I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2075: Kindness is reserved for cowards!

Under the soul search technique, the secrets of the two were all obtained by Jiang Siming, and the people became fools.

What Jiang Siming didn't expect was that they didn't get any effective information from their memory.

He did not find the man behind the scenes.

It's not that soul search fails, but they don't know it.

It is normal for the killer to not know who the employer is. After all, the killer only needs to know what the task is.

And these two are the most famous killers in the world, one is called the blood eagle and the other is called the skeleton.

They just accepted a high-value mission to assassinate themselves for a total of 10 billion US dollars.

Anyway, this amount of killers all over the world are like sharks that smell blood.

With 10 billion U.S. dollars, no killer can reject this figure.

Although Jiang Siming did not find out who the employer was, he knew a lot of news.

The employer spent 10 billion U.S. dollars to gather all the top 100 killers in the global killer list to take action together.

So these two are only 2%, and 98% of those who assassinated him.

These killers not only assassinated him, but also his wife and his family.

"Is it the global killer organization?"

Jiang Siming's expression became weird.

If only one or two killers came to him, he might not take it seriously, and it would be fine if he could not find an employer.

But now, the other party wants his life so urgently, including his family.

This completely touched Jiang Siming's inverse scale!

Jiang Siming fully let go of his spiritual consciousness, and most of the earth has a panoramic view.

At this time, in Jiang Siming's Yunnan hometown, ten top killers were lurking.

They haven't had time to act because they found that Jiang Siming's family is very troublesome, and someone is secretly protecting them.

Jiang Siming is quite in place to protect his family, not only has the armour derived from Wanlongjia, but also arranged two combat robots.

Not only that, but the members of the Tian Group are secretly protecting, and the safety factor is extremely high.

So this is why they have been so slow to act.

Just when the ten killers were still thinking about countermeasures, death suddenly came and ten people disappeared out of thin air.

From this moment on, the hundred killers who came to China disappeared one by one.

Some disappeared in the lurking, and some even disappeared out of thin air on the road.

One, two...

Soon, all 98 killers were found by Jiang Siming.

And throw them all into this underground parking lot.

It takes only a few minutes.

Among them, they have all kinds of skin colors, some Western, some Eastern, and even two of them are Chinese.

Looking at the unconscious figure on the ground, Jiang Siming showed a cruel smile.

A wormhole appeared in the basement.

Jiang Siming waved his hand, and these nearly a hundred killers floated up, and followed Jiang Siming into the wormhole.

Fortunately, they passed out and didn't see such a weird picture, otherwise they would be scared to death.

Jiang Siming led them to use the wormhole to directly lead to the animal planet of the Horse galaxy.

Then he threw them all down to ensure that they would not be thrown to death, and confiscated all their weapons.

After the rapid fall, these killers woke up one after another, and saw themselves falling at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Despite the well-trained top killers with strong psychological qualities, all of them screamed in fright at this time.

What's more, they discovered that they did not have a parachute on them!




"Help! Help!"


Cries for help came one after another, but no one birded them at all.

And these people were gradually falling into despair, and when they discovered that they were falling, there was a suspended figure next to them, and they were also landing.

And also looked at them jokingly.

Seeing what this person looked like, all the killers instantly understood that they were exposed.

Jiang Siming took out a parachute, and the dog usually threw the only parachute over.

Suddenly, in order to survive, these people flew on the parachute desperately.

When you meet someone you want to grab, you fist fist.

In the end, the parachute was torn apart.

These people are also approaching the ground, and everyone is in complete despair.

All the killers landed on the ground, but to their surprise, they did not die and landed smoothly unscathed.

And Jiang Siming still looked at them in mid-air, jokingly: "Is it fun? I can take you to try again to see if your luck will be so good this time."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he raised his hand and ten killers vacated again.

Although they struggled hard, it was like a pair of invisible hands pulling them into the air.

It continued to rise to a height of 10,000 meters, and then the power instantly disappeared, and ten people fell down in horror.

After a while, he fell to the ground again.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

This time, these ten people were not so lucky again, all of them smashed on the ground solidly, turned into blood and exploded, and even a piece of good meat could not be seen.

He even smashed several people who couldn't escape.

The remaining assassins were silent as a chill, and there was a chill on the back from the back to the Tianling Gai.

Originally they thought that what they had just now was just an illusion, but now they know it is true.

They provoke a horror character that they should never provoke!

"We know that we were wrong, sorry, please let us go."

One of the killers began to admit counsel.

Then many people began to agree and beg for mercy.

However, Jiang Siming remained indifferent.

A simple-looking blond man knelt down in tears and prayed: "It was not my intention to assassinate you. My wife is seriously ill and needs money. Please take God's face and let me go."

Jiang Siming was expressionless and unmoved, but instead replied, "Your wife is Wenhua Julie, right?"

The killer nodded immediately, thinking Jiang Siming was soft-hearted.

Jiang Siming then smiled cruelly and said: "For the sake of your God's face, I will find her and let her go to meet God with you. You can meet again in heaven."

If the emotional card is useful, Jiang Si will let the housekeeper of hundreds of billions of families tomorrow morning.

If everyone does bad things because they can be forgiven for a reason, then it is absurd.

Jiang Siming will not only deal with them today, but also the families of all of them later.

However, his family is a little bit kinder, and will not be tortured, and will go directly to the West.

In other words, if he is not Jiang Siming, if he is not capable.

Today, he is the one whose family is ruined.

Therefore, Jiang Siming imposed the death penalty on them and the families of the hundred assassins, and **** could not keep them.

When **** came, he might have to die too.

Kindness is reserved for cowards!

The two Chinese people also walked out at this time.

"Mr. Jiang, we are all Chinese, and we are also forced to live helplessly. I beg you for the sake of all descendants of Yan and Huang, let us make a living..."


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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