I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2079: To be a monument!

Atlanta (M) Country, Kentucky Mountains.

A fortress-like building stands here, surrounded by U.S. soldiers with live ammunition, at least tens of thousands of them.

There is also an army airport not far away.

In the sky, there are patrol helicopters. If you go up and pass through the atmosphere, you can see at least five military satellites staring at the fortress.

This place is known as the safest place, and even a mosquito cannot fly in.

This is also the center of Atlanta's wealth storage, the place with the largest gold reserves in Atlanta.

Treasury, also known as national treasury.

In fact, the treasury of every country must contain gold, because gold is something that never depreciates.

Secondly, gold is also an important material for the jewelry industry, electronics industry, communications industry, aviation industry and other sectors. Gold must be used in many places.

This also makes gold the most precious symbol of wealth after thousands of years.

Today, we welcomed a guest here, the old special.

Even if he is a general manager, he is not allowed to enter and leave the treasury at will, and he needs to obtain the permission of three departments at the same time.

Although I don't know what Old Special is going to do, the three departments still agreed, and this allows Old Special to come here.

Old Te has only been here twice himself.

After signing a lot of cumbersome documents, the old special was able to go all the way to the treasury of wealth in the United States under the leadership of the Treasurer.

"Mr. ZT, what's the matter with you here?" The manager still asked in confusion.

The old special replied unfailingly: "I know that I will step down soon. I want to look at the strong background of our Atlanta nation and remember it. Isn't it OK?"

Doubtful, the manager opened the security door and let him in.

When Old Te went in, he only glanced at it, then turned his head and left.

"Mr. ZT, are you finished reading this?"

"After reading it, don't you wish I had more time?" Old special asked in an angry voice.

"Of course not. Now that you have finished reading it, let's go."


Old Te sighed, then returned to his car and left quickly.

Everyone was stunned by this wave of operations by Old Special, is he really just here to look at this treasury? Does it mean anything else?

Only Lao Te knew that at this time, he was already talking with people in the car.

"What you want me to do, I have done it. Why should you let me take you to the treasury? You can come in and out at will." Old special said bitterly.

The driver in front could not hear the communication between the two. The front and rear of the car were completely soundproofed.

Jiang Siming sat next to Old Special, yawning with Erlang's legs folded, and said, "Let you go to the treasury. Naturally, let you help me cover it. When they discover that the treasury has been stolen in the future, the first person to doubt will definitely not It will be me, but you."

Old Special could not say a word, gritted his teeth.

If he couldn't beat him, he really wanted to slap the shameless man!

"If you want to hit me, are you sure you are dead enough for me to give you a punch?" Jiang Siming passed Old Te's mind.

Old Trima immediately dismissed the idea, thinking in his heart, damn, this guy really has a mind-reading skill!

He thought it was a lie at first.

Jiang Siming didn't care.

"Okay, since everything is done, I should go back, remember what you said today, if you dare to leak it out, you and your family will be like those killers."

With a cold sweat, Old Special shook his head quickly: "Don't worry, I won't be so stupid."

He didn't know what treatment these killers were. He thought they were all dead. In fact, everyone was still fighting for survival on the animal planet.

"Goodgood, I like to chat with smart people. To be honest, you are a bit reluctant to resign as our Chinese people." Jiang Siming patted Lao Te on the shoulder.

Old Special thought he was complimenting him, and finally a smile appeared on his face, and said: "Really, do they all like me?"

"Of course, they all boast that you are Comrade Jianguo, a special agent sent by China to make trouble in Atlanta," Jiang Siming answered honestly.

Old Special: "..."

What a shame, a shame!

"By the way, there is another song, but you probably don't understand it."

"What song, I want to listen!" Old Te was so angry that he wanted to hear what the song was.

Hearing this, Jiang Siming smiled, took out his mobile phone and searched the Internet, then released it directly.

It’s an adaptation of Jay Chou’s "All the Way North"

"I turned to my back, wiped the tears of my eyes, drank the moon in my glass, and rewarded me for the festive season. Wandering outside Baigong's gate is my last chance. I have gone to the United States for decades. The belt gradually widens and finally does not regret it, and I am not tired for the revival of China~~"

"I walked towards beauty, the days and nights I left the motherland, I slandered under the mask, the soul of my homeland was invincible to a hangover, I hope to retreat, but the elder body can hardly walk as fast as I can, sighing for sleeplessness, and tears of the husband~~ "

"Who can not covet the throne, roundabout in the vanity fair, ruling the country by doing nothing, flicking the brush in his hand, judging the documents wantonly, and rewriting the national fortune quietly~~"

"The devastated world on earth, the oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry and the building is ruined. I am arrogant, but my thoughts follow each other, the love is so deep that sleep and food are gone, and the wind breaks my hometown into the night~~"

"I'm going all the way to the beautiful, leaving the border of China, even if there is no return, I am afraid of the thorns and thorns, don't sing and go, I am afraid that I will see you in the future. So paper pile~~"

"I have lost my youth and no regrets all the way to beauty. The fleeting years rushes people, and the history is not to be turned into ashes. There are tears in the night, the red flag of dreams is in the sky, the dragon soars proudly, and the horse steps on Cuirong. , To be a monument!"

(There is no meaning of water, but I just think this song is really great, with millions of words, perfect! If you want to listen, you can go to Xiaopozhan to search for Supersonics, his works are all great!)

After listening to this song, Old Special choked speechlessly.

"Although I don't understand these lyrics, I always feel familiar. I once had a dream."

"In my dream, there are high windy loess slopes, and fellows from northern Shaanxi who are smiling and holding a big bowl of tea. There are the Three Gorges and Six Rivers in the Qingzhou Wanzhong Mountains, and the lilac alleys with drizzling rain..."

The more Jiang Siming listens, the more things go wrong, hey hey, don't you do it, old student Tang?

"Finally, I only dreamed that many, many years ago, in October in Harbin, Bingjie was on the eaves of the corridor, and in the distance was the whistle of the train leading to a foreign country, and the smoke billowed. Finally, when I was young, I saluted an old man. , There will be no more news."

The old special spoke eloquently, and he shed tears inexplicably.

Jiang Siming is full of Nick Young's question mark emoticons.

Suddenly remembered a few news recently.

"He is trying to restore the great glory of a country, that country is not Atlanta!"-New York Times.

"He once said: Our country's epidemic is the best controlled. At first we didn't understand what he was talking about, and then we knew what he was talking about!"-The Washington Post.


Just this ridicule, the story is purely fictitious, everyone laughs, please do not check in (smirk)

[Author's digression]: First more~

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