I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2077: Superpower?

"Well, it's really stylish. It's great that these high-rise buildings are gathered together. It saves me looking for them one by one."

Jiang Siming stretched his waist and moved his muscles and bones.

Today is exactly Sunday, and everyone who works at Morgan is on holiday.

Not afraid of killing the wrong person.

Before long, the Morgan family headquarters in Chicago experienced an unprecedented ‘big earthquake’.

First, one building fell, and then, like dominoes, one after another.

Whether it is a mansion or a villa, as long as there are buildings in this area, they will all be destroyed.

Americans in Chicago can feel the strong aftermath of the earthquake and even spread to other cities.

For a while, the United States was panicked, thinking that a major earthquake was coming.

However, the U.S. Earthquake Administration soon discovered that there was no earthquake at all, but why is there such a strong sense of earthquake?

After satellite detection, it was discovered that only a certain part of Chicago had collapsed violently.

And it was the Morgan family base that collapsed.

A large number of rescue teams rushed to the place where the incident occurred. After they arrived, everyone was dumbfounded at the hundreds of hectares of ruined wall.

Hundreds of hectares are equivalent to a small town, and it is an extremely developed "town".

Because of the strong financial resources of the Morgan family, this place was once known as the second "Silicon Valley" and was the largest card in Chicago.

It is also a working paradise for many people in the United States.

The one-piece base built by the Morgan family with huge sums of money at the time cost no less than hundreds of billions of dollars.

But now, it's all in ruins.

All company buildings collapsed, all Morgan family villas, manors, sculptures, etc., all buildings collapsed to pieces.

When the rescue team went in to rescue the wounded, they discovered that all members of the Morgan family had died in this disaster.

Not a single survivor, including the head of the Morgan family, was not immune.

This disaster shocked the entire United States.

However, even more shocking things, even members of the Morgan family who were not in Chicago, all died violently!

No matter where they were, they were dying one by one, without warning, and no clue.

The Morgan family seemed to have been ordered to kill by the **** of death, and was quickly erased from this world.

The U.S. police were furious, thinking that this must have been done against a certain hostile force in the Morgan family, otherwise there would be no such coincidence.

All the people who died were members of the Morgan family, but it was the Morgan family mansion, which was clearly aimed at the Morgan family.

The US police said they must thoroughly investigate the murderer.

But they found that the consequences of Morgan's fall were far more than just Morgan's demise.

With the death of all the members of the Morgan family, the stocks of the large consortium of Morgan collapsed instantly, just like the buildings in Chicago!

Tumbled at an extremely fast rate!

It affects the whole body. A family like Morgan has been deeply rooted in the American economy for a century.

Thousands of companies related to him.

When Morgan fell, the stocks of countless companies fell sharply!

This is the most terrible.

The U.S. stock market ushered in unprecedented turbulence. A large family with a market value of more than 10 trillion yuan collapsed. The huge waves set off put the U.S. stock market in a storm.

Butterflies can still cause typhoons, let alone a big family like Morgan.

Banking, jewelry, real estate, munitions, etc.

All the industries that Morgan came into contact with were taken up by the roots.

Originally, the United States had experienced a stock market depression two years ago, so Lao Te forced the sale of more than ten trillion Mijin to rescue the market.

This barely stabilized the stock market, but the stock market is still in the process of healing in the past two years, and it needs to digest the original tens of trillions.

It's better now, the ‘old wound’ has not healed yet, and now another ‘new wound’ has been added. This new wound is no less than the old wound.

The U.S. stock market has become a dam that broke the dyke. Almost 50% of the stocks are all red and purple.

If it is in China, red means up and green means down.

But in the West, the opposite is true. Green is the rise and red is the fall.

This U.S. stock market is red, and the red light is reflected on the faces of every stockholder in the halls of the stock markets. That is a wonderful thing.

Disaster, this is undoubtedly another catastrophe for the United States.

And there is something more bizarre, only a few people know.

The Global Killer Organization also disappeared strangely on this day.

The killer organized all the killers, who disappeared strangely and disappeared without a trace.

Nearly three hundred top killers were all missing.

The killer organization suddenly became an empty shell and disappeared with Morgan.

From morning till night, the Americans stayed up all night, all in fear.

Late at night, in a magnificent white palace in the District of Columbia.

An old yellow-haired man was sitting in his office with a horror. Although he knew that there were guards and FBI people everywhere outside the office, he still had no sense of security.

The computer screen is full of today's news, the demise of Morgan, the turmoil of the stock market, and the strange disappearance of the killer organization.

No one knows what happened to these three pieces of news, but he has already guessed it.

Because half a month ago, he went to the Morgan family.

After discussing with the Morgan family owner, he decided to hire a killer organization and get rid of Jiang Siming.

But now, all plans are in vain.

More than that, Morgan is gone, and the killer organization is gone.

The old man was worried about himself now. Although he didn't do anything on his face, his five billion dollars was given to the Morgan Patriarch.

Now that the "partner" is gone, isn't the next step... it's his turn?

"No, definitely not, this guy may not know."

The old man paced back and forth in the office, nervous.

"Damn, who is he and why is he so capable? It's not right, absolutely wrong! This person has a problem!"

As the old man talked, he walked behind a wall and opened the wall with a very secretive method, which was a secret room.

In this secret room, various top-secret materials are stored.

The old man rummaged around and found a person's information.

There is a profile picture on it, which is a picture of Jiang Siming.

The old man began to look through this document carefully. It was almost all Jiang Siming's personal information.

The data of a Chinese merchant was strictly encrypted and marked with the SSS logo.

Obviously, the information in it is not easy to find, it has never been made public.

On the first page, there is only one sentence.

[Jiang Siming, Chinese nationality, Han nationality, suspected of superpowers, the suspected rate is 95%! 】

In the past, the old man dismissed this evaluation and thought it was fooled by the Investigation Bureau of the Eighth District.

But now, he can even be 100% sure that Jiang Siming must be a superpower!

Turning to the second page is the Bureau of Investigation's estimation of Jiang Siming's ability.

[The first superpower: Unexpected Prophet]

The analysis below shows that Jiang Siming has the ability to predict the future and can clearly understand the direction of the stock market.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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