I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2076: Haha, it's all an illusion!

Jiang Siming only found it ridiculous.

"You two have this ability, you can serve your country in good standing and worry-free food and clothing, but you don't."

"With your abilities and real life force, going abroad as a mercenary is not a problem at all."

"Now, you tell me that assassinating me is a helpless life, let me see you in the face of the descendants of Yan Huang, don't you think it is ridiculous?"

Jiang Siming stared directly at the two of them. The two Chinese killers were guilty of not looking at Jiang Siming's eyes.

"It doesn't have to hurt our family? It's not good for the family!" said another Chinese killer.

Jiang Siming sneered and said, "When you assassinated my family, did you ever think that it would not hurt your family?"

Everyone was speechless.

"I'm too lazy to say that. I hope you will have fun on this planet. Starting today, I will find someone to kill every seven days. It is best to pray that I will not find me the fastest. I wish you all to play here. Happy."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, the person disappeared out of thin air.

All the killers who are still alive can hardly believe their eyes, and a living person just disappears out of thin air.

Is this man a man or a ghost?

"He must have used projection. Don't forget, his company can make holographic projection games. This is not a problem for him."

A high IQ killer analyzed.

Everyone's eyes suddenly brightened, yes, it must be so right, the analysis is very reasonable.

"Then where are we now? He said just now that he hopes we have fun on this planet. What does this planet mean? Could it be that we are on an alien planet?" a killer asked nervously.

The high IQ killer smiled disdainfully and said: "Of course I lied to you. You take out your phone to check the time. It takes only 20 minutes from our coma to the present. In 20 minutes, we can go from the earth to an alien planet? Absurd!"

Everyone heard it, and it seemed that Jiang Siming was really scaring them.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and some of them began to smile after the disaster.

"I guess we should all be in the holographic projection. He must want to use fear to make us afraid, so that we can confess the employer information, so as long as we are tight-lipped, it is of great value to him and we can live forever. "

The clever killer was so brilliant in his analysis that everyone was willing to believe him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the mountain shook.

Everyone thought it was an earthquake.

However, when they raised their heads and looked forward, a giant ape appeared in front of them, just like in the Hollywood "King Kong".

This orangutan is more than ten meters high, like a moving building.

The orangutan came up to these people and salivated with excitement when he saw so many ‘little bugs’ with delicate skin and tender flesh.

It raised its huge hand and grabbed at these people.

"Don't panic everybody, listen to me, don't panic, it's all fake! Holographic projection!" The clever killer was proud and stood there without panic.

However, in the next second, he was arrested.

"Hehe, it really looks like that, it's a holographic projection, it's ridiculous."

The clever killer caught was caught upside-down by the giant ape and hung in the air, holding his hands in front of his chest, calmly laughing at it all.

He believes that these are all illusions, all projections.

But then, the giant ape grabbed him in his hand, dragged his leg with his left hand, and his neck with his right hand, just so gently.

A violent burning sensation came from the abdomen, before he had time to scream, this killer with an IQ of 250 was divided into two!

The upper body and the **** separated instantly, the abdomen was torn apart, accompanied by a pale spine floating in the air.

The intestines and kidneys spilled all over the air, blood stained.

The killer who still retains his brain consciousness only felt unprecedented pain at this time.


"Help~Ah! Help me~"

The killer made a tragic cry, but before he screamed a few more times, his upper body was stuffed into the mouth of the great ape.

The great ape chewed his body and brain, making a crunching sound.

Within a second, the screams disappeared.

The giant ape also threw him into his mouth, enjoying the delicious expression on his face.

The other assassins below looked at all this, dumbfounded.

"This...is this a projection?"

Almost all killers have raised this question, is this really a projection?

Just as they were stunned, the giant ape caught several people and feasted on it.

The blood and internal organs that were constantly spilled from the sky were sprinkled on them like raindrops, accompanied by a strong smell of blood.

In addition to the internal organs, there were also some fragments of broken limbs, spit out from the mouth of the great ape.

As killers, they are the most sensitive to the smell of blood, and they know that it is really blood! Still human blood!

projection? Vote for you! Run!

For a time, all the killers dispersed.

What followed was panic.

Where is such a big ape on this earth?

But as they ran away, they found that there were not only giant apes, but also many unimaginable species, and even... dinosaurs!

These killers are like falling from the earth in prehistoric times, from the top of the food chain to the end.

There is no other way but to escape.

Dozens of surviving assassins began to unfold a real "PUBG Mobile" on this planet.

On the other side, Jiang Si had already returned to Earth tomorrow morning and had lunch with Ma Manman if nothing had happened.

After sending Ma Manman away, Jiang Siming once again disappeared in China.

But this time he didn't leave the earth again, just left China and appeared in the sky above the United States.

After eating and drinking enough to deal with the thugs, it is now the employer's turn.

As for how the employer found it.

Jiang Siming used the memories of the two soul-searching killers to find the website of the Global Killer Organization, and after entering, he found a list of hiring him.

It only took Xiaoxian half a minute to break through the security firewall, and found the IP address and the employer's identity that issued the reward.

In fact, he had vaguely guessed without checking it, and it was only for further confirmation.

Now the truth is revealed, the employer is the Morgan family, and the IP address and the source of funds for issuing the rewards all come from the fourth largest corporate family in the world.

A business giant in the United States, a capital family with assets of up to ten trillion.

In the United States, Morgan is equivalent to South Korea's Samsung, and its status is detached.

Especially in a country where money is supreme in the United States, even Chief T has to be polite to them, offering it like an uncle.

The headquarters of the Morgan family is located in Chicago.

They bought land the size of a hundred golf courses and built an unprecedentedly luxurious family headquarters.

All Morgan's subsidiary headquarters buildings are also located here.

Here, it can be said that Morgan's foundation lies.

Here, they are the emperors of Turkey, and even the Mayor of Chicago is theirs. Not only in Chicago, but in the entire United States, they can also walk sideways.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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