I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2108: Gene Manufacturing Factory!

Fortunately, he won the first place, the main task was completed, and a fragment was harvested, which was regarded as comfort.

"Pick up [Gene Manufacturing Factory] Black Fragment*1 (1/1). The number of fragments is full and can be used directly."

[Gene Manufacturing Factory]: It can produce all kinds of genetic medicines that you already own, and any new genetic medicines that appear in the future can be obtained from the genetic factory.

Seeing this fragment, Jiang Siming was considered depressed.

This thing is too precious. Although there is no Fragment Mall, its value is at least one hundred and fifty universal fragments.

Sure enough, the dungeon mission, incense~

After the Qimai Huiwu ended, Zhang Xiaofan was not unexpectedly arrested for investigation.

His fire stick is so evil that even Daoxuan doubts his identity.

But the result was the same as the original book. Zhang Xiaofan only said that the stick was picked up, and Daoxuan did not find the blood-devouring beads in the stick, so he was fooled by him.

After that, the top four were interviewed by Daoxuan and told them about the task of going down the mountain.

Moreover, Daoxuan gave one of the four first four disciples a magic weapon, all of which were of the highest quality.

As the first place, Jiang Siming also got a middle-grade spiritual tool·Six-part mirror.

It is a small antique mirror with an ancient and clumsy shape. It has a bronze rim with a dragon carved on the top and a tiger carved on the bottom. The gossip directions are carved on the mirror. The middle lens is a non-ordinary bronze mirror. Huang Mengmeng can't see clearly.

But Jiang Siming can feel that this mirror is indeed not an ordinary thing.

Spirit artifacts are much more precious than magic artifacts, even low-grade spiritual artifacts are better than any supreme magic artifact.

This six-unit mirror can be regarded as the top ten spirit weapon of Qingyunmen, and Zhu Xianjian is also the top-grade spirit weapon.

In addition to the Zhuxian Sword, the Qingyun Sect's most powerful spirit weapon is only middle-grade, that is, the Qingyun Sect has only one high-grade spirit weapon.

Don't feel shabby, in this world, there are very few spiritual tools.

Many medium-sized sects have never had a low-grade magic weapon.

Daoxuan gave Jiang Siming the Liuhejing, even the seven elders were jealous, and Cang Song bluntly said whether the gift was too expensive.

This is because Cangsong only has a middle-grade spiritual tool, and other people only have low-grade spiritual weapons at most.

But Daoxuan insisted that one was Jiang Siming's first place in Qimai Huiwu, and the other also had an apology for Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming accepted it unceremoniously, and there were still two months left before going down the mountain.

Daoxuan didn't ignore Jiang Siming this time, but began to supervise and guide him in his cultivation every day.

Jiang Siming is a pain, he doesn't need Taoxuan to teach him, he just wants to go to Xiaozhufeng to find Shuiyue to'study hard'.

But what to do, Daoxuan insisted on teaching him, Jiang Siming had no choice but to bite the bullet and engage in boring training and study every day, meditating and practicing.

But it is also good. In the past two months, Dao Xuan has also taught him everything.

Not only did he teach Jiang Siming both the [God Slashing Technique] and the [Shen Jian Yu Lei Zhen Ju], he also taught Jiang Siming's new sword technique [Seven Star Sword Style] and the spell [Tian Ji Yin].

In the end, he also passed all the mental states of Shangqing and Taiqing to him.

Jiang Siming also lived up to the expectations. He hadn't learned all the sword art spells except for the mind.

He knew how to use the Divine Sword Yulei True Art, so learning three magical powers in two months is very easy for Jiang Siming, who is extremely talented.

It can be easily handled without relying on the power of fragments.

In fact, Lao Jiang, the main reason is that he can't stand his temper, which really made him soak in the world of Immortal Zong to cultivate.

Even if you don't use Yin and Yang Gong, you can achieve golden pills in ten years, infants will be born in fifty years, orifices will be born within two hundred years, and gods will be transformed within five hundred years. There is absolutely no problem at all.

Don't look at it for a long time, just inquire about it, but among those monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, which one has not been used for hundreds of years.

Even Daoxuan took two hundred years of hard work to achieve the Nascent Soul, but he has not broken through for more than 300 years at the peak of the Nascent Soul.

One can imagine how difficult it is to cultivate immortals.

However, after Tao Xuan taught Jiang Siming things, he decided to retreat because he had recently shown signs of breakthrough.

The entire Qingyunmen was also encouraged by this. If Dao Xuan could break through the Nascent Soul and become a monk in the out-of-aperture period, the status of the entire Qingyunmen would be even higher.

Jiang Siming knew that this might be his last chance to complete the second main task. If he didn't fight for it now, he would have to wait for several years if he wanted to wait for Daoxuan to exit.

"Master, the disciple has a wish, and I hope Master can help me." Jiang Siming said cheeky.

"But it doesn't matter."

"I want to touch..."

"Touch it? What?" Daoxuan didn't understand.

"Touch your..."

"My what?"

"Zhuxian Ancient Sword."

Daoxuan was speechless, wondering if your kid could finish talking?

"This Zhuxian Sword is the supreme treasure of the Qingyunmen. It must not be touched by the master and the successor of the master. Do you mean you want to be the successor of the master?" Daoxuan looked at Jiang Siming with a smile.

"No, no, no, I just have been admiring the Ancient Zhuxian Sword for a long time, wanting to satisfy my wish, so I just touched it and never moved."

Jiang Siming said, this thing can't be used without practicing the Shangqingjing mentality, he just wants to try it, just touch it to complete the task.

"That's not going to work, unless you are willing to take my mantle in the future, and wait for me to abdicate as the new head, otherwise no talk." Daoxuan refused mercilessly.

Jiang Siming gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, can't I promise?"

Daoxuan laughed and summoned the Zhuxian Sword generously.

Jiang Siming did not hesitate and immediately held it in his hand. This inconspicuous rust sword was hard to believe that it was a high-grade spiritual weapon Zhuxian sword.

Jiang Siming also understood that this was because he couldn't control it, and it would be completely different if it was placed in Daoxuan's hands.

He just wanted to try, can he take a shortcut.

What made him overjoyed was that at the moment of his tentacle, Jiang Siming heard the reminder of task completion!

"The second task of the main line has been completed, and the task reward has been issued. Please check it yourself."

Jiang Siming hurriedly closed his hand, pretending to have suffered a big loss and said: "I have finished reading, can I take back what I just said?"

"Of course not." Daoxuan seemed to pick up a big deal, and his eyebrows crooked.

Jiang Siming left ‘angrily’, saying that he was fooled as he walked, just a handful of broken copper and iron.

Daoxuan's proud and hearty laughter came from behind him.

After Daoxuan retreat, he appointed Cangsong Hetian to help him.

Daoxuan’s wave directly ruined Cang Song Man’s abacus, and this old dog wanted to take advantage of Daoxuan’s retreat to secretly kill Jiang Siming.

But Daoxuan seemed to have noticed something and asked him and Tian Buyi to confess for him.

With Tian's hard-working supervision, Cang Song just wanted to do something and couldn't do anything. The old dog was so angry that Cang Song was violent at his home, smashing pots and bowls.

Jiang Siming didn't know that Cang Song was scolding his mother. After returning to his yard, he immediately checked his quest rewards, three orange shards, quack, quack!

"Pick up..."


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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