I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2067: Scared back to the game

Even if you want to hit the opposite **** with your fist, there is a distance limit.

Your fist will automatically stop five centimeters away from the opponent, but there will still be damage, but you still cannot touch the opposite **** in this way.

Although this protection is a bit untrue, everyone can understand it.

If you can touch others casually, it will be very personal damage to many players.

For example, a group of wretched men teamed up to molest beautiful girls and swarmed over.

The same goes for women. A group of female hooligans teamed up to molest handsome guys, and it might not be impossible.

And there is no statutory crime in the game to say that TA has broken the law or something.

Therefore, this definition and game rules are very necessary. Jiang Siming feels that Nu Wa is indeed very considerate.

Although it lacks a sense of reality, it avoids a lot of ‘minefields’.

This game is more about personal gaming experience.

But whether the personal gaming experience is good or not, you still have to go in to know.

Jiang Siming is not hanging out in the hall for the time being, he lifted his foot and stepped into the portal.

The single player mode Jiang Siming chose first, the map is random.

[Matching...Matching completed]

[Enter the game...grassland map...the number of people is 100]

Almost as soon as I entered, it prompts that the matching is complete, and most players are cool, and there is no need to wait.

As soon as the screen changed, Jiang Siming came to the most familiar birth island in the Duanyou Jedi. After waiting thirty seconds, he could enter the game.

And the birth island was crowded with players everywhere.

A hundred players are on this island.

Everyone should be playing for the first time, and they are full of curiosity about this strange and familiar new game.

After all, I used to operate the keyboard and mouse to play terminal games, but now, it is completely as if I have traveled through this game.

Excitement, freshness and admiration, one after another.

Everyone is lamenting the realism of this game.

Speaking is also very free, no longer need to use the voice button, you can talk freely.

Of course, you can also set to block surrounding sounds or block teammates’ voices if you are too noisy.

"3000 yuan true value! Hahaha, this is the most realistic game I have ever played!"

"This is Lu Benwei Square!"

"Is this a game? How does it feel like being on the battlefield."

"Are there any pretty boys from Guangxi? I'm from Guangxi Di."

"Funan's friends are there? Are there any?"

"Zhejiang Jinhua, are there any? I will ask again without me."

"Haha, there is an ugly man here, come and see!"


Everyone's communication sounds one after another, and it feels like they are back to the beginning of Duanyou Jedi.

There are also many players dancing or punching.

However, no matter what physical movement is, it must be judged based on whether you can make it yourself.

If you don't know how to do some hip-hop, then you can't make these moves in the game.

But if you are a hip-hop master, you can show your skills in it.

This is quite true.

But some basic movements are possible, such as punching, jumping, climbing and swimming.

In addition to these, if you want to play some flowers, it depends on your own ability.

Someone performed a fancy street dance on the spot, which caused the onlookers to applaud loudly.

Some directly sang loudly, everyone applauded if it sounds good, and it got sprayed if it sounds bad.

Some even played handstands, splits and other unique skills.

Jiang Siming even saw the characters of four or five aunts dancing in the square dance beside them.

At that time, Lao Jiang was full of question marks, what is it? Can you still play like this?

Not to mention, there were really many aunts who liked to dance square dancing because of the reality of the venue and the weather.

Buy a ring and go to the game to dance exclusively (laugh and cry).

Not to mention, afterwards, many aunts really went into the game to dance.

For this reason, there are a lot less aunts who love to dance square dances, and there are also fewer contradictions, such as occupying land, making noise, and obstructing traffic.

These are all a lot less, Jiang Siming indirectly did a great deed.

Thirty seconds passed in a flash, and everyone disappeared on the birth island at the same time.

I opened my eyes again and they all sat on the same plane.

Everyone is sitting in their place, and there is a screen inside the plane, which shows the direction of the plane's route.

You can choose where to land according to the above route.

"I'm wiping, real skydiving? I'm so scared..."

"Damn, if I have a serious fear of heights, I quickly adjusted the fear of heights to zero. I heard that if you set it to zero, you don't have to go through a high-altitude fall, and will directly land safely over time.

"I'm afraid of being a hairy, I'm going to try what this fear of heights is, and adjust it to 100%!"

"Only dare to adjust 10%."

"Brothers, I want to go."

After speaking, someone disappeared on the plane.

Someone kept leaving one after another.

Jiang Siming chose a school and also chose to land.

The 100% fear of heights setting gave him a personal experience that was almost the same as the real skydiving experience.

The whole person feels falling from a height of several kilometers, this kind of weightlessness is really real, and even feel the wind blowing by the ear.

Many viewers who watched the live broadcast saw that this leg was soft.

"Damn, is it so real?"

"How much fear of heights does Mingshen tune? It must be 100%."

"My grass, this game is worth the money just by skydiving. If you want to play a real airplane skydiving, at least two or three thousand times."

"Well said, it's very dangerous that the coach will take you to jump. This is not only true but not dangerous."

"Hahaha, I just came back from the Great God live broadcast room. He made 100% deadbeats and was so scared that he was forcibly kicked out of the game by the ring detection."

"The 10% PDD adjustment is false, but it's safe."

"I won't tell you the 0% of UZI tuning, hahaha, I'm very scared."


The ring can detect a person's heart rate and endurance.

When the player can't bear this fear of heights, the ring will directly ask him to quit the game so as not to be frightened, or he can quit by himself.

This is also a kind of protection, in case someone is really frightened.

But the number of people who died was never in the minority. Jiang Siming only jumped and found that the number had changed from 100 to 85.

There was no kill reminder at all, indicating that these people were forced to quit the game or they could not bear this fear of heights.

Boss Ma was kicked out of the room in a cold sweat at Villa No. 1 in Perfume Bay, Shenzhen.

He looked at the game ring in his hand and couldn't figure out how the game was made, even the skydiving was so real.

He really thought he was in the sky just now.

"It's better to adjust to 10%, otherwise you can't play." Boss Ma smiled bitterly. He adjusted 100% to see how real the game can be.

Jiang Siming was still falling down quickly.

Not only did Jiang Siming stay calm, he had time to take a look at the barrage and answer some questions from the audience.

All the water friends expressed their conviction. Myoko is the Myojin, with a strong heart.

Also, how else can you swim the Jedi so fiercely in the terminal.

[Author's digression]: Today’s first update, plus the first update, is still two chapters away~

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