I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2083: It's not Cao thief

What surprised Jiang Siming was that when Christine met Jiang Siming's wives, his eyes were only amazed and admired, and there was no other wretched look.

"You are so happy, treat the people around you well." Christine also blessed Jiang Siming.

Made Lao Jiang inexplicable.

"You have to look a little bit more, if it doesn't work, I will find a good girl outside and introduce it to you later."

After finishing talking, Jiang Siming immediately added: "But my family is not good, you have to pay attention to this."

What is food protection? This is called food protection.

Christine couldn't help but chuckled and said: "Don't worry, I have no interest in other people's wives, even if she is beautiful and perfect."

"That's good, it's not Cao thief." Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cao Thief? What is it?"

"Oh, Tie Hanhan, don't care, go in and sit down."

Jiang Siming invited him, since he is not a Cao thief, he can become a friend.

Otherwise, Lao Jiang will always guard against him.

Christine walked and watched the scenery of Jiang Siming's house, feeling beautiful from time to time.

When she saw the pets on the holy fruit tree, she couldn't walk.

"Oh God, they are so beautiful! There are pandas! Isn't this a national treasure of your country?"

Seeing the cute pets in Jiang Siming's house, Christine suddenly felt a lot more cheerful.

Taylor joked with a wry smile: "The charm of so many of us is not as good as Xiangxiang Alan."

"Can I...touch them?" Christine looked at Jiang Siming pleadingly.

"Yes, but you probably won't let you touch the two above. Feel free to touch the national treasure. Just give it delicious."

Jiang Siming said he took a bamboo to her.

Xiangxiang was very hurt when I heard that, Master, in your heart, Xiangxiang is the kind of panda that can be touched by eating, woo...

"For you to eat." Christine walked over and carefully handed Xiangxiang fresh bamboo.

Xiangxiang took it without hesitation, and then ate it with all his heart.

Christine didn't resist even touching it.

Jiang Siming showed the expression that he knew you were such a panda.

In fact, Xiangxiang was still very arrogant before, so strangers should not enter.

But after living in Jiang Siming's house, more and more hostesses approached him by feeding them.

In the end, the little guy was the same as Jiang Siming's concentration, failed to hold it, and stepped into the road of being a mother with milk, and gone forever.

Christine happily touched Xiangxiang, and played with Ajo and Nicole for a while.

Christine, who was more happy, recovered a lot of energy on her face.

"Your home is so perfect, you have everything, there are so many lively people, and even such smart and cute pets."

Christine sighed that she was about to be ill at the hotel.

I can't go anywhere, because she is a big Hollywood star, even in China, she is easily recognized, so she can only stay in the hotel.

And once a person is sad, staying in one place will make it more difficult to get out of the shadows.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming agreed to let Christine come to his house, otherwise the woman would have to suffer from depression.

After two days, Christine really did not do anything excessive to Jiang Siming's wives.

But she and them all became one, playing every day from morning to night, laughing constantly.

I also started to like to do bad things, such as dressing up like a cool man, dancing a pole dance at Nancy and the others with a cigarette **** in his mouth.

If it wasn't for Jiang Siming's high charm, Nancy and the others would have super resistance.

For other men's female votes, it is estimated that you will be attracted to nosebleeds and change your sexual orientation every minute.

Don't say, Kristen moved cool, pay attention to kill 99% of the men in the world.

It's a pity that Christine's target is Jiang Siming's girl, whose immunity is too high to be effective.

After trying twice, Christine gave up.

The next day, the "Le" program started on time.

At seven o'clock in the evening, twelve countries around the world started the live broadcast simultaneously.

With Taylor joining, it is destined that there will be no fewer foreign audiences for this show.

Not to mention the last episode, Jiang Siming gave the western audience a song "RightHereWaiting".

In a week, this song crushed all the songs on the European and American charts, firmly occupying the top position.

The popularity has not diminished at all. It is estimated that this song will dominate this year.

Within this year, other European and American singers do not have any chance to get ahead, including top singers such as Taylor, A sister, Rihanna, etc., they have to step aside when they encounter this song.

As soon as the show started, China’s ratings alone were unmatched by all other variety shows.

If you add the ratings of other countries, you can kill the Spring Festival Gala ratings.

As soon as the stage lights came on, there was no room for an audience in the audience, which shows how popular the show is now.

To everyone's surprise, this time the host was actually two people.

One is Wang Xiaoyu who has been hosting this for the third time.

When everyone saw Wang Xiaoyu, they couldn't help but curl their lips, and they knew it was such an expression.

Boss Jiang, are you too obvious?

And the other host, unexpectedly, is also a beauty.

And like Wang Xiaoyu's original career, he was both a reporter from Yang Ma.

Later, he hosted "Successful People", a well-known financial program Yang Ma.

This person is Yan Sisi.

Well, the goddess harvester is indeed well-deserved.

Grand Master is Grand Master.

The male audience held their heads with pain on their faces.

At this time they wanted to have a fight with Jiang Siming, shit, they were eating the bowl and looking at the pot.

Not only did you not listen to you last time, but you also got worse, right?

One Wang Xiaoyu is enough to make the male audience feel distressed, and now there is another Yan Sisi.

Jiang Siming, how many wives do you want to be satisfied with! ! ! !


Jiang Siming sneezed inexplicably in the backstage, feeling that his back was cold, what's the matter, could it be that the killer was watching him?

This is the first time since the broadcast of "Le", the two hosts are on the same stage, and both are so beautiful.

Even foreign men are very careful, these two Chinese girls are so beautiful!

It's decided, I will buy a ticket to fly to China tomorrow and pursue them!

The two hosts have their own tasks, but also to better take care of foreign audiences, so Yan Sisi is in charge of Chinese and Wang Xiaoyu is in charge of English.

The two cooperated quite tacitly. If you say something, I will turn it over. It should be a long time to practice hard in private.

After the announcement of the game rules and the polite set, today's show will officially begin.

We will wait and see who will be the guests in this issue.

"Please, today's first singer, from a Japanese female singer, Hanazawa Coriander!"


The second one ~ owes one more today.

The reason is that my cousin’s second aunt’s uncle’s aunt’s cousin’s cousin’s brother’s high school classmates are married... Okay, I’ll be honest, I’m greedy, and I will go out to eat hot pot (cover my face) later, but don’t worry, I will make up tomorrow. Qi.

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