I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2065: One loophole ten million!

Jiang Siming looked at his live broadcast platform again, and he was waiting to broadcast the game.

The major anchors on the three platforms have almost all started broadcasting, and they are all guarding the time, waiting for the public beta time to come.

PDD live room:

"I'm just telling you that, with my keenness on the game, the day when the public beta of this game started, it was a nightmare for other games."

"Holographic games, when have you seen this kind of games? You can only see them in novels."

"My boss's game development team is at least ten years ahead of the world's game companies!"

"I will show you a wave of real marksmanship later. It's definitely not a red sunset."


UZI live room:

"What? Let me fight? Don't, brothers, I'm waiting for the open beta server."

"Huh? Comeback? Nothing, I'm going to [Holographic Jedi] to see, if it is fun, I will be a professional [Holographic Jedi] anchor for you, haha."

"I just contacted Kai Kai and the gesture incense pot, we plan to play in a team."


A certain magician live room:

"Practicing operations on the training ground every day these days, I think I am invincible in the world."

"It's a pity that the foreign service has not been opened yet, otherwise, with my English level, I will be able to pick up a foreign lady in one day."

"What? Making videos? I don't have videos every day these days, but they are all holographic Jedi videos, hahaha."


All game anchors, even non-game live broadcasts, are all staring at this game.

But this is limited to four platforms for the time being, Mouyin, Mouyu, Mouya and Xiaopozhan.

Other live broadcast platforms do not have this qualification. There is no other reason. They have not obtained the live broadcast copyright.

Game live broadcast also requires copyright, unless the platform has purchased the live broadcast copyright of the game, the host of its platform can be allowed to live broadcast.

If you don't buy it, you dare to broadcast it, and the game company can sue him in minutes.

Foreign countries are more stringent. This is copyright awareness.

Huaxia is also getting stricter.

Therefore, live streaming platforms such as Penguin, Kuaishou, Watermelon, etc. are in a hurry, but there is no way.

The same is true for foreign live broadcast platforms. Because he didn't sell copyrights, Jiang Siming didn't even open the Twitch live broadcast today.

The foreigners wanted to cry without tears, so they could only go over the wall and ran to the China website to watch Jiang Siming's live broadcast platform.

All major live broadcast platforms want to negotiate with Jiang Siming, but because Jiang Siming has been sleeping, they can't contact him either.

He thought that Jiang Siming wanted to monopolize the live broadcast market of [Holographic Jedi], and all sighed.

Even because many anchors on their platform have switched jobs in order to gain popularity with this game.

But they really didn't think this was actually an oolong.

Jiang Siming watched it for a while before starting his own live broadcast.

Today is a good day, it must be broadcast live.

As soon as the live broadcast started, the number of people in the live broadcast rooms of other anchors fell sharply.

They were also wondering what was going on. When they saw that the boss had started the broadcast, they all showed clear expressions.

Tens of millions of friends ran to Jiang Siming's live broadcast room.

Even if all the major anchors are there today, Jiang Siming's live broadcast room still has tens of millions of people online.

If Jiang Siming hadn't become the boss of the transformation, it is estimated that the other anchors would not have a bright future.

"Haha, I know Myojin will definitely start broadcasting today, and I've been waiting here long ago."

"Holographic holographic! Gogogo!"

"I want to see the charm of this new game created by Myoshin."

"A game of 3,000 yuan, I have never played it in my life."

"If I have only played free games, I can only watch the live broadcast and enjoy it."

"Time flies so slowly, can Myojin move ahead."


Looking at these barrage, most of what Jiang Siming could return was returned.

Obviously looking at the bullet screen, there are still many people who are skeptical of this game, and many people want to buy it but are afraid of being scammed.

Jiang Siming is confident that after the game's public beta today, tomorrow's game sales will definitely skyrocket again!

"Myojin, this game doesn't seem to be in closed beta, right? There will be a public beta if there is no closed beta. There won't be many bugs, right?"

The account of this barrage was asked by an account called [Well-known Game Reviewer Yu Qiuzi].

Jiang Siming also checked, she was really a game reviewer, and many people in Barrage knew her.

Just like movies, there are film critics, and games also have reviewers who evaluate the quality of a game, find out loopholes and bugs, and then sell it to the game company and let them revise it.

Some bad ones will be sold to the plug-in team so that they can make plug-in sales.

The reviewers are very powerful hackers, and they can quickly find loopholes and bugs in a game.

This Yu Qiuzi was able to speak directly, as if there was no malicious intention, on the contrary, he seemed to be reminding Jiang Siming.

Seeing this barrage, many water friends are also worried, and have not even done a closed beta.

I dare to open the beta, I feel that there are many bugs and loopholes, but this will affect the game experience.

When Jiang Siming saw this, he chuckles and said, "I want to say that this game is not bug-free. You definitely don't believe it, so let me offer you a reward."

"Anyone who can find a bug in the [Holographic Jedi] and find a bug, as long as you come to me with the bug, I will give you two choices, 10 million in cash, or come to work in our company, with an annual salary of 3 million. ,do as promised."

I rub!

This makes everyone excited. A loophole is ten million? I rub! Is there such a good thing?

Isn't this a gift? How can there be games without bugs or loopholes?

Even the games that have been tested are the same. League of Legends has been out for ten years and still has a lot of bugs.

Not to mention a new game.

Many hackers start to get excited when they hear it. As long as they find a loophole, they will have 10 million, and they can even enter the Jiang Group to work. Who doesn't want such good things.

For a time, hackers all over the country, and even foreign hackers, were eager to hear the news.

Some hacker masters threatened to make Jiang Siming a low-key person, claiming to rely on this game bug to become a billionaire.

Obviously, they think that with their strength, at least hundreds of holes can be found in this game.

"This is what you said. When I find the loopholes, I don't want 10 million. I want to apply for a network engineer from the Jiang Group."

It was still the barrage of [Yu Qiuzi], and she also accepted this challenge.

Jiang Siming gave an OK gesture and joked: "I hope you have not found the bug, and you have become a Mediterranean. Oh, maybe you are a Mediterranean now, haha."

The water friends laughed.

Only in a large villa in Guangzhou, a girl sitting in front of the computer did not smile, but was pouting and sulking.

"Hmph, how dare you say that this girl is the Mediterranean Sea? I won't be called Zou Ziqiu until I find out fifty loopholes this time!"

After speaking, the girl began to tap on the keyboard with her hands like lightning, and the screen was full of unreadable codes...


Let's make time for everyone to send another chapter, otherwise the conscience will not get through (cover your face), and there will be one chapter short.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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