I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2072: Ah, very reasonable

Just after eating chicken and quitting, Jiang Siming was planning to continue solo, and he saw many friend invitations and messages.

[Wang Dashao]: "MMP, this game is too difficult, but it's really good, hey, interesting! Take me!"

[Great God]: "Uncle, this game is so difficult to shoot, teach me, team up!"

[Tuan Tuan]: "Husband~ I don't know how to play, so difficult, my wife needs you~"

[Stupid]: "My husband asks for help, we are waiting for you in the team, otherwise we will babble."

【Kite】: "+1"

[Chi Zheng]: "+2"

After seeing so much news, Jiang Siming replied in each of the next four articles [Ok, husband will be here soon].

Regarding the first two, Jiang Siming also politely replied "Go".

After returning, I immediately entered the team of the group.

Well, it's reasonable.

The audience wailed and cried. It's over, the dog food session is here.

Suddenly Jiang Siming changed from a single row to a five row, with five wives, happily starting today's second game.

To be honest, it has been a long time since I played games with my wife.

Seeing Jiang Siming coming in, Tuan Tuan immediately gave him the captain, and the four women began to chat about their tragic past in the fourth row.

Tuan Tuan stroke master, thanks to her training on the training ground for so many days, her hands tremble with tension when she really fights.

Kite is the worst, professional players were beaten to death with fists...

DaDa and Chi Zheng are not much better.

Anyway, they each have their own sad pasts. Although they are good, it does not hinder their love for this new game.

In a word, it's delicious and fun.

A five-person team can still enter the game in seconds.

This time it is a snow map.

The environment, like a real snow scene, made Tuantuan and the others utter a surprise.

The snow map in Duanyouli is already beautiful.

Now in the holographic Jedi, the snow scene looks exactly like the real one.

There are even snowflakes floating in the sky.

Players who enter the snow map automatically put on thick clothes and leather boots.

Jiang Siming tried to take off his shoes. Although he had no sense of touch, he found that he was bleeding continuously.

-1, -1, -1.

Although this is just a waiting link that can't die, Jiang Siming has to honestly put on his boots.

Otherwise, you will have to keep your blood detained after a while without shoes.

Some players were even more ruthless and took off their clothes directly, and Jiang Siming watched his health bar fall faster, with a five-point five-point button.

Even the environment is so real, Jiang Siming has nothing to say, only a voice of Nuwa cowhide!

The four chicks weren't as boring as him, and they started to team up and pile up snowmen.

In fact, there are many players who do this, and they are all playing snow.

Some southern players cried while playing: "I saw such a big snow for the first time in my life, oooooo..."

Playing in the snow in this game is really cool, you can play in the snow without being cold, and you don’t have to worry about getting frostbite.

Unfortunately, within 30 seconds, Kite and the others were sent on the plane after only a pile of balls.

"How much fear of heights did you adjust?" Jiang Siming asked on the plane.

"I am 20%!"

"I am 10%!"

"I am 0%!"

"Me too 0%!"

After Jiang Siming heard that his forehead went dark, the four hidden cultivating girls were actually afraid of heights?

This is not okay. Wouldn't it be a shame if you learn to fly in the future?

"No, adjust 100% for the next one, and practice courage." Jiang Siming demanded of them.

A dignified cultivator is still afraid of heights and is not ashamed. He who is a husband feels very ashamed.

"Oh~ I know~"

Although the four women were still afraid of Jiang Siming's request, they did not dare to refute them and answered in unison.

Countless male audiences clutched their chests and felt the crit damage.

Is this the family throne? excuse me.

Picking a position a little bit off, Jiang Siming shouted and jumped, and the four wives followed suit.

Skydiving is still a technical job, Jiang Siming can't do it, let alone Tuantuan.

When Jiang Siming landed slantingly, the four women laughed.

"Husband, your skydiving is almost like us."

"Yes, yes, I almost hung on a lightning rod."

"If Sister Bing came here, she would definitely be able to skydive perfectly, she said it was a pediatrics for her."

"My husband is going to learn it?"

Jiang Siming's old face was a bit embarrassed, and he just didn't hear it.

Cut, what's so great about not being able to skydive, brother can fly, what do you guys do.

The five fell together, and no one fell with them this time, and they could search for equipment normally.

When Jiang Siming worked hard to search for equipment, when he finished searching, he found out, good guys, four girls have been making snowmen...

He also claimed to be safe with her husband. They didn't need to search for things at all. They only had to wait for her husband to kill others and clean the battlefield.

He also praised Jiang Siming, all kinds of flattery.

In the end, I praised Jiang Siming that I could get any advice, and I took them diligently to find people to ‘require’ equipment.

Finally found a team, Jiang Siming got out of the car and hit.

The unequipped four women started throwing snowballs and smashing stones, claiming that they could not let their husband fight alone.

What can Jiang Siming say, such sensible daughters-in-law, must put together a set of gods for each of them!

In this way, Jiang Siming took his wives into the holographic Jedi all night.

They really played all night, and played until it was almost dawn the next day before they reacted.

The game is so fun, there is no concept of time.

In fact, it's more than them. Almost all players have this experience, playing and discovering, hey, why is it dawn?

The friends who watched the live broadcast also enjoyed watching the live broadcast all night.

Fortunately, the public beta is a weekday, otherwise I don’t know how many people are late for work and how many students are late for class today.

After playing for a whole night, Jiang Siming also gained a lot. He gathered together [Danger Perception] and [Robber Intuition].

These once white fragments are back, but each piece requires 3 integrated fragments.

Jiang Siming was reluctant to use omnipotence, and it only cost three yuan, so he kept playing and picking.

Finally got the chicken for the last handful.

Counting that, a total of six pieces were picked up.

Quite a good harvest.

Jiang Siming didn't expect to pick up so many pieces in one night.

Although they were all game fragments, as long as there were fragments, he was satisfied.

Better than nothing is not.

For the current end game, he estimated that playing for three days and three nights might not have a piece.

After playing all night, Jiang Siming and his wives are not tired at all. After all, they are cultivators, and there is nothing wrong with not sleeping for a day.

But the wives can distinguish between games and life, so they are not addicted, and they all decided to stop playing offline.

Jiang Siming left the game with the same contentment and had to see his baby Xiao Luoyu. He is a dad, he can't play with things.

I said hello to the water friends, and if I would fight again tomorrow, I turned off the live broadcast.

On the night of the public beta, the sales of [Holographic Jedi] ushered in a spurt of growth.

More than 7 million players were added in one night!

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