I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2085: Japanese Songs·Planets

"In Japan, Jiang Jun has a fan group exclusively for Japan. All his videos and Chinese songs are very famous on major Japanese websites, including the variety shows he participated in."

Hanazawa coriander is really sincere. Many viewers who don't believe in evil took their mobile phones to search the Internet, and it was true.

Not to mention, there are really many Jiang Siming fans on Japanese websites and forums.

There are even many Japanese girls who have built an exclusive website for him, which is much better than Post Bar.

The website is full of Jiang Siming fans, and many areas are carefully divided.

There are [Jiang·Songs][Jiang·Photos][Jiang·Basketball][Jiang·Games][Jiang·Fu Shen] and so on.

In these areas, all Japanese fans can clearly see all the talents of Jiang Siming.

And each area is subdivided into many types, such as the song area, divided into Chinese songs and English songs, and all songs are also translated into Japanese.

Another example is the photo area, which is even more exciting. It can be divided into various categories, such as life photos, basketball photos, e-sports photos, and sports photos.

What about Hanfu photos, Zhongshan photos, windbreaker photos, concert photos, etc.

There are so many that make domestic fans feel ashamed.

All the photos also have downloads, and each one has been downloaded millions of times, which is terrifying.

In addition, it even records Jiang Siming's birthday.

This method of chasing stars is undoubtedly a true fan.

Everyone found out that Jiang Siming is also so popular in Japan.

The doubts about coriander disappeared.

Everyone has two choices, Jiang Siming can write whatever he wants.

"Okay, I think everyone has understood the topic. Coriander gave two choices. The first is a Japanese song, and the second is a Chinese song for farewell. Choose at will, right?" Wang Xiaoyu finally confirmed with Huazawa Coriander a bit.

"Yeah!" Hanazawa coriander nodded.

Then he left the stage.

Then, the second and third new guests appeared one after another.

One is Korean singer Jang Keun Suk, who used to be very famous.

The other is from Malaysian singer Zhang Dongliang.

It seems that this episode focuses on the Asian region.

Jang Keun Suk has 699w+ votes and Zhang Dongliang has 587w+ votes.

Compared with Hanazawa coriander, the score is much worse.

Next, it was the fourth singer's turn, and it was Tyler.

Taylor came on stage again, and the atmosphere of the audience reached a peak.

No way, the global popularity of the singer is really scary.

Taylor did not sing the song Jiang Siming wrote to him this time, but instead sang his own famous song "LoveStory".

In this wave, the number of votes directly rushed to 2300w+!

While eclipsing all singers, it also allows the world to see Taylor's charm again.

Then the next few singers, none of them can surpass her.

Martin, who was promoted with Taylor in the previous show, sang a song "WaitingForLove", and the number of votes directly increased 1388w+!

Martin's strength is also extremely strong, a mainstay figure among European and American male singers.

And Jay Chou, who was unconvinced and had been losing to foreign singers, also released a big move, a song "Dragon Fist" that directly ignited the scene.

The accompaniment and soundtrack of "Dragon Fist" impressed European and American audiences, and they followed suit.

For this reason, Jay Chou won a super high number of votes of 1455w+.

It can be seen from this that Jay Chou's music status is unprecedented.

The accompaniment and melody of many of his songs, even after more than ten years, are completely out of date, and foreign audiences also like it.

Back then, when a large number of singers sang foreign songs from Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States, Jay Chou used his own music to win countless fans abroad.

This is why, those singers who used to be very popular with covers have no works at all.

Like Li Keqin's "Red Sun", Pan Shuai's "I Have to Love", "Don't Forget Me", "Happy Adoration", etc., a lot of such songs.

Many, many singer songs are from foreign songs.

At that time, it was indeed a smash hit, fame and fortune, after all, the Internet was not developed, and everyone had never heard foreign songs.

But now with the progress of the Internet, a large number of foreign songs have traveled across the ocean to China, making everyone more and more enjoyable at the same time.

Those singers have faded out of everyone's sight. Except for variety show commercials, they can hardly be seen in music.

Because they hardly have any songs that they can get.

The truth of this wave of Dong Chou raised the face of the Chinese audience.

It is a pity that neither Lin Sansui nor Ren Tianwang's votes exceeded 10 million.

This is not because of their lack of strength, it can only be said that their songs still have limitations, and of course they are second to none in China.

However, in foreign countries, few viewers buy it, and most of them are Chinese viewers who are willing to vote.

Without the votes of other countries, it is naturally lower.

But they are still much higher than Jang Keun Suk and Jang Dongliang, and both of them are destined to be eliminated.

If Jiang Siming's votes are high enough in the end, King Ren Tian may be leaving.

Counting that, there are only three of the seven heavenly king-level guests who have been resident before.

There is no other way. If you want to wrestle with the world singers, you have to face reality.

Only those songs that can cross cultural differences can truly become world-class songs.

It is nothing to sing the audience in one country, but it is completely two concepts to sing the audience in many countries.

In the end, only Jiang Siming was left.

Everyone is also curious, what song will Jiang Siming choose to write?

Is it a Japanese song, a Chinese song, or an English song?

"Myojin will probably choose to write Chinese songs."

"I also think that although Japanese fans are indeed very sincere, Myojin may also lack energy."

"It feels better that English songs are better. The last English song directly broke the record."

"Actually, I really look forward to Myojin writing Japanese songs. If I can conquer Japanese fans again, it will be so generous!"

"If this is true, then our Huaxia will finally have a world-class singer, haha."

"It's already a long time ago, Myojin has already conquered the European and American music scenes. If the Japanese music scene is not conquered, it will not change the fact that Myojin is world-class!


After Wang Xiaoyu and Yan Si missed the last guest's name, the stage was suddenly dark.

On the screen, a familiar piece of Jiang Siming's exclusive "Three Quotes Poem" gradually floated.

Song: "ばんせい" (Planet/PLANET)

Lyricist: Jiang Siming (Ming)

Composer: Jiang Siming (Ming)

Singing: Jiang Siming (Ming)

When everyone saw this subtitle, they all had a silly sound in their hearts!

Is it really a Japanese song?

Myojin can really write Japanese songs?

At this time, everyone except 666, don't know what to say.

by! Is there anything this guy doesn't?


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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