I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2090: Do you dare to grab the Mars of brother?

I feel that in a few years, everyone in China will be inseparable from the Jiang Group in their daily lives and old age.

It's the same as Samsung Group in Korea.

Moreover, China has a much larger population than South Korea, which means that Jiang’s Group may surpass Samsung by N times.

Lao Jiang said: "Hey, they are all small goals. My goal is the entire universe."

Just as Jiang Siming was about to look forward to the entire universe, there was a man on the US side who jumped out and disrupted Lao Jiang's plan.

[Today, SpaceX Chairman Musk swore the sovereignty of Mars! 】

This news came from the United States and floated to the Internet in various countries.

But everyone who watched this news didn't care at all.

Mars? That's too far away, it has nothing to do with their lives.

Coupled with the news that Jiang Siming's "Holographic Jedi" sold 300 billion yuan, this news quickly sinks, as if it did not stir up any waves.

But Jiang Siming shouldn't be invisible, because Mars belongs to him!

Let alone Mars, the entire galaxy is now his.

Damn, someone covets his stuff, can Lao Jiang take it seriously.

Jiang Siming immediately asked Xiaoxian to investigate, not to mention, this Musk is really not an ordinary person.

He already founded SpaceX in 2002 and built a space exploration company.

The company is working hard to design space vehicles, spacecraft, satellites and other space vehicles.

And in 2008, it was approved by the NASA Space Agency to deliver cargo to the International Space Station in 12 years.

Said it is a spacecraft, it is actually a rocket.

It can be said that Musk is the first person with private space and space technology, and his appetite is great.

Now, the goal has been set on Mars, where humans are most likely to live.

After SpaceX’s rocket officially successfully sent four astronauts to the Mars orbiting space station.

Musk immediately declared the sovereignty of Mars and said that he would create a new world on Mars that is different from that of the earth. He has the final say on the laws here.

The implication is that Mars is his own, and all countries now want to land on Mars to explore Mars, and must get his consent.

This made Lao Jiang a whole smile, NND, Lao Tzu played casually on various planets every day and he hadn't even said that these planets belonged to him.

How many people did you send to orbit, and declare that Mars is yours before you even go up to the surface of Mars?

Although a Mars Jiang Siming doesn't care at all, he owns the entire Milky Way, and he really doesn't care about a few planets in the solar system.

But this is a very bad sign and signal. If you don't care, space companies will continue to announce this and that in the future.

Maybe in a few years, someone will jump out and say that the solar system belongs to him.

And with Musk’s ambitions, he definitely doesn’t just want to make a spark.

He just suffers from lack of strength now.

Although fleas are not lethal, they are very responsive.

Now, this Musk has met him.

Then, on the second day after Musk declared the sovereignty of Mars and prepared to flex his muscles, he received a bad news.

He worked so hard to build a space station for more than ten years, and it all exploded yesterday.

The four astronauts who had just gained a foothold on the space station, before they had time to send a satellite phone greeting to Musk, they fleeing on their spacecraft and rolled back to Earth.

After the news came out, people all over the world laughed.

He just became the president of Mars, how come he fell the next day? Have the four new Martian people escaped back?

Musk was so angry that he vomited blood, and more than a decade of hard work was ruined.

It was not just him. After his space station exploded, it also affected space stations in other countries.

Especially the United States, somehow, the space station and satellites of the United States have been paralyzed on a large scale.

Especially satellites, once again suffered an extinction.

This kind of inexplicable incident occurred in the first half of the year, when the United States thought it was an alien invasion.

But later it was discovered that apart from their satellites, the satellites of other countries were fine, nothing happened.

After that, Old Special could only project a few hundred satellites again for a big price, and finally recovered.

It's all right now, somehow, it's all gone.

This time it was better, because it was inexplicable last time, and it was broken and you can only recognize it by yourself.

It's broken now, they have a reason, it was caused by the explosion of your Musk's space station!

Lose money!

The U.S. official doesn't care if Musk is a U.S. citizen or not, they only know now that the loss must be stopped.

So he immediately arrested Musk, sealed up SpaceX, and demanded huge compensation.

Musk has no choice but to go bankrupt and lose all money.

After he came out of the police station, the company changed hands and became the U.S. government F industry, and became a state-owned enterprise...

"No! My space dream!" Musk knelt on the street crying with anger.

Just when Musk was desperate, a car stopped in front of him, and then a few people got down, took him away, and left quickly.

The person who asks Musk to go is not someone else, but Old Special.

Because only Old Special guessed who caused the space station explosion, no one except him did it.

After Jiang Siming left the United States, Old Special has been investigating and guessing where Jiang Siming's superpowers came from.

It may be that too many Hollywood movies have been watched. After some careful consideration, Old Special decided that Jiang Siming's ability came from some kind of energy in space.

In other words, Jiang Siming was acquired by a certain radiation source in space and obtained the energy in the radiation source.

As soon as Musk declared the sovereignty of Mars, Jiang Siming exploded the Mars space station.

From this point, Old Special speculates that this radiation source is likely to be on Mars!

Hey, you have to admire this yellow brain hole, it is so peculiar.

Moreover, the things he determined will always be determined to the end.

Therefore, Old Special made a total and prepared to cooperate with Musk, secretly sending Musk and several national astronauts back to Mars orbit to find the radiation source!

So as to save the country from danger.

Just like this, Musk was stupidly sent by Old Te to a rocket and embarked on a long and distant journey to Mars...

Jiang Si discovered this early, but seeing their honey juice operation, he is also a Buddha, so he doesn't bother to control it.

If you like Mars so much, you should go to Mars to explore, and I hope you will find an alien on Mars and come back.

But the SpaceX incident also sounded a wake-up call for Jiang Siming.

He also had to start thinking about future space immigration.

Although it is still too early, the spaceship factory in the Debris Mall has been waiting for him to exchange it.

If I suddenly came to a spaceship, no one would believe it, and no one would sit on it.

Therefore, Jiang Siming immediately decided to establish the [Interstellar] Space Technology Company.

For the time being, the company is just an empty shell and is classified as Reba’s [Space Real Estate].

When he will soon be able to redeem the spaceship, it will be the turn of the [Starcraft] company to shine the world!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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