I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2095: Qimai Huiwu

Qingyun Gate.

The Seven Meridians Meeting Yi Jiazi once officially opened today.

The disciples from the seven mountain ranges gathered at Tongtian Peak to participate in this grand event once in 60 years at Qingyunmen.

Rays of rays of light flew up to the peak gate from all directions.

These glowing lights are all magical luster caused by the flying of the Qingyunmen disciples. They are colorful and beautiful.

The minimum requirement for participating in the Seven Meridian Tournament is to be a disciple from the fourth floor of Yuqing Realm.

Rao is like this, there are hundreds of rays of Xiaguang rushing up, which shows the prosperity and strength of Qingyunmen.

Xiaguang fell over the square of Tongtianfeng.

A disciple was chattering with excitement and joy, it was so lively.

Usually, I can only practice under the supervision of Master every day. Today I can finally come out and breathe.

In ordinary times, only important holidays can have such a leisure time.

Dazhufeng is here.

"Father, mother, it's so lively here. This is the first time I have participated in the Seven Meridian Martial Arts Conference." Tian Linger looked around excitedly, his face like a lotus.

Two years have passed, Tian Ling has become more and more beautiful, and he has become the three most beautiful young disciples of the Qingyun School alongside Xueqi and Zhao Ling.

"You have to cherish this opportunity, and learn from the fellow students, so as to increase your knowledge." Tian Ling's mother Su Ru smiled lightly.

Tian Buyi is also rare to have a smiling face, and said: "The last Seven Meridian Martial Arts Conference was sixty years ago when the head teacher Xiao Yi won the championship. This time I don’t know who will win the championship. According to the rules, after Xiao Yi won the championship, he cannot participate. The second time."

Tian Ling answered without thinking, "It must be Brother Jiang. It goes without saying that Brother Jiang is definitely the best!"

Behind him, a simple and honest young man heard Tian Ling's words, his original happy expression instantly changed, and the sadness in his eyes was fleeting.

The honest young man held a dark stick in his hand, his fists clenched.

"In two years, I am not what I used to be. This time I must let the master and senior sister admire him with admiration, and I will definitely defeat him! Revenge for the sword!" The young man secretly vowed.

Tian Buyi fell down and did not refute Tian Ling's words, nodded and said:

"Jiang Si clearly has a real chance. He could defeat Qi Hao and Lin Jingyu two years ago. Two years later, his strength will definitely be stronger."

"It's just that I heard Shuiyue say that Jiang Siming seems to have never come back, and I don't know if I can catch up with this seven-pulse martial arts competition. I won't miss it." Su Ru said.

"Yeah, I haven't heard from him for two years. It's really worrying. The head teacher went out to look for him, but he didn't find him." Tian Buyi was also a little worried.

He really had a very good impression of Jiang Siming, but Jiang Siming was not his disciple, otherwise he would have to be treated as his own son.

"Father, don't talk nonsense, Brother Jiang will definitely be fine. He also promised to come back and give me a gift."

Tian Ling said, but looked worriedly at the distance of Tongtian Peak, as if expecting a figure to appear suddenly.

On the other side, Dragon Head Peak.

"This time the Seven Meridians must win the first place, Qi Hao, Jingyu, it's up to you." Cang Song said with a serious face.

Qi Hao's expression was solemn, and he clenched his fist and said, "Master, don't worry, this time the Seven Meridians will be the number one in martial arts.

Lin Jingyu also gritted his teeth and said: "Senior Brother Qi Hao takes the first place, this second, I want it, Lin Jingyu!"

After being educated by Jiang Siming and losing their beloved sword two years ago in Dazhufeng two years ago, the two returned to Longshoufeng to immerse themselves in hard training and vowed to return the shame they had suffered two years ago.

"But Master, I heard that he hasn't returned yet, will he not participate in this martial arts meeting?" Lin Jingyu asked.

Cang Song sneered: "It's better if you don't participate. This time the head teacher will come up with three magic weapons as prizes. He won't come to our Dragon Head Peak to win them all."

Qi Hao and Lin Jingyu also smiled when they heard this. The magic weapon of the masters, but they are all powerful treasures, enough to make up for the loss of their two swords, Dragon Slashing and Frost Ice.

Qi Hao glanced around at random and saw Zhao Ling in the crowd on the side of Xiaozhufeng. His eyes lit up and he walked over.

After more than two years, Qi Hao still couldn't forget Zhao Ling.

Tian Ling'er had completely given up, and Dazhufeng had already feuded with Long Shoufeng.

But Xiao Zhufeng is not there yet, Zhao Ling has always been Qi Hao's first favorite girl.

"Sister Ling'er, let's stroll around Tongtian Peak in a while, the scenery is really beautiful."

Qi Hao walked to Xiaozhufeng and said loudly to Zhao Ling who was standing beside Xueqi.

Zhao Ling saw Qi Hao and said politely: "Thank you, Brother Qi, for the invitation. Linger will only go to see the scenery with Brother Jiang."

Qi Hao's face darkened, and he smiled angrily: "Sister Ling'er, don't get me wrong, I just want to talk to the younger sister about cultivation."

After talking, Qi Hao took out a small box and handed it to Zhao Ling:

"Sister Ling'er, this is the treasure I have asked for from my master in the past two years. There is a gem called'Qingliangzhu' in it. Although it is not a precious thing, it can cool the heat and cool down. It is worn by women for a long time. If you can beautify and nourish your skin, I will give it to the younger sister."

However, Qi Hao's hand stopped in the air for a long time, and Zhao Ling didn't even move it.

"Senior Brother Qi Zhao Ling accepts his kindness, but it's just that you won't be rewarded, so you should give it to the other senior sisters." Zhao Ling refused without concealment.

Qi Hao was even more embarrassed. He thought that Qingliangzhu would not look good, so he quickly took out another handkerchief.

"This is a cold weaving five cloud pagoda. It is a high-grade magic weapon. It is made from Arctic ice cicada silk. It can be offensive and defensive. It is perfect for matching Linger Junior Sister."

And Zhao Ling's eyes were already impatient at this time, and he said coldly: "Brother Qi, you should keep these things for your own use, Linger really doesn't need it."

After finishing talking, Zhao Ling turned his head and went to Shuiyue's place, without looking at Qi Hao again, even for a second.

Qi Hao's face was pale, he let out a cold snort, and walked away.

No one paid attention to him at all.

Zhao Ling walked to Shuiyue and said, "Master, I want to ask..."

Shuiyue seemed to have known what she wanted to say, and replied softly: "The teacher said, he has not returned."


Zhao Ling replied disappointedly. In his mind, there were all figures of people who were worried about him.

Shuiyue looked at Zhao Ling's desperate look, sighed, looked into the distance with beautiful eyes, and muttered in a voice that only she could hear:

"This kid, aren't you coming back? If you are in danger, why not tear up the sound transmission..."


With the long-lasting bell of Tongtian Peak rang.

Qimai Huiwu officially began.

The head teacher Daoxuan and the seven elders all arrived.

Daoxuan kindly opened his mouth and said:

"You are all the best of the younger generation of my Qingyunmen. From the first to the present, the Seven Channels Huiwu has been held for a full 20 sessions."

The disciples were amazed, one Jiazi once, and one Jiazi for sixty years. In other words, the Seven Meridian Meeting has been held for 1,200 years.

[Author's digression]: Fourth update~

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