it.

He even asked Xiaoxian to search the Internet, but couldn't find a copy of "The World of Immortals".

He didn't understand until Jiang Siming finished reading the introduction.

"Xianzong World": A large-scale world intertwined with various copies of the fairy man. The information and quantity of the fairy man are unknown.

Jiang Siming understood, Xian Zong, feelings are the meaning of Xian Xia world synthesis.

It's no wonder that after waiting so long, it is estimated that this period of time has been used to fuse these Xianxia copies.

It looks a bit dangerous...

In the past, martial arts, zombies, the Three Kingdoms, and even the One Piece, he was all at ease.

But now this new copy is no longer a small storm.

The world of Xianxia is also a cultivator.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming is not afraid of any dungeons now, and dying in it is just ending the dungeon early, so what's the fear?

Those who are barefoot are also afraid of not wearing shoes.

In the world of Xianxia, ​​Jiang Siming became a little expectant after thinking about it. Maybe he could get more fragments or the Xianxia technique or even a miracle medicine in it.

Maybe it can break through the transformation of God to go further.

This world couldn't be more suitable for him as a cultivator.

Jiang Siming went to see the difficulty selection again.

"Difficulty: easy, normal, difficult, nightmare, hell!"

It's still the same as "One Piece", but this time there is no detailed introduction and conditions of difficulty.

It looks like I have to explore it myself.

"Give the master the highest difficulty, what's the point of playing the dungeon without the highest difficulty!"

Jiang Siming raised his head arrogantly, with his nostrils facing the sky, fearless, anyway, he didn't gamble on his life, hehe, who is afraid of whom.

As soon as the difficulty of **** was finalized, Jiang Siming's eyes were white, and he came to a paradise.

The trees are shaded, verdant, and there are countless peach blossom trees in full bloom, with colorful falling leaves, birds and beasts, and the picturesque scenery.

Jiang Siming first checked his own strength, and he was sealed again.

When I went to "One Piece", being sealed was at least the pinnacle of self-cultivation.

Now, he has completely become an ordinary person, an ordinary person whose pure physical quality is several times stronger than that of a normal person.

His current strength, it feels like not to mention going to the Xianxia dungeon, it is going to the zombie dungeon, a more powerful T3 zombie can eat him in minutes.

But to Jiang Siming a little bit of comfort is that all the pieces can be used.

Unlike "One Piece", many color fragments are prohibited.

Now that there is no such restriction, Jiang Siming quickly stuffed himself with a [Strengthening Pill]. If you can increase your strength, you can increase it quickly.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

It's a pity that he is now a total ordinary person.

Both [Zhu Ji Dan] and [Pei Yuan Dan] need to be taken by those who are comprehensive.

Otherwise, he can at least be a foundation-building monk.

But Lao Jiang himself knew that the best way for him to unlock the seal was of course to use Yin Yang Gong.

I hope the beauty of Xianxia World, don’t let him down, cough cough...

After waiting for a while, there was no task prompt, Jiang Siming could only act on his own first.

You have to figure out where this is. Don’t just break into the cave of a Yuanying boss, then it’s fun. He can just say goodbye to the dungeon.

Now let alone the old Nascent Soul, it is estimated that a foundation-building monk can abuse him to death.

and many more.

Jiang Siming remembered that he still had a lot of back players. There were still three fighting robots in his ring, and he still had Wanlong armor.

No matter how bad, there are still cyan spell fragments that can be used, poison spells, imprisonment spells, and invisibility spells should all be used.

In the end, if it doesn't work, you can only shake people.

He also has the [Dungeon Character Summoning Technique].

[Dungeon Character Summoning]: In any dungeon, you can summon any character that has passed the dungeon, whether it was an enemy or a friend before, can work for you and obey any order. The time is 24 hours, the cooldown is 3 days, and the maximum is one time. Five characters can be summoned.

Although there is a cooldown, at least it shouldn't be a problem to save your life, but you have to keep your hole cards, if you run out of cooldown ahead of time and encounter a major enemy, it will be bad.

Ramlem and the Flame Fairy can be summoned freely, but the three of them are practicing in the world of "One Piece".

Because Jiang Siming left them with a few cultivation techniques suitable for them before they left, Nami and the others couldn't practice, but they could.

In addition, the time of "One Piece" is now forbidden, unless Jiang Siming goes to "One Piece" and waits for them to retreat before they can take them away.

But Jiang Si obviously didn't want to wait so long, so he tried first, because there was a summoning technique anyway.

The big deal is to call the Buddha Tathagata over to be a thug for a day, and then go back to One Piece to shake people after the matter.

And the harder it is, the greater the harvest, and the higher Jiang Siming's fighting spirit will be.

Rely on women? Do you really want to eat soft rice?

Hey, Ling Ji, come and help!

Whoops, I forgot my stomach is not good, the doctor said I can only eat soft rice...

Coming back to the subject, Jiang Siming began to explore this paradise cautiously, taking two steps with caution.

The dignified magnate, once again forced by life, by fragments, has become a small common man.

The most urgent thing is to quickly find the beauty of this copy of Cultivation Ding...Bah, no, to find someone to ask where this place is.

As an ordinary person, Jiang Siming felt a little tired from walking, and he was also hungry and thirsty.

No way, this is the consequence of the seal of strength, he is now an ordinary person, of course he needs food and water.

Fortunately, there is no problem with eating and drinking.

Jiang Siming stopped and stopped, but he did not expect to come to the deep center of this paradise.

Looking from a long distance, there is a lake in the distance.

Jiang Siming was vigilant and slowed down even more, for fear of alarming unknown enemies.

When he was approaching the lake, Jiang Siming saw a girl full of fairy charm, bathing in the lake.

It's a pity that her back is facing him, and the lake covers her body, only to see the fragrant shoulders that occasionally float on the surface.

"Damn the lake..."

Jiang Siming murmured a pity, but unexpectedly, there was also a sound nearby, exactly as he thought.

Jiang Siming was startled, looking for his reputation, he found a man hiding behind a stone, peeping at the girl in the lake.

The man looks very young, and he is dressed in ancient fashion and has long hair. This action is very wretched. He looks at the lake without blinking, anxious and longing.

This man is also worried. After watching for a long time, he didn't see the picture he should be watching, so why not worry.

In his arms, he was still holding a set of women's clothes, which seemed to belong to the girl in the lake.

Jiang Siming suddenly thought of a fairy tale scene, shouldn't this be...

[Author's digression]: The first thing is ~ everyone remember to vote for the silver~

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