I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2064: Dad has no rations~

"Pick up [Qingyunmen Qiyun+2000] transparent fragments*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

Oh, this is a lot of luck. Before that, there was only a five-hundred-five-hundred-hundred-five-hundred-plus, and it started with two thousand directly?

It just so happened that his luck ran out, and it seemed that he could start saving again.

After withdrawing from the copy, Jiang Siming returned to the power of the Transcendent Stage, which was very substantial.

Unlike in the dungeon, the strength is too insecure, and even a Cangsong has to hide.

But Jiang Siming didn't regret it. The greater the difficulty, the more fragments. As long as there are fragments to pick up without threatening his life, he can rest assured and boldly reorganize.

Coming out of the bedroom, I didn't expect it to be night.

That's right, he was the copy that came in at night, and he stayed in it for two months, but didn't it last all day.

Fortunately, the wives didn't bother him, after all, Jiang Siming often slept for a long time.

However, Jiang Siming got up too late, and the dinner at home was over. Most of the wives seemed to have gone back to the room.

Only the two tables of mahjong addicted wives are still rubbing cards in the mahjong hall. In front of the TV in the living room, there are Xinyi, Zhirou, Bing and Huowu watching TV with Xiao Luoyu.

It was Peppa Pig.

The little guy is sitting on the comfortable carpet, watching the cartoon very seriously, and the four mothers next to her are with her, saying that it is not too much to be a pet.

Xiao Luoyu watched the cartoon, not noisy or noisy, even when Xinyi and the others were chatting, she wouldn't be distracted, she was good at bringing her along.

Xiao Luoyu, who was watching TV, seemed to feel something. Looking back, Jiang Siming was standing behind her.

"Dad~" Xiao Luoyu abandoned the TV decisively, smiled happily on his face, and reached out to Jiang Siming when he turned around.

Jiang Siming smiled and bent over to hug her, and pecked her little cheek: "Here is Dad."

Xiao Luoyu smiled brighter, and hugged Jiang Siming's neck with his hands and feet like a little raccoon.

Jiang Siming hugged her and sat on the carpet, holding his girl in his arms and watching cartoons with her.

It may be that Xiao Luoyu didn't eat during dinner, and became hungry after seeing his father.

The little guy actually started looking for rations in Jiang Siming's chest.

Jiang Siming originally only wore a nightgown, which could easily be opened.

Xiao Luoyu pulled his small hand and pulled Jiang Siming's clothes apart, and then began to peck at his chest.

The movements are very skillful without a teacher.

But the little guy smoked for a long time and found that it didn't seem to have eaten.

Jiang Siming suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Dad doesn't have any rations, silly daughter."

After finishing speaking, hug him to your favorite.

Xinyi and the others were so happy that they all slumped on the carpet laughing, unable to get up for a long time.

After a long time, Xinyi blushed with a smile, took her daughter over, and fed her food.

"It's your dad to help. She doesn't know if she is hungry when watching cartoons. Let her eat or not." Xinyi smiled.

Zhirou said jokingly: "I think it's my father's food that is more fragrant, or let my father feed it in the future, let my father think of a way to urge herself to breastfeed.

Puff, hahaha...

The girls kept laughing, and the ice beauty couldn't help laughing.

Only Jiang Siming blushed, and then cast a wicked look at them, saying: "Isn't all my food eaten by you? It can only be provided to you."


The four girls couldn't laugh anymore, their faces flushed, and they slapped Jiang Siming one after another, stinky hooligan!

Jiang Siming chuckled, smiling proudly in victory, and then stood up and said, "My daughter has eaten my'rations'. Alas, it seems that I have no rations to eat tonight, so I should go to the kitchen to find something to eat. "

This time only Xinyi blushed and buried her head on Xiao Luoyu's stomach.

Brother smelly, shameless, this is obviously your daughter’s ration, what is your ration~

Jiang Siming made a bowl of noodles in the kitchen, and walked into the mahjong hall with it.

Those who were still fighting in the mahjong hall at this time, of course, were still the few wives in the family who loved playing mahjong.

Zhao Xuan, Yingzi, Qianyi and Jiang Lan at a table;

Liang Tian, ​​Jenna, Ishihara and Yiyi are at a table.

The eight people are old friends. If they don't like to play games, they like to play mahjong.

Jiang Siming also fully supports it. Wives in the family have different hobbies.

Those who love to play games, those who love to exercise, those who love to practice, and those who love to read books, etc.

Jiang Siming whirled around behind them, giving them two bites from time to time, and being a feeder.

"By the way, why do other concubines go to bed so early today?"

Jiang Siming is still a little puzzled, he doesn't seem to sleep so fast in the past.

Hundred Billion said with a smile: "I'm waiting for the public beta of the game you made. At 12 o'clock today, you won't sleep and forget it, right?"

Jiang Siming's facial movements stopped on the spot, blinked, and suddenly woke up.

Yes, I wiped it, and counted the days. At twelve o'clock tonight, it is seven days later.

[Holographic Jedi] The day of the public beta!

Why did he forget about it?

"Then I have to finish eating quickly, and I will wait." Jiang Siming checked the time, and it was half past ten, and there was still time.

Huh huh~

After taking a few bites of the remaining noodles, Jiang Siming tossed the bowl, and the soup and tableware floated to the kitchen honestly.

The soup went into the trash can, and the dishes and chopsticks fell smoothly into the sink.

It’s no wonder that wives, they also love to do it now... You think you’re making a fool of yourself, hehe~

Jiang Siming wiped his mouth with a tissue, got another bottle of Happy Water, and flew back to the study immediately.

He decided to broadcast the game live in the study, of course, he didn't have to sit down, and he just lay down on a chair to play.

By the way, Jiang Siming asked Nuwa to ask how the game was selling.

Upon asking, Jiang Siming was overjoyed. In these seven days, about 12 million copies of "Holographic Jedi" have been sold.

With zero cost and taxation excluded, Jiang Siming made more than 30 billion by selling game rings.

This is only to sell the game qualifications, or only sold in China.

And most of the players who want to play haven't actually made a move yet, they are mainly afraid that the game is not as fun as it is advertised, and that three thousand yuan will be a loss by then.

So many people are still waiting to make a decision after the public beta.

These can sell more than 10 million copies, which is far beyond Jiang Siming's imagination.

Even if there are fewer players buying after waiting for the game's public beta, Jiang Siming has many ways to make money from games.

Foreign markets, game skins, game advertisements, game broadcasts, game draws, etc.

When Mr. Ma gave a demonstration, Jiang Siming finished learning as it was.

There is only one principle that Jiang Siming can hold. That is, you can't break the balance of the game by making money, then it's fine.

In a competitive game, the biggest fear is to disrupt the game balance.

Crossing the line of fire was the best example. As soon as the hero's weapon came out, it persuaded countless players to repel.

Originally, you said that it's okay to make some skins, but you make skins and modify the damage of guns. The more expensive the gun, the higher the damage. Who can stand it?

After all, this is a gunfight game, and now "Holographic Jedi" is the same.

No matter how stupid Jiang Siming was, he couldn't break the balance.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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