I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2045: First encounter with Zhao Ling

Fairy Sword and Fairy, there is such a picture.

Didn't Li Xiao and Zhao Ling meet for the first time like this?

In order to ask for medicine, Li Xiao ran to Xianling Island and met Zhao Ling to take a bath.

Also threatened with Zhao Ling's clothes.

However, Li Xiao, who played on TV, just accidentally saw Zhao Ling taking a shower, and immediately ignored it after a few glances.

But Jiang Siming felt that TV was not reliable.

This Li Xiao looked very enthusiastic, and he was smelling and touching the girl's clothes.

Isn’t it too trivial?

Sure enough, there is always a gap between TV and reality.

Could it be that I was thinking wrong? These two are not Li Xiao and Zhao Ling at all?

Looking at the boy's appearance, it is also very different from the image of Lao Hu on TV, not at all like Lao Hu.

There are at least seven points similar in the myth.

At the time of doubt.

Jiang Siming thought that this kid was trivial enough.

Unexpectedly, the next thing came even more excessively.

He actually...started to take off his pants...prepared to be a "craftsman"!

What am I...

Jiang Siming had a chill, I rely on! I don't want to have a needle eye.

"Hmm! A thief! In broad daylight, dare to peep at the girl's bath and do such a thing!"

Jiang Si yelled loudly, and left behind what he had just watched for a long time.

It also completely broke the tranquility here.

The girl in the lake was alarmed and flew out of the lake instantly.

Jiang Siming thought he would be able to feast his eyes. He didn't expect that when she left the lake, a few pieces of clothes would instantly wrap her whole body. There was no spring light at all, and the clothes were changed.

Jiang Siming was a little disappointed, he could see that the other party also had a storage ring.

Sure enough, there should be a lot of people who have storage rings in Xianxia World, so that's good, collect more in this instance.

The ring has been distributed at home. Twenty-eight of the previous 30 were given out. Later, Bing and Huowu also ordered one each.

Zaina and Taylor have nothing to do with it.

Although he did not see the spring light, Jiang Siming still saw the girl's face.

The girl has a beautiful face, her eyebrows are like distant mountains, her eyes are like autumn water, and she has a light spirit.

The air is like orchids, arrogant and agile. Although he looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, he already has the appearance of a fairy, and his body is full of spiritual energy, as if it is not a cannibalistic firework.

Only at this moment, the fairy girl was angry, and Zheng Xingmu looked at Jiang Siming and Li Xiao angrily.

"Who are you!"

Jiang Siming, the chicken thief, of course knows that he must be clean at this time.

"In Xiajiang Siming, he is a mortal. Because my good brother Awei is seriously ill, he heard that there is an elixir here, so he risked his death to try his luck on the island. I didn’t expect to see this person behaved suspiciously when I first walked here , The action is awkward, so he scolded."

Jiang Siming still didn't forget to say Amen to Awei, brothers are in trouble, take you out and take it out, I believe you will have no objections, right.

When the girl heard Jiang Siming's words, she saw that his eyes were clear, like an honest person.

Looking at this man named Li Xiao, Jiang Siming guessed, the difference is too obvious.

He was frightened by Jiang Siming's voice just now, and he was still holding the girl's clothes in his arms. The belt of his pants had just been loosened and he had not had time to take it off.

What do you think the girl thinks like this? Is this still an explanation?

The girl stared at Li Xiao with a blazing fire in her eyes, and she looked really angry.

Li Xiao's legs and feet trembled slightly, and he hurriedly defended: "Sister Fairy, I was wrong. I came here accidentally when I went to Li Xiao. I didn't expect you to be taking a bath. My aunt at home was seriously ill. I also came to the island to collect medicine."

Jiang Siming raised his eyebrows slightly. It was really Li Xiao. It seemed that the girl was really Zhao Ling.

Unexpectedly, the copy of the fairy man I just met was the sword fairy.

But Li Xiao's argument was so weak and pale.

This Jiang Siming just said he was here to gather medicine, and Li Xiao also said to gather medicine. The girl believed him to have a ghost, and this guy was holding his clothes.

The girl didn't ask anything, raised her jade finger, and cut her true energy towards Li Xiao!

Li Xiao screamed, turned his head and ran, and the speed was very fast.

Jiang Siming really did not expect that Li Xiao, a mortal in the original work, was not so weak in it.

Judging from his appearance, even if he is not a cultivator, he has already touched the threshold of cultivation, and he seems to be extremely light, and he has escaped Zhao Ling's finger.

The strength of Zhao Ling, Jiang Siming, should have a foundation level.

Sure enough, the comprehensive world of Xianxia is of **** difficulty. The strength of the characters in the copy should be different from the original.

Li Xiao relied on a superb light skill to run far.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to give Jiang Siming a look, and threatened: "I remember you kid, next time I am met by the uncle, I have to dig your tongue out!"

After speaking, Li Xiao quickly fled away, and disappeared.

Zhao Ling chased after him for a while, and returned with annoyance.

"Damn thief, let me see you next time, I must kill you!"

Seeing Jiang Siming still staying in place, he was a little surprised: "Why don't you run?"

Jiang Siming thought that he was so good at his current strength. The more he ran, the faster he would die. He didn't have the ability to escape Li Xiao now.

Of course, this can only be said in the heart. On the surface, Jiang Siming still pretended to be a gentleman and said:

"Don't do bad things and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. I just arrived here and didn't take a peek. I also believe that girls are not black and white.

After Zhao Ling heard it, he believed it to be true. The acting skills of Jiang Siming and this handsome face make it hard to believe that he is a bad person.

What's more, it was Jiang Siming who reprimanded the thief. In this way, Jiang Siming should be an honest person.

Zhao Ling's complexion improved a lot, but because he was peeked in to take a bath, he was still suffocating in his heart, and said coldly:

"This is not something a mortal like you can treat, hurry up, otherwise you don't know how to die."

Jiang Siming escaped, but didn't leave much, pretending to be sorry and sad, he sighed, clasped his fist and said, "In that case, I have to find another way for my brother, the girl left."

After speaking, Jiang Siming turned and left.

"Wait." Zhao Ling, who is kind by nature, completely believed Jiang Siming's words. Seeing that he was so arrogant for his brother, Yu Xin couldn't bear to stop him.

"Is there anything wrong with the girl?" Jiang Siming asked back.

"What disease does your brother have?"

"Oh, he went up to the mountain to collect medicine, accidentally fell off the cliff, his body was paralyzed, his upper body was bitten by a poisonous snake, the poison gas attacked his heart, his wife abandoned him, his family wealth was gone, and now his life is dying." Jiang Siming said again. It was a sigh with an uncomfortable expression.

"Your brother is miserable."

Zhao Ling felt compassion and moved, and a small box appeared in her hand.

Zhao Ling threw the box towards Jiang Siming and said:

"This medicine specializes in the treatment of snake venom. Take it for your brother. As for his paralysis, he cannot be cured overnight. I will ask my grandma. If there is any extra medicine, I will give it to you. go."

"So, thank you girl for your kindness!" Jiang Siming thanked him eagerly.

Awei, I am wronged.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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