I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2094: Earth Plant Gene Bank

"So, Shushan must be a mess now? The one who broke the lock demon tower will not be the Demon Respect Building, right?"

Jiang Siming murmured, he couldn't confirm the plot, after all, this is a comprehensive world of Xianxia, ​​not just a copy.

Shu Mountain was not far from Yuzhou City, Jiang Siming flew down with his sword and soon reached the foot of Shu Mountain.

However, the guarding formation of Shushan has been opened, and Jiang Siming can no longer fly, so he can only change to walking.

Shushan is too high, and the little girl Solanum sylvatica is exhausted and can't walk soon.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to carry her up.

Carrying on his back, the nightshade on his back was so comfortable that he fell asleep directly.

Lao Jiang was speechless, but he could only admit his fate, be a worker and a master for the debris.

Finally boarded Shu Mountain, but at the door, there were many Shu Mountain children guarding them, all of them looked nervous.

"Who is coming? Shushan forbidden land, idle and mixed people leave at the same speed."

"I'm looking for someone, I'm looking for Sedum." Jiang Siming said.

Solanum woke up too and shyly got off Jiang Siming's back.

"This faction has no disciple named Jingtian, don't bluff people, leave quickly!"

"No? Impossible. I heard that Sedum came to Shushan to study art." Jiang Siming scratched his head, could it be a waste of time?

"All back to their original positions." At this moment, a white-clothed man came down from Shu Mountain.

"Master!" These disciples saw him and immediately saluted him respectfully.

The man walked down the mountain gate, glanced at Jiang Siming, and was slightly surprised: "Your Excellency is also a cultivator?"

"Exactly, Qingyunmen teaches the disciple, Jiang Siming." Jiang Siming reported his identity.

No way, it's really hard to do things without a backer this year.

"It turns out to be a fellow Qingyunmen, disrespectful and disrespectful. Xu Changqing, the big disciple of Xiashu Mountain, please come in!"

Jiang Siming was slightly startled, isn't this the second man with the sword.

But Jiang Siming shook his head and said:

"I'm here to find Sedum. He is not there, so I don't need to go in."

Xu Changqing smiled and said: "Taoists do not know something. It is normal for them not to know Sedum, because all the disciples who enter my Shu Mountain need to change their surnames. The Sedum you mentioned is now called Chang Tian, ​​a disciple of my Shushan novice. He is very talented and liked by the elders."

"Really, then you help me call him out, he has a relative who wants to see him." Jiang Siming said.

Xu Changqing smiled bitterly and said: "The Daoist fellow came at an untimely time. A while ago, my Shushan Town Demon Tower was attacked by someone from the Demon Cult. Innumerable evil monsters were released, and even the Demon Sword was lost."

"Shushan Master instructed all our disciples to go down the mountain to catch the demon. Sedum was among them, and he had just returned after completing the task today."

Jiang Siming was depressed when he heard that, and asked, "When will the Sedum come back?"

Xu Changqing regretfully said: "I don't know when I'm down. It can take a few days or as long as half a month."

"It will take so long?" Jiang Siming didn't want to spend ten and a half months with a group of single dogs in Shushan.

Wouldn't it be fragrant to go to Xiaozhufeng at that time?

"Maybe sooner, depending on how fast Junior Sedum can complete the task." Xu Changqing said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll be in Shushan for a few days, and I will leave when Sedum comes back."

Jiang Siming accepted his fate, and for the sake of fragmentation, he could only sacrifice a few days of sexual happiness.

It's okay to stay in Shushan first, because Jiang Siming is afraid that Cang Song is still looking for him.

It's best to go back when the Seven Meridian Martial Arts is about to begin. At that time, Cang Song must go back to the mountain gate to participate in the Seven Meridian Martial Arts, and there is no time to find him.

When he returned to Qingyun Gate, Cang Song naturally did not dare to do anything.

That's it. Under Xu Changqing's kind invitation, Jiang Siming took the nightshade and moved into Shushan.

Because of the Qingyunmen and because they are all righteous people, all people in Shushan are very kind to Jiang Siming.

Xu Changqing also arranged a good room for Jiang Siming, and the Solanum sylvestris lived next to him.

After a few days of getting along, Solanum is getting closer and closer to Jiang Siming. Every day he sticks to him to listen to fairy tales and the four classics, as well as Jiang Siming's singing.

Fortunately, there is a beautiful little girl like nightshade, otherwise Jiang Siming will really have to stay autistic.

On the day Jiang Siming came in, Xu Changqing took another task and came back after going down the mountain for several days.

Come back to chat with Jiang Siming.

Seeing the so close of Solanum and Jiang Siming, he asked casually: "Brother Jiang, are you and Dragon Girl a Taoist couple?"

When asked about this, he blushed on the spot and ran back to his room.

Jiang Siming gave him a big eye. This white tofu would really ruin the atmosphere.

But Xu Changqing didn't even know that he was an electric light bulb or the kind of thief lighting.

He smiled and said to Jiang Siming, "Brother Jiang, I have good news. Sedum is back."

"Really? What about people?" Jiang Siming said in surprise.

"Don't worry, he has just completed the task and is reporting to the elders. It is estimated that he will be able to come in a while."

Just after Xu Changqing finished speaking, a voice came from behind.

"Brother Jiang, you finally came to see me, hahaha, Mao Mao, go faster."

No one has heard.

Sedum rushed in, and when he saw Jiang Siming, he shouted excitedly, and Mao Mao followed over and called for Brother Jiang Siming.

There was basically no change between the two, one ghost and the other honest and honest.

Jiang Siming thought that this branch line was finally settled, and immediately after telling the two of them, he immediately shouted to the next room: "Dragon Kwai, I won't come out to see people."

After a while, the nightshade came out and saw Sedum, she was very happy.

"Brother! I'm Solanum! I'm Solanum!"

The siblings recognize each other and the scene is moving.

It's just that Sedum didn't even know Solanum, fortunately, Jiang Siming's instructions and explanation, finally let the brothers and sisters meet again after a thousand years.

Solanum cried naturally, but Sedum was still laughing because he had no memory of his previous life.

Jiang Siming didn't care about this. Hearing the sweet success prompt in his mind, he thought that his salary was finally paid, and it would be worthwhile for him to be a worker for so long.

"Pick up [Earth Plant Gene Bank] Black Fragments*1 (1/1). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

【Earth Plant Gene Bank】: Preserve all the plant seeds during the ten thousand years of the earth, which can be accessed at will.


Not an animal gene bank.

But it is also very good. At least there is no need to worry about plants in the future, and many extinct plants can be planted during ten thousand years.

He can restore the face of the earth's plants thousands of years ago, and he can also do the best training link for future animal immigration.

Jiang Siming finally found an important shortcut to build a new earth.

He had been worried about the lack of plants and animals on the new planet.

Now I have solved one item, one animal is missing, and after the animals and plants are complete, it is completely possible to create an original ecological super beautiful planet.

After the part-time job, Jiang Siming did not want to stay.

I stayed in Shu Mountain for the last night that day, and early the next morning, I said goodbye to Jingtian and the others and left Shu Mountain.

Solanum Kwai reluctantly looked at Jiang Siming who was going away, crying again, crying more sadly than last time.


[Author's digression]: Third update~

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