I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2078: Compromise

The information time of all stock investments of Yinghuan is also written on it.

The first stock invested by Yinghuan.

[Liangan Stocks], with a total investment of 20 million and a profit of 500 million.

Second... Third...

The most conspicuous are those big stocks that Yinghuan has done, including the Dolce & Gabbana incident, Johnson & Johnson, the US manufacturing turmoil and so on.

All right.

Win Huan’s success rate is over 95%.

According to the analysis of the Investigation Bureau of the Eighth District, the failed 5% was probably just Yinghuan’s own investment, and it was more likely that Jiang Siming failed deliberately in order to avoid suspicion.

And for the 5% that failed, the loss was minimal.

After reading it, Old Special was silent for a while before turning to the second page again.

The second page: [Supernatural power]

The third page: [Mobile teleportation]

Fourth page: [Future Technology]

Four pages of abilities. Below each abilities, there are evidence data from the analysis and secret investigation of the eighth district.

The eighth area also suspects that the previous US aircraft carrier was destroyed, the Afghan army was destroyed, and Japan failed to cast nuclear waste water. It was all done by Jiang Siming.

The more I watched, the more I felt Old Te got more heart palpitations.

He used to think that the eighth district was a group of liars, but now he doesn't have that idea anymore.

Turning back further, it was Jiang Siming's special status.

【Tianzu Keqing, the strongest person in Tianzu】

Finally, a sentence was added to the information.

[This person is extremely dangerous! And the loyalty to China is extremely high! Be careful! Even if you can't win, don't offend at this stage! 】

After reading the information, Old Te is autistic. If he believed the information earlier, he would not provoke Jiang Siming in anything.

It's alright now, and Jiang Siming is completely angered, otherwise the Morgan family will not be destroyed directly.

"Damn it, why is there such a monster in China? Why don't we have it in the US? It's all movies, all fake, shit, Shet!"

Old Special cursedly closed the information, turned around and wanted to go back to the office.

However, as soon as he turned his head, Old Special saw a person standing at the door of the secret room.

It is Jiang Siming who is "thinking about the day and night" of the old special.

Lao Te almost didn't get scared of a heart attack. He staggered and fell on the data shelf, burying him in a flood of data.

really! Jiang Siming really is China's superpower!

Old Tesheng was afraid that Jiang Siming would take the opportunity to kill him, and ignored the pain, so he hurriedly pulled out from the information.

Old Special looked at Jiang Siming who was smiling at him, and he could only squeeze a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Excuse me, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Siming leaned at the door and chuckled, "Do you believe me when I said I went to the wrong place?"

"Hehe, I'm joking, I'm joking." Old Te replied with an embarrassing and polite smile.

"It's been a long time since I met you in Huaxia. To be honest, I really miss you." Jiang Siming said in remembrance.

Old Special didn't know how to answer. Could it be that he wanted to say, I miss you a lot, when do I miss you?

Even so, he dare not call for help, let alone he can't hear him outside, even if he can immediately let the outside guards in.

He also knew that he could never protect himself, and maybe everyone here would have to die.

"Morgan hired a killer organization to assassinate my whole family, did you participate in it?" Jiang Siming began to get into the topic.

"No, no, I don't know it!" The old special shook his head like a green onion, and refused to admit it.

Jiang Siming made a move, and the information that belonged to him flew out accurately from a large amount of messy data, and arrived at Jiang Siming's hands.

Jiang Siming flipped through a few pages at random, and said approvingly: "Your intelligence in District 8 is pretty good, it's all right."

Old Texindao really! It's all right! This person is really a superpower!

But Jiang Siming continued: "But you still know too little. Don't you know that besides the above abilities, do you know how to read mind? I can read the memories in your brain at will. Do you have any Participate, I know it at a glance."

The old special froze in place, as if falling into an ice cave.

At this moment, Old Te was wailing in his heart: Damn! What ability does this guy have, and can he play happily?

"I ask you one last time, did you participate?"

"Yes, I did participate."

Old Te was so scared that he could only confess, but he began to confess, "You robbed my son’s sweetheart, and you hurt my daughter so badly. As a father, it’s natural for me to be angry, and it’s natural for me to want revenge. , You have to understand."

Speaking, Old Te patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, starting from today, I will never have such an idea again, and our Donald family will never embarrass you again."

"Sorry, there is only one principle for me as a person to treat the enemy, and that is to eliminate the roots. Besides, I really can't believe in your character." Jiang Siming teased.

The old special sweats profusely, wisely saying:

"Well, if you still don't believe it, all the information here will be given to you. The top-secret information here is definitely the most valuable. You should also believe in my sincerity."

Jiang Siming didn't speak, as if he was thinking about it.

Old Special saw that there was a play, and quickly hit the railroad while it was hot:

"Besides, you should know that we are currently engaged in elections. I have lost to that old man. I won't be able to sit in this position for long. After I abdicate, I will be even more incapable to deal with you, right?"

After hearing this, Jiang Siming asked jokingly: "You mean, with the time left, you can abandon everything for the benefit of your family?"

"of course!"

People don't die for themselves, let alone people from capitalist background like Old Te.

For his own benefit, he doesn't care about other people's life or death.

"Very good. In addition to these materials, I now want all the research materials on science and technology, military, transportation, and trade of the United States in the next 50 years. Can I do it?"

"No problem! If you can trust me, just wait for me in the secret room for ten minutes, and I'll ask someone to deliver them all."

"Ok, I'll be here waiting for your good news." Jiang Siming moved aside very cooperatively.

Lao Te walked out in relief, and the secret room door was then locked.

At this moment, the old peculiar impulse is to rush out and call people to encircle Jiang Siming and catch turtles in the urn.

But after thinking about it, this idea was finally suppressed by him.

Think with your toes and know that the success rate of this plan is definitely 0%.

Jiang Siming can appear here at will, and he can definitely leave at will.

Old Te didn't want to anger this monster anymore.

I made a call immediately, and ten minutes later, all the information was sent to the office.

Lao Te quit everyone and moved all the materials to the secret room.

"You can see my sincerity now, right?" Old Special said.

Jiang Siming nodded in satisfaction, and said, "I will ask you one last question."

"You said."

"Where is your treasury?"



[Author's digression]: Third more~

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