I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2071: Abused by NPC

As a veteran driver, Jiang Siming has the skills of [Driving Proficiency], and driving is not difficult for him at all.

The car started and drove to a safe area soon.

This is the third wave of poison.

Thanks to the saying that there is a safe zone, if not, it is estimated that a game player can play for several days or even several weeks...

The safe area is in Y city in the upper right corner.

Jiang Siming drove fast and quickly approached Y City.

At this time, many players are also driving into the circle.

But without keyboard operation, their driving speed can be said to be as slow as a snail.

Generally, people who can drive, only dared to drive at a speed of fifty or sixty yards. If they cross grass or soil slopes, the speed will be slower.

Those who don't know how to drive, are driving blindly, the car stumbles and stalls.

Players who don't know anything or even know how to start a car can only run on two legs, or ride a motorcycle or electric bike.

Either ride a horse or pig, or even ride a bicycle.

Halfway through the ride, I saw others riding by, so I had to get down and shoot.

This scene is so happy.

"Well, they are all road killers. Take a look. Let's show everyone a lively road."

Jiang Siming watched from the back leisurely, calmly.

At this time, there was a roar behind him, and it was also an AE86 that drove quickly to City Y, flexibly shuttled between various obstacles.

Even if someone wants to get out of the car and shoot, they can only sweep his exhaust.

"Haha, they are all LJs, only playing games, brother is a professional driver! Brothers, goodbye!"

This person arrogantly probed out to mock the people outside.

"I am so arrogant!"

"Myojin **** him!"

"I can't understand this arrogant cargo, Myojin is overtaking other cars!"

"Overtake other cars, I will send the plane!"

"Professional driver? So fierce."


The people in the live broadcast room couldn't understand this person putting up a cup like this, and they asked Jiang Siming to play.

Jiang Siming had a favorite fan, so he immediately followed suit.

Started the car and chased after the man's taillight.

Jiang Siming was faster, and it didn't take long for him to catch up with the disappearing taillight.

The man looked in the rearview mirror and saw that someone was catching up. He smiled contemptuously, and reached out his hand to Jiang Siming's middle finger.

Then he stepped on the accelerator and accelerated again, obviously wanting to drag Jiang Siming.

Although this is a shootout game, Jiang Siming will never allow others to put a cup on his court.

Two AE86s quickly passed the city roads, turning seven and eight, and went straight to Guangmingding.

But the professional driver soon discovered something was wrong.

Before reaching the foot of the mountain, Jiang Siming got closer and closer to him.

He wanted to continue to accelerate, but Jiang Siming was still close to him.

Finally, he was passed.

The professional driver was angry and turned his head to see who passed him.

At this time, a very strange thing was thrown from the opponent's car.

Through his car window precisely.


The person's eyes were instantly dark, and his face was muddy.

The direction of the car quickly deviated and crashed into a big tree.

Bang! The front of the car is flat.

-100 damage floated from his face and died...

I killed myself.

The penalty for a crash is quite serious. It's not like a casual collision in the car. Unless the car explodes, the person will die.

This doesn't need to explode, and it can be cool when hitting a tree too fast, which can be said to be very realistic.

And Jiang Siming feels that this is deliberately designed to remind people who are used to fast cars in holographic games to learn how they are in reality.

But with this punishment, it is estimated that everyone will not dare to open it indiscriminately.

"This lesson tells us that in reality, we can't even drive fast. Look, the car crashes and kills people, it may be the next one of you."

Jiang Siming didn't forget Dun Tun's teaching, and everyone nodded in sympathy. Myojin was right.

In fact, Jiang Siming is also too worried. If you drive fast in the game, it is easier to drive fast in reality.

The simulation racing game in the game hall should have been banned long ago, and the online game Need for Speed ​​and everything have to be removed from the shelves and banned.

Besides, in reality, there are cars everywhere, where to drive fast.

Jiang Siming glanced at the cup driver's box, there was nothing, this kid just came to drive the cup.

Disappointedly drove away, and didn't forget to take his slap before leaving.

This kind of props can be reused, hehe.

After leaving Guangmingding, Jiang Siming returned to City Y and found a shop with banknotes at a gas station outside the city.

There are a lot of things in the store, including food, weapons, armor, and oil drums.

Jiang Siming has 6,000 yuan in his hand. He liked the AWM, but the gun was worth 10,000 yuan.

Jiang Siming was tangled.

At this time, some water friends started to make bad ideas and asked Jiang Siming to kill the shop owner. Can't you just take it casually.

Jiang Siming really believed and shot at the boss.

Unexpectedly, the boss was not only unscathed, but also kicked Jiang Siming out of the store mercilessly, kicking Lao Jiang a dog.

And Jiang Siming can no longer shop in the store.

The audience laughed, not at all sympathetic to Jiang Siming's experience, and they all said they deserved it.

Jiang Siming jumped with anger, and immediately found the water friend who had a bad idea and gave him a forbidden package of 364 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes!

Lao Jiang, who was not too angry, tried to throw grenade and rocket.

I couldn't even shake the store. Sure enough, the design of the store has its own routines.

It's impossible for you to grab the store. It's an NPC or the only NPC in the game.

It's like an old man selling equipment in League of Legends, can you steal his stuff?

Obviously not, Jiang Siming also believed in the evil of Shuiyou, otherwise he could at least buy a SKS! Gan!

But Jiang Siming didn't have any gains. He squatted near the store, waiting for players who came to buy equipment to come.

He didn't fight it yet, and when people came out after they had bought things, Jiang Siming would kill them again, and let him kill them.

It's a pity that these poor ghosts can't afford anything, only some food and ammunition.

Killed three, all are like this, there are no fragments.

In frustration, Jiang Siming went back to City Y.

A little bit of time passed, and the sixth wave of poisonous circles was refreshed, and the circles were already very small.

Relying on the marvelous marksmanship comparable to that in the end game, coupled with the newly acquired danger perception.

Jiang Siming was massacred in the city.

There is no pressure or difficulty, mainly because the players have just played and most of them are not even familiar with the gun.

It's like Jiang Siming traveled back to the time when PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for 16 years just came out, and he was able to abuse all kinds of dishes by changing a small anchor.

In the end, 27 enemies were killed and the chicken was eaten smoothly.

It’s a pity that only one burst: [Holographic·Robber Intuition]

It is similar to the previous one, but it can be the same as the previous one. It is common to all holographic games.

Other than that, there was no fragmentation.

Jiang Siming feels that in this mode, the fragmentation rate may also be low.

Maybe the ranking will be higher after opening.

In addition to qualifying, there will definitely be competitions in the future, and the game mode must be full of debris.

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