I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2084: Want a Japanese song?


When Hanazawa Coriander appeared on the stage, the otakus present were instantly hilarious.

The name of Hanazawa coriander is a household name in Japan.

Even in China, she is also famous, and she is the goddess of youth for a generation of otaku.

Every time Hanazawa Coriander's concert is almost full.

The original image of coriander was very cute and sweet, but after a photo of Hyogo north coriander was exposed on the Internet.

The image of coriander in everyone's mind began to crooked.

Of course, this does not mean that the popularity of coriander has declined, on the contrary, it has become more popular.

Many people who didn't know her were also brainwashed by that emoticon, and since then they have set foot on the road of fanning her.

The accompaniment sounded, and just by hearing the accompaniment, many people knew what the song was.

The famous Japanese Divine Comedy "Love Cycle" that has spread all over Asia!






〖But that's not OK〗



〖I have said that, look at it〗

"心は Evolutionするよもーっともーっと"


〖This heart will sink deeper and deeper, gradually, gradually〗


As soon as this song was released, the audience instantly became a sea of ​​otaku chorus.

This song is so brainwashing that even people who don't understand the lyrics at all can hum along with it.

This time, Hanazawa Coriander took the expectations of fans from all over Japan to stand on this stage and sang very hard.

After the concert, the audience thundered with applause.

Wang Xiaoyu and Yan Sisi, incarnations of little fans, took to the stage and embraced coriander. Not only boys like Hanazawa coriander, but many girls also like her.

Hanazawa Coriander also smiled very happily, but after Hyogo Kita's photos, she didn't dare to laugh too loudly, for fear that everyone would use it as an emoticon again, huh~

The three-minute voting began, and while waiting, Wang Xiaoyu and Huazawa Coriander exchanged ideas.

"Coriander, it's the first time to participate in China's music variety show, what do you want to say?" Wang Xiaoyu spoke to Hanazawa Coriander in fluent Japanese.

Once again exposed Wang Xiaoyu's amazing language ability. He can speak English and Japanese, which is nothing short of it.

The key is that Yan Sisi is also a barrier-free translator. She also understands Japanese.

The audience was speechless.

As expected, he is a versatile and versatile host who can be favored by the boss of Jiang Da.

Now I finally know why the show team invited them. The other hosts really can't take this job.

"It feels very good. The sound quality and the band of this show are really amazing, but I don't think I can sing very well and I need to continue to improve."

Hanazawa coriander said modestly.

"Why, you sing so well. The cheers of the audience represent everything. Besides coming to "Le", do you usually watch this show?" Wang Xiaoyu asked with a smile.

Hanazawa Coriander immediately nodded and replied: "Yes, I will. I learned about this program since the third issue, and then I have been watching it. I watched every issue, and later I went to find the first two issues."

"Then is there a singer you like on this show?"

"Of course, I like many singers in it. I like Jiang Siming the most. In fact, my husband and I are already his fans." Huazawa Coriander said with a smile.

The favorite singer who heard Hanazawa Coriander was Jiang Siming, and Wang Xiaoyu and Yan Sisi showed their mouths and raised them at the same time.

There is a feeling that the things they like are recognized by others.

Hanazawa Coriander thought they didn’t believe it, and quickly explained: “This is true. You may not know how popular Jiang Jun is now in Japan. Many young people, both men and women, like him very much. Now he is a young Japanese. No less than Takuya Kimura and Takeshi Kaneshiro."

Wow? real or fake? Is this an exaggeration?

The Chinese audience was taken aback.

Who is Takuya Kimura? There is not one of the most popular male star in Japanese history.

A Japanese **** who has been popular for decades, 80% of all Japanese women are his fans.

Later, after marrying Shizuka Kudo, Shizuka Kudo was blasted by all Japanese women and scolded for decades, even now she is one of the most hated actresses in all Japanese women.

This is the charm of Takuya Kimura.

The popularity of Takeshi Kaneshiro in Japan is second only to Takuya Kimura, but Takeshi Kaneshiro is also Japanese because he is loved by so many Japanese people.

But now Hanazawa Coriander tells them that Jiang Siming is as popular in Japan as these two.

How could this be possible, you must know that Jiang Siming was the one who soaked away their Ishihara Rimi and Hashimoto Kanna.

Shouldn't everyone hate him?

Hanazawa Coriander seemed to hear everyone's disbelief, and explained with a smile: "Jiang Jun has too many talents. Japan has his fans, movie fans, fans, kung fu fans, game fans, etc., as well as his face value fans."

"He was named by our Japanese young people as the'violent gentleman in history,' also called the'most perfect hero king,' and'the **** of the imperial martial arts,' and so on. He has various titles."


Hearing these nicknames, the audience couldn't help laughing.

I have to say that Japan’s ability to obtain titles is really good at it, and it's too second.

Jiang Siming is also a black line in the background, nnd, all these things.

However, the people who can get so many titles in Japan also represent the respect and love of the Japanese people.

The three-minute chat time passed in a flash, and everyone turned their attention to the number of votes for coriander.


A very high number of votes!

Although it is certainly not as good as Taylor, it is already a very high number of votes.

"Then next, we still need to carry out a link, coriander should also know, please write a question?" Wang Xiaoyu said.

Hanazawa Coriander is naturally familiar with the program rules, and said sincerely:

"I'm here this time to represent all Jiang Jun's Japanese fans. Can I ask Jiang Jun for a Japanese song for them?"

Japanese song? I wiped it, isn't it deliberately embarrassing?

Everyone was stunned and heard Jiang Siming write English songs, Chinese songs and even Cantonese songs, but Japanese songs have never been heard before.

Is it possible that Hanazawa coriander targets my Myojin?

Fortunately, Hanazawa Coriander added: "I heard from my good friend Yui. She said that when Jiang Jun visited her in the hospital with Hashimoto, he sang a very nice song translated in Japanese in the ward. With Chinese songs, I learned that Jun Jiang's Japanese is also very good."

"Of course, I also know that this request is too difficult, so if Jiang Jun doesn't want to make it, it's okay. Then the title is changed to a farewell Chinese song."

Finally, Hanazawa coriander bowed apologetically to everyone and said:

"If you don't believe me, you can go to our Tokyo News Agency to watch it. There are really a lot of Japanese fans. I hope you can hear a song by Jiang Jun."


[Author's digression]: First more~

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