I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2080: Let the dragon take off!

Jiang Siming felt a little blank in his brain.

The more I think about it, the more something is wrong.

This time, Jiang Siming really used the mind-reading technique on him. I don't know, he was dumbfounded.

In the memory of Old Special's head, one piece was actually sealed.

Jiang Siming leaned in, and there was a weak soul hidden inside!

The memories are suddenly connected together.

At the Harbin Railway Station in October, a man said to an old man with tears in his eyes: "Elder, after leaving this time, I may never be able to come back."

The old man also had tears in his eyes, and said grimly: "Jianguo, go all the way, we will never forget you."

"Elder, in the future, I will no longer be able to guard you, guard the heavenly group you just established."

"It's all our bad, so you have suffered such a serious injury."

"This is not to blame the elders, but to my bad life. Only half a year of life is left. I want to use my family's inherited spirit sealing technique to do my last little effort for China.

"Thanks for your hard work, sigh~"

"I didn't work hard at all, elder, I think there is a wizard boy in the Dongfang family named Dongfang Su, who can be the leader of the heavenly group."

"I see, the train is coming, Jianguo, there is no time."

"Elder, take care!"

Afterwards, the man saluted the old man one last time, then turned and resolutely embarked on the train to a foreign country.

After that, the man sailed across the ocean and came to Atlanta.

After sacrificing his little life, figure out the future leader of Atlanta.

Finally, at the last moment of his life, he sealed a strand of his remnant soul on a child named Donald, and after that, he also evaporated.

Only Jiang Siming can see this memory.

And this remnant soul was already exhausted, and as the seal was unlocked, he finally completed his mission.

Before the remnant soul disappeared, the face of a yellow-skinned man was revealed. The expression on his face was relief, relief, and expectation of Jiang Siming.

When he saw this face, Jiang Siming couldn't stop shaking.

Because of this face, he has seen it before.

When chatting with the old man Dongfang Su at the Tianzu base, he once said that Tianzu was not created by him.

The man who founded him was an old man who died more than 50 years ago.

That deceased is the first person to be the first, he is just a gangster.

Dongfang Su also said that the first person was a monk who was proficient in spiritual power, but he regretted his death not long after the creation of the Tian Group.

After that, I showed him a mottled and old photo.

And the remnant soul that Jiang Siming sees now is exactly the same as the person in the photo!

"From now on, the task of revival will be given to you, child."

The Remnant Soul finally left this sentence to Jiang Siming, and then disappeared in Old Special's memory, and completely disappeared in the sky.

But in Jiang Siming's eyes, it was as if he had entered the wind and sand, and while tearing down, he was more in awe.

"Don't worry, I will take your last will and let the Chinese Dragon take off!"

Jiang Siming clenched his fists and spoke softly.

"What did you say?" Old Special recovered from the memory and asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." Jiang Siming wiped away the remaining tears from his eyes.

Old Teh laughed and said, "Do you have wind and trachoma like me?"

"Wind trachoma?"

"Yes, I always shed tears inexplicably. It is very strange, especially when I visited your Huaxia, my wind and sand eyes were the most serious. It must be that your Huaxia environment is not good, and the sand and haze are too serious." Old Special Said endlessly.

Jiang Siming did not speak, leaning on his seat and speechless for a long time.

Finally, Jiang Siming said to him: "I will not go to the treasury for the time being."

"What? Really?"

"If you say that you will not go for the time being, you should be thankful that you had such an experience when you were young, otherwise, I will not let you go."

Old Te was confused: "When I was young? Experience?"

"What I remember most clearly when I was young was that I had a splitting headache for a while. I saw many doctors and I didn’t get it. I didn’t expect that after I got better, I would never have a headache again. Is this what you said?" Recalled.

Jiang Siming didn't answer, but left one sentence: "Remember what you promised me. If you dare to make small moves in the future, it will be too late for you to regret it."

"Don't worry, I must keep it in mind." Old special waved his hand hurriedly.

He wanted to say something, but found that Jiang Siming had a complicated expression and disappeared in his car instantly.

"Why is this, why is he so kind to me suddenly?"

Lao Te looked at Jiang Siming who disappeared, muttering suspiciously...

Back in China, Jiang Siming rarely went home to see his children and wife in the first time, and instead came to the gate of Tianzu Base.

"Hello, Ke Qing!" Outside the door, members of the Tian Group saw Jiang Siming and saluted for the first time.

Jiang Siming nodded, entered the password, and entered the base.

At the gate of the base, the gatekeeper was still there.

Jiang Siming ignored him and went straight in to find Dongfang Su's office.

"Oh, why come over to me today? It's really the sun coming out from the west." Dongfang Su smiled and asked.

Jiang Siming just smiled back, and then handed the thick portfolio to Dongfang Su.

"Please give these materials to the elders for me."

Dongfang Su suspiciously accepted the information, opened it, and his expression immediately became serious.

All of these materials are top-secret information from Atlanta.

There are secretly researched and developed technologies, military technologies, economic operations, etc.

There are even space data.

Each of these things is invaluable.

"Did you get these materials from Atlanta?" Dongfang Su raised his head and asked.

Jiang Siming shook his head unexpectedly:

"I didn't get it, but the last contribution left by a former senior. I just passed it on on his behalf."

"Senior? Who?"

"It's the creator of the Tian Group."


Jiang Siming didn't conceal it, and said everything he knew.

Since Atlanta has found out his various superpowers, China must have known it a long time ago.

Jiang Siming felt that there was nothing to hide. Besides, the elders knew about it a long time ago, but they never told him about it.

This is a trust in him, unreserved trust.

After listening to his narration, Dongfang Su was also in tears.

"Master, this is my mentor! I haven't seen him again since he disappeared fifty years ago. Alas, things are not humans, but things are not humans!"

After Dongfang Su finished speaking, he took out the photo.

Jiang Siming saw the photo again, and it still looked exactly like the remnant soul he saw.

"Can't you leave the remnant soul of your teacher?" Dongfang Su asked with a hint of expectation.

Jiang Siming shook his head regretfully, and said: "His remnant soul should have disappeared long ago, but with a strong will to endure the pain of the soul flying away and staying in the world, after he saw me, he resolutely decided not to die. For him, it is liberation."

After listening to Dongfang Su, he didn't speak any more, but looked back at the picture of his teacher, and saluted in awe!


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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