I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2091: Caught some newcomers

It was exactly a week after Jiang Siming appeared on Animal Planet.

Jiang Siming came here again, keeping the promise, but the place where a hundred killers were dropped at the beginning is empty.

There were only a dozen skeletons on the ground, and maggots ate the last bit of disdainful flesh and blood of giant beasts on it.

These bones were all caused by the brutal King Kong.

The other killers ran away a long time ago and dare not return here.

"Where have you been, take a look."

Jiang Siming still has some small expectations. These killers are all extremely physical and survivable, if they can't survive on the animal planet.

Jiang Siming planned to change to another planet to let them survive the Jedi, after all, death was always boring.

Xiaoxian told him that there is also an animal planet in the Pony galaxy. The animals there are relatively weak, and maybe they can go there in the future.

Jiang Siming said, and then thrown seven or eight unconscious people among the bones.

These people are all newcomers to the'PUBG Mobile' project, who have just been captured by Jiang Siming.

And they are all Chinese.

As for why they were caught, it's simple.

The youngest man in it is a college student at Zhejiang University. He is rich and powerful at home, and he does everything in school.

He used various methods to abuse the female students, and finally chased after the girls of Zhejiang University to no avail, and used violent methods to demolish them.

The girl committed suicide by jumping off the building in despair, and this person was also arrested.

However, because of various black-box operations, this person came out after being locked up for a few months without any ass. He was successfully cleaned up by the school leaders and got his diploma.

After I came out, I started to do evil again, and even posted to the circle of friends to show off "My happiness is back."

Jiang Siming didn't know, but he accidentally saw this news today, so he ran to check it with mind reading.

As soon as it was true, he was brought over.

When Jiang Siming caught him, this cub was still sleeping with two gold-worshiping female college students in his family villa.

Jiang Siming first found a bottle of strong sulfuric acid and poured it into his third leg. This way of getting people up is Lao Jiang's latest invention.

That guy, who called it a miserable, really didn't feel sleepy at all, it really worked.

Seeing how "happy" he called, Jiang Siming waited until he called enough before fainting him and taking him away.

As for the two gold-worshiping girls, Jiang Siming sent them to the playground of their respective schools to continue lying naked.

I also very ‘caring’ to put the wonderful video recorded yesterday on the rich second-generation mobile phone on the Internet, and distribute benefits to all wolf friends for free.

Anyway, this kind of gold-worship girl is not ashamed, so just help them become famous.

As for the rich second generation, naturally, he has to enjoy the highest treatment and enjoy the thrilling survival ‘program’ on Animal Planet.

With him, there are the rich second-generation parents, the school leader who washes him off, and the court personnel who operate in the dark.

There are eight people in total, and Jiang Siming will take over the matter himself.

Because he knew by mind reading that the other party had destroyed all the evidence.

Even if the police station is re-investigated, no evidence is found, and these people can get away with it.

Instead of wasting police force, Jiang Siming simply handled it himself.

As Tianzuo Keqing, he has this right.

And this is granted by the elders.

The eight people woke up soon after they landed, and when they looked at the bones around them, they were frightened.

When he saw Jiang Siming who was like a silly person, the male college student shouted in horror: "It's you! You did it, right? Let us go quickly, or we will call the police!"

While Jiang Siming was using his spiritual knowledge to find the living killers, he calmly replied, "You report, I will never stop."

The male student endured the pain of stepping down, and looked at his body, naked.

He quickly asked his parents for help. His mother was still carrying a bag, and several other people also took out their mobile phones.

But after a glance, several people have no cell phone signal.

"He must have installed a signal jammer here, parents, let's call elsewhere."

Everyone agrees and act immediately to stay away from these bones.

"You wait for me. When the police arrive, you, the world's richest man, can't run away!" The man's family left a cruel word before they left.

However, before they turned their heads, an animal resembling a Velociraptor suddenly appeared behind them, and a probe bit off the head of the male student's mother.

In an instant, blood sprayed more than ten meters from the woman's neck.


The other seven people were so scared to urinate and urinate on the spot, and screamed and ran away, just like a headless fly.

"Mom!" the male student cried out with heartache, but he could run faster than anyone else.

Seeing everyone ran away, the raptor didn't chase it either, and focused on eating the woman's body.

After eating quickly, the Velociraptor saw that no one was gone, but it focused on Jiang Siming.

However, Jiang Siming just glanced at it, and the Velociraptor was like seeing a wild beast, just like the few people, with frightened excrement and urine, crawling on the ground, not daring to move.

Jiang Siming was too lazy to care about it and disappeared in place.

He has found all the killers on this planet, let alone, more than half of these guys are still alive.

It really surprised Jiang Siming. These people were scattered in various places. Some groups lived in a cave, and some chose to build nests on trees alone.

But everyone is drinking blood, lingering, and facing all kinds of creatures on this planet at any time.

If you encounter a weak one, you can deal with it. If you encounter creatures such as dinosaurs, King Kong, or pythons, you just run away, and you can count as few if you run away.

These killers are having a miserable life now.

But it's okay, Jiang Siming is here to send warmth.

First, I sent a mobile phone to each of the remaining killers. The mobile phone had no signal and no internet, and there was only one video in it.

In the video, their family members died.

Jiang Siming did what he said, even if he knew it was a bit cruel, he would definitely retaliate against enemies who wanted to kill his family.

When these killers saw these videos, they were emotionally broken, some were crying, some could not stand the stimulus to commit suicide, and some had already expected to be numb.

Anyway, there are all kinds of emotions.

After Jiang Siming gave this wave of ‘warmth’ to every killer who was still alive, he randomly selected a ‘lucky guy’ to kill him by the way.

Then he clapped his hands and returned to Earth.

After dealing with all these incidents, Jiang Siming can finally return to life as a salted fish.

After more than a week of effort, Jiang Siming had to stare at "Holographic Jedi" and deal with the Morgan family and the killers.

Still messing around in the United States, I have to be busy with the opening of the Chinese National Magic University and participating in "Le" when I come back.

Lao Jiang is really busy with all these things, and he hasn't been so busy this year.

Now Lao Jiang can rest for a few days.


First more~

Sorry, I’m sorry, there was a power outage at home today, and I came here just after six o’clock. I don’t know if I can finish the three shifts, but the sake will definitely not fall back on my account.

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