I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2093: Thousand-year sword spirit · Dragon Kwai!

"Sorry, I didn't really hit you on purpose."

The girl was still apologizing seriously, when she turned her head and saw a few corpses on the ground next to her.

Wow a scream.

The girl jumped into Jiang Siming's arms, nervous and afraid.

"How could there be such a dead person?"

Jiang Siming said silently: "Aren't they all killed by you?"

"Is all these people...I killed them?" The girl exclaimed, and then murmured in her mouth: "It was her who came out. She must be... out to protect me..."

Jiang Siming's brain hurts when he hears it. In order to prevent a sneak attack, he quickly pushed the girl away, and said with caution: "Who is she you talking about?"

"She...she is me, I am her..." the girl replied.

Jiang Siming sneered: "Don't you say you are schizophrenic?"

"What is schizophrenia? How did nightshade have never heard this word?" the girl asked curiously.

Jiang Siming raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "You said your name is Solanum?"

The girl nodded timidly and said, "Big brother, do you know nightshade?"

Jiang Siming slapped his forehead, and he finally figured it out.

She turned out to be Solanum. He said how could there be such a powerful little girl.

Feelings, this little girl is actually not small, she was a thousand years ago, and this is also a very important role in Xianjian III.

Solanum, the princess Jiang Kingdom a thousand years ago, and Sedum are brothers and sisters in the previous life.

It's just that Solanum did not reincarnate. In order to save Jiang Guo, she willingly jumped out of the sword refining furnace and fed the magic sword with her body to help Sedum save Jiang.

After that, he became a sword spirit and was sealed in the magic sword for thousands of years.

The Demon Sword was later sealed in the Locking Demon Tower in Shushan, where there were countless monsters, and the weak nightshade was often bullied by the monsters.

Forced to be helpless, the nightshade gave birth to another self in his mind, that is, the red nightshade.

It can also be said to be schizophrenia.

The red-clothed nightshade has protected the nightshade for thousands of years, and it has become more and more powerful.

It's no wonder that a young girl has such rich combat experience, Jiang Siming now wants to understand.

People have fought for thousands of years, and the realm is so much higher than him. It is normal that he can't beat them.

The injured little mind finally had a little comfort.

"Although I don't know you, I know your brother. Your brother's name is Long Yang, right?" Jiang Siming patted his clothes and said.

Solanum nodded in surprise and said: "Um, big brother, do you know my brother? Do you know where my brother is? Can you take me to find him?"

Jiang Siming sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I came here to look for him, but he is no longer there, and even if he is there, it has nothing to do with you."


"Because Long Yang died a long time ago, Jiang Guo was also destroyed a thousand years ago."

"What? Brother is dead? What about my father and queen?"

"Nonsense, of course it's dead."

"Um...wow!" Solanum cried suddenly, pear blossoming with rain.

Jiang Siming had a headache. What he feared most was the girl crying. How could this girl cry more fiercely than Tang Ru...

"Don't cry, it's been a thousand years. It's normal for people to die, but you still have a chance to see your brother's reincarnation."

Hearing this, the nightshade stopped crying, and asked softly: "Reincarnation? Then does he remember the nightshade?"

"Of course I can't remember. Alright, your brother is in Shushan. Go find him. My mother tells me to go home for dinner. I'll leave first."

Jiang Siming didn't want to keep entangled with this schizophrenic girl anymore, so he left quickly, otherwise it would be difficult to wait for it to change back to the red solanaceae again.

Seeing Jiang Siming had gone, Solanum did not chase after him. He still sat on the ground hiding his face and wept.

At this time, the officials who patrolled in the night saw a dead person and came over immediately.

"Who killed these people?" the officer asked.

This silly girl, Solanum, crying but also honestly answered: "I killed it."

"What? Take it away immediately and shut it in the yamen!" After the official said, he went up to grab the nightshade and take it away.

But Solanum had no ability to resist, and was easily handcuffed.

This group of officers and soldiers is not a good thing either. Seeing that Solanum is so beautiful and pleasant, and not familiar with world affairs, some people want to do something with Solanum.

Even so, Solanum did not change back to red at all, but cried and drew back in fear, shouting for help.

Jiang Siming was wondering in the dark, why didn't the red clothes come out?

Is it possible to run out of energy like Ultraman and need a cooling time?

Jiang Siming couldn't sit idly by without the red clothes coming out.

After all, Solanum is still the sister of Sedum's previous life.

Jiang Siming walked out and couldn't breathe, and all these officials fell to death.

Dragon Kwai was grateful to see Jiang Siming returning to rescue her.

"Thank you, big brother, big brother, can you take me to find brother? Please."

With that, Solanum knelt to Jiang Siming.

"Impossible, I have to go..."

Just when Jiang Siming wanted to refuse, hey, the task came out.

[Secondary task 2]: Take Solanum to Shushan to see Sedum

[Task Reward]: Reward a random boutique black fragment

[Mission failed]: deduct a random boutique black fragment

"No problem, I'll answer your request!"

Jiang Siming immediately changed his words, it would be different if there were fragments.

Wasn't this copy just looking for fragments, and the second thing was looking for magic weapons.


"Shouldn't it be looking for a girl?"

"Ahem, just know it in your heart, don't say it."


Seeing Jiang Siming's promise, Solanaceae broke into a smile immediately.

Seeing her clothes are in tatters, Jiang Siming said, "Why are you going out like this? Come with me, take a bath in an inn, and change into new clothes."

"Big brother, solania wants to wear a wide-sleeved fairy dress, can you?" solania asked eagerly.

Jiang Siming laughed helplessly, spreading such a small burden, really didn't know what to say.

He also knew that the wide-sleeved fairy skirt was in Yong'an. Jiang Siming ran to buy this skirt with a large box of gold and gave it to the nightshade.

After taking a bath in the inn, Solanum was changed to appear in front of Jiang Siming.

It looks better than before.

"Let's go, after sending you to Shushan, I have to rush to my sect to participate in the martial arts competition.

In this way, as soon as Jiang Siming returned to the dungeon, he took on a side quest, and the Yujian took the nightshade and flew out of Yuzhou City.

Solanum was standing behind Jiang Siming, her frightened hands could only hug Jiang Siming's waist, and she was shy and didn't even dare to look up.

"By the way, you are a sword spirit, what about your sword?"

"Nankui doesn't know. Solani remembers that he has been in a place full of monsters, but a very powerful person broke the place a few days ago, and then all the monsters flew out, and the sword of the solania also It fell down from the high place, and then separated from the sword body and fell into this city."

Long Kui's answer made Jiang Siming a little disappointed. He thought that he could receive a magic sword for free. That sword was probably not worse than the Dragon Sword and Ice Sword, but it was a pity that he was lost.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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