I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2107: Remorse Jiang Siming

"Eight Lotus Clone Box." The knowledgeable disciple recognized this magic weapon, slightly surprised.

This is a treasure that has no ranks, but is better than top-grade magical artifacts.

The others in the audience were unclear, but they were all stupid when they saw Lu Xueqi's trick. They didn't know who was the real Lu Xueqi.

However, Jiang Siming on the stage laughed loudly and said, "Junior Sister Lu, this trick of you is useless to me."

Having said that, Jiang Siming suddenly turned around and rushed to a ‘clone’ at the very corner of the ring. The speed was so fast that he almost arrived in the blink of an eye.

A move to drop the dragon's eighteen palms, hit this direction.

The avatar in the corner showed a visibly panic.

In a hurry, he could only expose himself, quickly evacuated from the edge, and escaped dangerously and dangerously.

And as soon as she was exposed, the remaining eight clones disappeared, turned into lotus petals again, and scattered all over the place.

A trace of distress appeared on Lu Xueqi's face, because the eight-lotus clone box was a one-time consumable, and it was scrapped when it was used up.

But now, ignoring her distress, Lu Xueqi stood up again, her expression solemn.

Squeezing the Fajue in his hand, the Tianya sword behind Jiang Siming suddenly turned the sword, as fast as lightning, with the momentum of opening the mountain and cutting the sea, rushed to Jiang Siming again!

The whole process is not slow.

Jiang Siming couldn't turn a blind eye anymore, so he turned his head to face Tianya, and the golden crow came out of his sheath behind him, blocking Lu Xueqi's sharp sword.

When they saw the Golden Crow, the expressions of Cang Song and Long Shoufeng's disciples were obviously twitched.

Does this **** have no magic weapon? Why use them every time! Gan!

The Golden Crow blocked Tianya, but Jiang Siming was also forced to take two steps back.

However, Tianya didn't care and continued to kill Jiang Siming.

In mid-air, the blue light flashed violently, and the golden light was brilliant. The confrontation between two superb magical instruments and two cultivators in the late stage of foundation building went back and forth in the air.

Where Jianfeng pointed, the surrounding air was evacuated, and the ring built with huge rocks under his feet was cracking everywhere!

The sound was deafening, and the surrounding disciples all changed, and hurriedly quit the edge of safety.

Jiang Siming did not expect that Lu Xueqi's strength was far beyond his imagination.

The superb magical instruments, as well as Lu Xueqi's cultivation skills and excellent combat talent, also made Jiang Siming not get any benefits for a while.

"Sister Lu, brother is going to be serious! Look at my Golden Crow Sword!"

Jiang Siming looked at Lu Xueqi, and after speaking loudly, the golden crow's light rose sharply in mid-air, pressing Tianya so hard to lift his head.

Lu Xueqi really believed it and felt that Jiang Siming was going to use the mighty swordsmanship, and for a while he focused all his attention on the sword.

And at the moment the Golden Crow entangled Tianya, Jiang Siming rose into the air and rushed towards Lu Xueqi.

When Jiang Si was about to approach, Lu Xueqi realized that she had been deceived.

While irritated and regretful, Lu Xueqi staggered, backed a few steps, and had already retreated to the edge of the ring.

Seeing Jiang Siming hit with a punch, she clearly could fall out of the ring and admit defeat without incident.

But Lu Xueqi, who has a strong heart, didn't choose to do this. Instead, she chose to hold Jiang Siming's fist with her palm.

Seeing her fist hit Lu Xueqi, Lu Xueqi's mouth was bleeding, and she fell behind the ring.

Jiang Siming has quick eyes and quick hands, holding Qianqian's waist with one hand, and pulling it back.

When Lu Xueqi was feeling ashamed and angry, Jiang Siming had released her and quickly retreated.

"I lied to you just now. If I was wrong, just assume that you are not out of the game, and it is even, let's continue."

Lu Xueqi's original shame and anger instantly recovered. For the first time, it was no wonder that Junior Sister Zhao liked him so much, and she was indeed qualified to be loved by Junior Sister Zhao.

She stopped and said, "The fighting method is based on its own ability. The brother used a plan to divert my attention. I didn't complain, I lost."

After speaking, he conceded defeat and turned around to leave.

"Wait, I think you were a bit wronged when you lost, so let's fight again, no matter whether we win or lose, how?"

Jiang Siming stopped her.

Lu Xueqi looked back at Jiang Siming unexpectedly, bit her red lips, nodded and said: "Okay."

"Come on, I look forward to this trick."

Lu Xueqi didn't hesitate, she ran out of her true energy, and used one of the Qingyunmen's unique skills, the Divine Sword Royal Thunder Skill.

But for some reason, Lu Xueqi found that she had used this trick on Jiang Siming, and her heart rippled, as if this trick could not be used on Jiang Siming at all.

I always feel that this trick is completely integrated with that dream.

Not to mention that the power of this trick was greatly reduced, but it was easily defeated by Jiang Siming with a thousand swords.

On the contrary, he was hurt by the backlash of this sword.

"I lost."

This time, Lu Xueqi was convinced of the loss, took a deep look at Jiang Siming, and then resolutely turned and stepped down.

Jiang Siming won the victory, but received no applause.

The female disciples and Lu Xueqi were sisters from the same family. Although they congratulated Jiang Siming in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything. They all ran to inquire about Lu Xueqi's injury.

Let alone the male disciples, one by one was filled with righteous indignation, nothing else, this guy dared to hurt their goddess, and even put his arms around their goddess.

But the verbal abuse stuck in his throat could not be said, just because Jiang Siming glanced at them.

After Jiang Siming and Lu Xueqi finished fighting, the other competitions took turns.

In the battle between Tian Ling'er and Qiao Tianyou, Tian Ling'er narrowly won, Qi Hao also defeated Zhang Xiaofan, and Zhao Ling'er lost to Zeng Shushu.

But this does not mean that the four have advanced to the semi-finals.

For the fairness of the final, everyone has to play four games, corresponding to different enemies.

So in the next few days, each of the top eight disciples was fighting different enemies.

Jiang Siming defeated everyone, including Tian Ling'er and Zhao Ling'er, but both of them simply lost.

Jiang Siming wanted to let it go, but they refused, and he had to give up.

In the same way, he defeated Qi Hao, and by the way he won his new magic weapon from Qi Hao, a mysterious light sword, like the Golden Crow, it was the ultimate magic weapon.

Together, they also won a jade pendant and two melting pills.

Jiang Siming praises Long Shoufeng now, they are so rich, especially Lin Jingyu and Qi Hao.

As soon as the two of them have good equipment, they will give it to him, and when they have good things, they will give it to him.

It made Jiang Siming a little embarrassed.

In the end, everyone points out.

Jiang Siming won the first place in the Qimai Huiwu.

The last three are Lu Xueqi, Qi Hao and Zhang Xiaofan.

Shuangling regretfully stopped fifth and sixth.

The main reason is that the training time with Jiang Siming is too short. If they are given another month, they will definitely be in the top three.

Jiang Siming didn't know that the first four had to go down the mountain to experience this matter. If he knew, he would have to beat Zhang Xiaofan and Qi Hao to death so that they couldn't compete with his two Linger.

After knowing this, Jiang Siming was also very regretful. The original plan of taking the three daughters down the mountain to experience was so ruined.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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