I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2074: Sewer rat

"The second thing is about the holographic game technology. My dad meant to ask your holographic technology team, can you work with Penguin?"

"Cooperate with what?"

"League of Legends, my dad wants to create a holographic League of Legends, or holographic king of glory." Ma Manman replied.

It can be seen from this that Boss Ma is really panicked.

The game industry is too important for Penguin. In addition to communications, the best thing Penguin can do is games.

Game output value accounts for at least 40% of Penguin's market value.

Equivalent to the economic vein.

And it's the economic vein of cash flow.

Generally, the company is short of liquidity, so Boss Ma waved his hand to let the game company under his control begin to take action.

League of Legends Plus King of Glory takes a peace elite, sells two skins at random, and tens of billions of liquidity are readily available.

It's so arrogant.

In addition to these three games, there are many Penguin games, such as crossing the line of fire, tainted milk powder, speeding and so on.

These games, plus one piece, will give Penguin at least hundreds of billions of profits every year.

And just like Jiang Siming's company, the money is cash flow.

Ali Ma has nothing but envy.

If the impact of Penguin Games is too large, Penguin's liquidity will become a problem in the future.

The so-called move the whole body.

Boss Ma obviously didn't want to see a problem with his cornucopia.

So I wanted to cooperate with Jiang Siming's company to come up with another holographic game.

"Don't worry, the holographic game we make is definitely not compatible with gunfight games, and will not seize your company's market."

After Ma Manman added, he began to show his sincerity: "My dad said, as long as you agree to cooperate, you can set the terms as you like, and we are willing to spend 100 billion yuan as a reward for your company to make holographic games."

"Or if there are any other conditions, you can put it forward. I can call the shots. It doesn't matter if the conditions are improved. My dad won't disagree. I understand him."

I don't know what Mr. Ma would think when he heard this

"Boss Ma is really wealthy." Jiang Siming said jokingly.

One shot was one hundred billion, and Jiang Siming was a little moved.

But unfortunately, his heartbeat was useless.

"Let's lie to you, my holographic team has already taken on another task and cannot get away for the time being." Jiang Siming replied.

Ma Manman became nervous subconsciously and said: "Which company is it? NetEase or a foreign company?"

"Neither, my own home."

Ma Manman was relieved.

"Is it really impossible?" Ma Manman, who was unwilling, wanted to ask again.

Jiang Siming still shook his head and said, "It won't work for at least two years. It is very troublesome to make a holographic game. It may be possible after two years."

"You can rest assured that if I don't even agree to you, I will not agree to other game companies."


Ma Manman blushed, Jiang Siming's words made her feel better.

"Then neither of these two things will work, the last thing, about the game live broadcast, we Penguin want to buy the live broadcast rights, is this always okay?"

"Of course it's okay, a small matter."

Ma Manman smiled with satisfaction, at least not that one thing was left out.

Now that the business talks are over, there is no need to continue talking about business.

"Teacher, it seems that you haven't been to Fudan to teach Chinese martial arts for a long time." Ma Manman began to talk about personal matters.

"Well, my Guoshu University will be opened soon. I should quit from Fudan University."

"Guoshu University, I have heard that I want to go, but now I am busy taking care of the company's affairs for my dad, and I don't have time." Ma Manman said with some regret.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "It's okay, you can go to the class when you have time, I allow it."

"That's great! I must go to learn when I have time. Since I learned Chinese martial arts, I have been exercising. Teacher, I have not forgotten what you taught."

Ma Manman showed a few hands as he said, let alone, it seems like something.

The two chatted in the conference room for more than two hours, and Jiang Siming also took her to visit his company.

Until noon, Jiang Siming invited Ma Manman to lunch, and the other party gladly accepted.

Although the female bodyguard who followed Mamanman kept reminding her, there were other things to deal with.

But Ma Manmanquan didn't hear him, no matter what, he had to have lunch with Jiang Siming before leaving.

Inviting a beautiful lady to eat, there is no need to be in the company canteen.

If you hire a boss Ma or a male friend or something, the cafeteria can deal with two mouthfuls. It saves money.

No way, Huaxia's famous double-standard dog is not an understatement.

The two walked out of the company, and Ma Manman followed Jiang Siming to the parking lot.

Jiang Siming just planned to invite Ma Manman to get in the car, but suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Teacher."

Jiang Siming curled his lips, showing a playful smile, and said, "It seems that a few'flies' have come to our company."

"Flies? What do you mean?" Ma Manman didn't understand.

Jiang Siming did not rush, bent over and reached out to the chassis of the car, and when he touched it, Jiang Siming held a bomb device in his hand.

Ma Manman was shocked, and the female bodyguard behind him immediately stepped forward to protect Ma Manman.

"This is a time bomb! Mr. Jiang, throw it away, we have to evacuate!"

Jiang Siming shook his head and said with a chuckle: "It's okay, it's already relieved."

The female bodyguard didn't believe it, so she leaned over to take a look, and it was really relieved, and the time above stopped.

"How come there is a bomb, teacher, someone wants to kill you?"

Ma Manman worried.

"Fine, but they messed up the wrong person."

Jiang Siming said to Ma Manman: "You go to the restaurant and wait for me first, I'll be there later."

"Ah? We still have to eat for such a big thing?" Ma Manman was dumbfounded.

Good deed, this car has been bombed, but Jiang Siming still has the heart to eat?

Shouldn't you call the police and hide.

"Of course I'm going to eat it. It's just a few flies. Just slap it to death. You go and order first." Jiang Siming said.

Ma Manman had to get in the car confused, Jiang Siming gave the car key to her female bodyguard.

Watching the female bodyguard drive away, Jiang Siming's face instantly became cold.

Now that someone can touch his company to install explosives, it's unknowingly.

Explain that the other party's background is not simple.

Jiang Siming swept away his consciousness, and the two ‘gutter mice’ hiding in the company were all found by the way.

When Jiang Siming stood motionless, the two'rats' automatically flew to him from the hiding place.

Using bombs to murder the gods of the gods, they can't figure it out.

These are two men, both western faces.

When they saw that they suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Siming's eyes, the two of them didn't react at all, thinking they had hallucinations.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

They didn't know the seriousness of the matter until Jiang Siming spoke.

The two shot instantly, with a fierce move.

But...the next second, they all broke off.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, I don't bother to listen."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he directly used the most vicious soul search technique.

He didn't bother to use mind reading.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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