I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2092: Labor and capital are not affected by this bird air!

According to the time scale of "Xianzong World", one day is equal to two months.

Jiang Siming stayed in reality for more than ten days, almost two years have passed since then.

It was not long before Qingyunmen's seven meridians converged.

Jiang Siming finally arrived not late and chose to go in early.

The main reason is that the burst rate of matching fragments in "Holographic Jedi" is now pitifully low and can only wait for ranking.

For the sake of fragmentation, Jiang Siming had to go to the copy to see.

The fragments of the copy are all high-quality goods, and only one integrated fragment is needed to get it. It is an excellent place to brush the fragments.

If you switch to an online game, picking up debris in the game is considered the main task, and the treasures picked up are uneven.

Those large and small copies, to open up wasteland and explore, is a good place to brush the gods.

As soon as he returned to "The World of Immortals", Jiang Siming felt that the power of the transformation stage was once again sealed, and once again became a rookie who had never reached the foundation.

Although Jiang Siming had obtained [Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao Jade Qing Boundary Full Level], it was only a full level of mind. Without the corresponding strength, it would be difficult for him to use the various magical powers in it.

But Jiang Siming didn't panic at all and took out a pill.

This is what he brought from the alchemy room at home to build a foundation!

The previous Zhuji Dan was eaten by Xinyi, and to be precise, it was absorbed by Xiao Luoyu.

After that, Jiang Siming felt that it was useless to build the foundation because his wife had already been able to build the foundation under his ‘open up’.

Therefore, he didn't practice this kind of pill very much, instead he has been making all the alchemy robots to refine [Plant Growth Pill] for Yulongyan.

After coming out of the copy, Jiang Siming asked the robot to create a Jidan.

Not to mention, this thing is quite strenuous, it took more than ten days to make such a one.

Jiang Siming ate the foundation pill and came to the first floor of foundation building from the refining stage.

No wonder this pill is difficult to refine, as long as you enter the Qi refining stage and have true qi, you can immediately become a foundation-building monk by eating a foundation-building pill.

Not to mention in the real world, it is a magic pill in "Xianzong World".

Eighty percent of the monks here have never made it to the threshold of foundation construction in their lives.

Returning to building the foundation, Jiang Siming is much more relaxed, and he is no longer a little rookie of refining the body and refining the spirit.

At least now facing Qi Hao two years ago, he doesn't need to summon Sauron, he can fight him five to five across the ranks.

Moreover, after the foundation was built, he could use all the mental and magical powers of Yu Qingjing, but there was nothing powerful, except for the exorcism and the sword, there was nothing that Jiang Siming could see.

He also saw that the three layers of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, Yu Qing Jing, Shang Qing Jing and Tai Qing Jing.

Corresponding to Zhuji, Jindan, and Yuanying respectively.

However, there is no one in tens of millions to be able to reach the Yuan Ying stage in this world.

Jiang Siming had seen that the seven elders of Qingyunmen were in Nascent Soul stage, but their ranks were different.

Even Dao Xuan is no more than Dzogchen in the Yuan Ying period.

Jiang Siming rushed to build the foundation with a pill. If the Qingyun faction knew about it, Dao Xuan would have to arrest Jiang Siming and force him to make alchemy every day.

Leaving aside these unattainable thoughts, Jiang Siming looked around.

Before he left the copy, he returned to Yuzhou City. After returning, he was naturally still in Yuzhou City.

Two years have passed, and Yuzhou City is still the same as before. For the world of Xianxia, ​​a hundred years have been a snap.

Yuzhou City is still prosperous and lively, Jiang Siming once again came to Yong'an, looking for Jingtian to relive the past.

However, it was discovered that Yongan had already changed people, and I only found out after inquiring.

Two years ago, Sedum was invited by the Shushan School to join Shushan to learn art.

The absence of the only two friends in Yuzhou City made Lao Jiang feel a little uncomfortable.

"Forget it, return to Qingyunmen Xiaozhufeng to find Shuangling to practice concentration." Jiang Siming came out of Yongan and planned to fly back to Qingyunmen.

However, at this time, several men with ruffian appearances suddenly rushed out of the streets.

Several people looked flustered, stumbled, and shouted for help.

And behind them was a girl in red.

The woman had a beautiful appearance and cold and cruel eyes. In a flash, she caught up with the ruffians and killed them all.

Jiang Siming raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Because this girl has the strength to build a foundation, at least seven or eight layers of foundation building.

This made Lao Jiang a little surprised. It was the first time that he saw such a young girl with such a high level of cultivation, much better than Qi Hao of Qingyunmen.

Qi Hao had only built the seventh foundation, he was already a genius of Tianzong, and it was very difficult to cultivate in this world.

After the girl killed these people, she glanced at Jiang Siming, thinking that he was in the same group as the ruffians.

"Die to death, scum!"

After the girl finished speaking, a ray of red light in her hand came to Jiang Siming for her life.

Jiang Siming took a few steps back and easily escaped the attack of the girl.

"Hey, I'm not in the same group with these people, you found the wrong person."

Unexpectedly, the girl would continue to struggle with Jiang Siming.

And the girl has a lot of experience in combat, just like fighting from childhood to fighting, even if Jiang Siming, who is already a foundation, can only retreat frequently.

Lao Jiang was depressed.

Grandma's, did you remember the time wrong? Is the copy a hundred years old?

Otherwise, how could a little girl have such a strong strength.

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly, but fortunately he had built the foundation, otherwise he would have been beaten to death during the spiritual cultivation stage.

But even so, Lao Jiang was not easy, cross-tier battles, he can win with full combat experience.

But the opponent's current combat experience is as good as he has.

Despite Jiang Siming's various tricks, they were easily detected by the girl, and then resolved one by one.

After dozens of moves, the girl pinched Jiang Siming's neck, her eyes cold and disdainful.

It made Lao Jiang even more depressed. Damn, he was bullied by a lady, oooooo.

As soon as the foundation was built, she was crushed and beaten by a young girl. She was too aggrieved.

Just when Lao Jiang was considering whether to use instance summoning or shaking a robot out.

Suddenly the girl's face changed. In an instant, her red-haired dress turned into blue-clothed and blue hair.

The blue-haired girl looked at Jiang Siming blankly.

Seeing Jiang Siming pinched by her hand, she was startled, let go and immediately bowed and apologized.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it."

Jiang Siming is stupid, what's wrong with me?

Have you won the fight? Apologize to yourself?

And what the **** is it in the moment of disguise during this battle, Barala Little Devil?

This is obviously a deliberate humiliation.

"Fight if you want, don't trim this moth to me, labor and capital will not be angry."

Jiang Siming's anger became a ball. The first time he was so useless, he was worse than being beaten by a dog like Cangsong.

Cang Song is a man anyway, and he has lived in Taoism for hundreds of years, and he is in the Yuan Ying period. It is not ashamed to be beaten by him.

But now he was beaten by a 17-year-old girl, and even after the beating, the other party gave himself the whole work, dressed up and apologized.

Hey, my wife, your husband was bullied, come and help me find my place~~~


Don't force it, five more today!

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