The matched fragments must have the least quantity and the lowest quality.

From the fact that only white and golden fragments can be picked up, and the explosion rate is getting lower and lower, this can be proved.

But it is also possible that the fragments will be refilled every once in a while.

Just like a mountain spring, you have drunk it now, but after a while, it may reappear again.

But this possibility is still very small, at least he didn't see Jiang Siming in the end game Jedi.

It's a pity that the ranking has not yet been opened. Everyone has just played this game, and the technology and level are in the just development stage.

Anyway, Jiang Siming played so many days, there is no decent opponent.

Only two people with good marksmanship came across, and the other party did not say what they were.

Later, Jiang Siming checked with Nuwa and found out that both of them were retired special forces.

At present, there are less than 30,000 people with a matching score of 1,200.

Among these 30,000 people, Jiang Siming checked and found that most of them were expert marksmanship, including police officers, soldiers, and civilian firearms enthusiasts.

There are even natural sharpshooters, some people are talented, even if they have never played a gun, they can operate skillfully after entering.

Almost all the students in the Guoshu University are above the top 10,000.

This is still a lot of students who have never played games before, and they are very rusty and only know how to shoot.

Moreover, there are only two hours of playing games every day. If they let them play, it is estimated that they will all be at the forefront in a short time.

After all, the students in his Chinese Martial Arts University are definitely the top group in the pyramid in terms of actual strength, physical fitness, and individual combat capability.

Jiang Siming estimated that in the future, he would definitely compete with these masters in the game, and he was quite looking forward to it.

So many masters appeared.

As a result, many new anchors were born, among which the most popular is a veteran, named Leizi.

He said that he used to be the level of the gun king.

The game's strength is indeed very powerful, and the current matching score is second only to Jiang Siming, the second in the national server.

There are many people who watch him live and learn technology every day, and there are many popular anchors.

This is also normal. When a new game is on fire, other game industries driven by it will naturally spawn new masters.

Just like when Duanyou Jedi came out, the game masters were all fame and fortune.

This holographic Jedi is naturally even more so, plus if you want to become a master in the holographic Jedi, he must be a capable person himself.

Fans admire them even more.

As for the old anchors in the past, they can only be rookies in this game.

No way, this holographic Jedi has surpassed their knowledge and talent.

Just playing, the start is definitely not as good as those masters in reality.

You are like PDD Awei. They live at home every day. Although there are cars, they rarely drive. They even have problems with their car skills.

Not to mention marksmanship, even Ah Wei, who is extremely talented in the game, is constantly hitting a wall in this game.

However, it is estimated that after waiting for a long time, this situation will definitely be much better. Maybe you can become a master of Holographic Jedi.

But let alone, the more they hit a wall, the more addicted they are.

Ah Wei hasn't played Endgame Jedi for several days, and PDD hasn't broadcasted League of Legends and Genting Game in a week.

UZI wanted to make a comeback this year, but now he is obsessed with delivering express delivery in the holographic Jedi every day, and the idea of ​​making a comeback is almost wiped out.

Simply put, people are addicted to food.

A generation of newcomers replaced the old, and master anchors began to rise rapidly and were known by everyone.

Jiang Siming is also happy to see this phenomenon.

This represents the rise of a new dynasty, a dynasty that will be born from his game, has set sail.

But now it is obviously not the time to rank and pick up the debris. It will take a while to wait for 100,000 people.

But after the influx of foreign players, this speed will definitely be much faster.

In addition to the explosion of the Holographic Jedi, Jiang Siming's Yulong cigarettes were also completely sold out of stock in China.

One hundred thousand boxes of Yulong Cigarette sold out in less than a month?

With more than 200 million packs of cigarettes, Jiang Siming thought it would last at least three months, until the tobacco leaves mature in the next quarter.

But my father told him that all the cigarettes produced in the first batch were sold out.

Yulong's reputation and taste are so good that people who have been drawn have changed their camps and fell into Yulong's embrace.

What Liqun, Double Happiness, Yunyan, Yuxi, King Furong...

One was counted as one, and all were beaten by Yulong.

It is out of date to come to Gen Huazi now, and it is really domineering to come with Longzi.

All sold out also brought nearly 30 billion profits to Jiang Siming.

The profitability of the tobacco industry is true.

30 billion a month, if sales are maintained, there will be more than 300 billion a year.

Not to mention that he can't keep up with his "Holographic Jedi", his holographic Jedi is a one-time sale.

When the market is saturated, you won't be able to make any money, you can only sell skins, and certainly not as good as games.

But tobacco is different. Smokers need it every day.

In other words, Jiang Siming can earn more than 30 billion yuan from Yulong every month. All seasons are peak seasons. If the output is increased, he can earn more.

This is more stable than any of his subsidiaries. There is no off-season and peak-season for this thing. There are three hundred and sixty-five days a year, and every day is hot time.

Jiang Siming finally knows why tobacco is the most profitable industry in the world, much faster than arms and real estate.

Think about it, his Yulong alone can cost 300 billion yuan a year. If you add in the sales of all cigarette brands, it is no exaggeration to exceed more than ten trillion yuan a year!

No wonder there is a saying, if you don’t smoke, I don’t smoke, who will fix the aircraft carrier if it is broken.

China Tobacco is too fragmented, if they merge together to make the list of global companies.

Other companies can't even give it shoes.

But now Jiang Siming's Yulong Cigarettes are sold out, and Yulong Cigarette fans all over China are eagerly looking forward to it.

Countless businessmen’s calls to tobacco companies are raining every day, and the anxious dad keeps going around.

I almost wish I became a cigarette for everyone to smoke.

The main father Jiang was afraid of ruining his son's business.

In order to maintain this sales volume, Jiang Siming hurriedly asked his father to fully expand the tobacco planting area.

And he asked all alchemy robots to start refining [Plant Growth Pill], and then sent it to Yunnan, all used to water the Yulong tobacco leaves.

In this way, Yulong cigarettes can continue to be supplied in less than a week.

And Jiang Siming will also begin to extend the'hands of collecting money' to men and women.

Man, he has Yulong cigarettes and makes men's money.

Women, he has the beauty of Fu Xi and earns women's money.

Men and women kill each other, can this make money unhappy?

If you count his milk powder company and children's clothing company, men, women and children's money, he is making money.

If you add the anti-cancer pill, after all, most of the cancer patients are elderly people.

If that's the case, Jiang Siming is a man, woman, and child, who will kill!


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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