I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2066: The public beta begins!

12:00 in the morning.

"Holographic Jedi" is officially open beta!

At this time, nearly 10 million players entered the game at the same time.

Jiang Siming didn't go in in a hurry, but kept looking at Nuwa's data.

At the same time, nearly 8.4 million players squeezed into the game at the same time.

Excluding late purchasers who have not received the ring, almost 90% of the players have logged in at the same time.

Jiang Siming didn't go in because he was worried that so many people would squeeze a server at the same time, which would cause the server to crash.

Many games with hundreds of thousands of players are prone to crashes, but this is close to 10 million. If the game crashes, Jiang Siming will not be able to deal with everyone.

Fortunately, his worries are simply unnecessary, and Nu Wa's strength is far beyond his imagination.

Nearly tens of millions of gamers squeeze into the game, like a drop of water into the sea, without a ripple, let alone wanting the sea to hit a wave.

All game companies are also watching "Holographic Jedi" closely, and when they see "Holographic Jedi" running perfectly, their faces collapsed.

They looked unbelievable. There is only one server that can be synchronized online. It does not get stuck or crash?

According to their imagination, so many people squeeze a server, and the server must be squeezed.

Then they began to publicize that "Holographic Jedi" had too many loopholes, and the room crashed on the first day of the beta.

Taking the opportunity to discredit as much as possible, it also makes many players who have not bought the idea of ​​buying.

But plan the first step and give them a head-on blow.

Shenzhen, Perfume Bay, backed by the Niuling Mountains, faces the vast South China Sea.

This is the real top rich district in Shenzhen.

In Villa No. 1, Ma Manman and Boss Ma stared at the data in front of the computer without blinking.

When twelve o'clock struck, ten minutes later, Mamanman said with a smile:

"Dad, your wishful thinking is ruined. Don't count on thousands of people online without crashing."

Boss Ma also knew that he had been defeated, so he gave Ma Manman a cold eye and said:

"Your dad's abacus is ruined. It's our company and our company. Does your little white-eyed wolf have any points?"

As he said, Boss Ma sighed and said: "If this game is given half a year, it is estimated that it will be much more terrifying than the previous end game Jedi. All game companies will be hit to varying degrees."

"I think it's very good. The game is updated and the capable ones live. People develop holographic games. That is a cross-age technology. We lose and lose are convinced." Ma Manman is not worried at all.

Boss Ma paced back and forth, took out a box of high-end Yulong cigarettes, took out one, and saw that there was not much inventory left in it. Boss Ma felt a little painful.

This high-end version of Yulong cigarettes was given to him by Jiang Siming.

Blame him for not cherishing it at the beginning, and he sent one to many friends. Now there is only one box left.

He asked Jiang Siming that the high-end version has not yet been sold because the inventory is too low and will not be available until next year.

For this, he regretted it very much, and he knew that he had to keep it all for himself.

After drawing this box, he can only draw the mid-range version. There are mid-range versions. He tried it. Although it is also very good, he still thinks the high-end version is the most interesting.

"Dad, if you smoke at home, I will sue my mother." Ma Manman wanted to shout as he said.

Boss Ma was too angry, so he could only put the cigarette back in, and said, "I don't want to smoke anymore."

Ma Manman grinned and stood up and said: "You can watch it yourself, I went back to the house to try this game."

"Don't leave, Dad will give you a task. I will leave for Shanghai tomorrow and talk to Jiang Siming about the agency."

"I can go, but I can't guarantee that the talk will come down. I am not a wife of others~" Ma Manman said sourly.

This is obviously for Boss Ma, who made her dad disagree with her contact with Jiang Siming.

Boss Ma had a headache and waved his hand angrily to let her go, not seeing and not bothering.

After Ma Manman left, Boss Ma was stunned.

If your daughter is Jiang Siming's wife, is it a matter of course to talk about agency?

Bah, baah!

Boss Ma quickly dispelled this absurd idea. How could he sell his daughter for a game agency? It's impossible, absolutely impossible!

Just a game, how hot it can be, the daughter is priceless.

Besides, can this game be more popular than League of Legends?


On the other side, after Jiang Siming let go, in the anxious anticipation of countless water friends, he finally put on the game ring and connected to the game.

It's still the game hall, but this time, there is no longer only the [training ground] game option.

The open beta started and the game lobby was updated greatly.

Two portals appeared in front of Jiang Siming's avatar.

A portal is marked with [Match Mode], and there are five maps for everyone to choose from.

[Grassland] [Desert] [Snow] [Jungle] [Volcano]

Below are the player mode options.

【Single】【Double】【Three people】【Four people】【Five people】

Holographic Jedi is different from Duanyou Jedi, with three and five player modes.

It is also to take more care of players with different numbers of friends.

Generally, games will not open so many modes, because I am afraid that there will be no people.

But this game, naturally, will not worry about no one to play.

Another portal is marked with [Ranking Mode], but it is locked and cannot be opened temporarily.

Only when the matching score reaches 1200 points and the number of people with the score reaches 100,000, it will be activated.

Jiang Siming has a hunch that the energy of [Holographic Jedi] can only be obtained from ranking.

But now, the ranking is still far away.

In addition, everyone’s personal warehouse has been updated in the game hall. There is nothing in the warehouse, only a set of ordinary cloth clothes and pants to cover the body.

In this game, dew points are not allowed to be too much, you are the sex, you will still have a vest and shorts.

This is also very humane in order to meet the domestic auditing standards.

And in order to prevent **** and pornography, players of the opposite **** cannot touch each other in the game.

If it is a team between friends, you can shake hands.

**Yes, but you can't touch the other party's or your own private parts to prevent indecent behavior.

This can be said to be well taken care of.

After all, if a holographic game can do everything, it will have to be messy, and it is estimated that prostitutes will go to work in the game.

The duck ran into the game to find the rich woman and so on.

However, in order to take care of many couple players, the game is limited to holding hands and hugging.

But this requires both parties to set up exclusive intimacy. For example, you can set up who can maintain the [intimacy state] with whom you can hug the TA.

[Author's digression]: Yesterday’s third update ~ there are three chapters~

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