I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2109: Three orange pieces!

"Pick up [Xuanyuan Bow] orange fragments*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

【Xuanyuan Bow】: The divine bow worn by Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi, also known as Qiankun Bow.

It is cast with the Zhe of the Southern Spirit Beast of Taishan, the Horn of the Big Swallow Demon Cow, the Mi of the Jing Moose, and the Shark of the River Dragon.

The high-grade spirit weapon, with the spirit weapon to guard the arrow, can produce three trembling arrows. The power is taken from the user's cultivation base. The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the power of the shaking arrow.

Legend has it that only Xuanyuan Huangdi in the prime of Yuan Ying used this divine bow to shoot three arrows to kill Chiyou in the Aperture Period, with infinite power.


"Pick up [Eight Magic Skills·Fantasy Door] orange fragments*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

【Eight Magic Skills·Juling General】: Eight strange skills, a powerful method from the comic book "Under One Person", divided into double hands, Daluo cave view, Liuku fairy thief, magic tricks and strange gates. , Tongtian urn, Kuling dispatches generals, the origin of qi body.

[Qimen after the wind]: Qimen Dunjia is the pinnacle of a stream. All formations are regarded as their own use. In this formation, you can control the time, space and position in the formation.

With the magic of the magic, the power is infinite, depending on the cultivation base.

Fenghouqimen is the most difficult to learn and the most dangerous of the eight magic skills, and those with weak will must not teach it.


"Pick up [Eight Magic Skills·Tongtian Urn] Orange Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Tongtian Urn]: The ultimate ability of the talisman, please ask the props such as talisman paper to limit, and draw talisman with your bare hands, ignoring all restrictions.

Talisman is divided into: magic talisman, five thunder talisman, five powers talisman, sealing talisman, sleepy fairy talisman, amulet.

Each spell has different functions and powers, and the auras of their respective limitations and requirements are also different.


The mission didn't lie to him. There were three orange fragments in total.

Two of them are from the Eight Magic Skills. Counting the [Shen Ji Bai Lian] and [Gu Ling Sent Generals] that I picked up earlier, Jiang Siming has assembled four of the eight magic skills.

There were only four of them, so I didn't come across a copy of "Under One Man", otherwise Lao Jiang would go in and be the only designated true god.

These two eight magic skills are very useful, especially for the enemy, they are definitely one-to-one fighting skills.

The most buggy part of the fragments is that they ignore the restrictions of any skills and supernatural powers. As long as you find them, you can immediately master them.

As an ordinary person, you may not be able to learn one of them in your life.

Jiang Siming kept the Tongtian Urn and Fenghou Qimen in mind, and then took out the Xuanyuan Bow.

Good guy, I finally have a life-saving weapon.

This bow is a high-grade spiritual weapon, and is on the same level as Zhu Xianjian.

Although not as good as his horrified salamander, it is definitely necessary for killing people and surpassing goods, and it is also a long-range attack weapon, sometimes used for yin people, it is not too cool.

Chi You was killed by the Yellow Emperor with this bow. Can the others escape?

Jiang Siming was very satisfied with the three orange shards, and he collected them with joy.

Approaching to descend, there are still a few days left.

Daoxuan finally stopped supervising him to retreat.

When Jiang Siming saw that Daoxuan was not there, he ran to Xiaozhufeng and stayed at Wangyuetai.

Cope with Shuiyue in the first half of the night, continue to cultivate feelings and get closer.

In the second half of the night, Zhao Ling'er and Tian Ling'er, who had sneaked over, were dragged to the ground, and they were so happy.

It's a pity that happy days are always so short. After a few days, it's time to go down the mountain.

Jiang Siming, Lu Xueqi, Qi Hao and Zhang Xiaofan gathered at the gate.

"Let's go, it's also time to take you down the mountain to see the world." Jiang Siming said with a grin, and he didn't want to look back at Xiaozhufeng for a few moments.

It would take at least half a year before I went back.

The Golden Crow Sword was unsheathed, carrying Jiang Siming into the air and disappearing into the sky.

Lu Xueqi did not speak, but followed silently.

"Humph, you didn't know where I was when I was traveling down the mountain, do you need you to show us to the world?" Qi Hao sneered in a low voice of dissatisfaction, and then followed.

As for Zhang Xiaofan, he didn't forget to look back at Dazhu Peak and secretly vowed: "Senior Sister, when my cultivation base comes back, I will propose marriage to Master and marry you."

After all, all four of them left Qingyunmen.

During the flight, Jiang Siming didn't speak, and he had been studying these two eight magic skills silently.

Having been flying for most of the day, Zhang Xiaofan, with the lowest cultivation base, was obviously out of anger, and even his body began to shake, as if about to fall.

For this reason, Zhang Xiaofan never asked Jiang Siming to take a break. He was just like that, with a stubborn temper, let alone Jiang Siming's rival in love.

"It happens to be a city below. Let's rest there for a night, and we will leave tomorrow." Jiang Siming spoke actively.

It was not that he was kind, but he was afraid that Zhang Xiaofan would really fall from here and die.

That would be fun. It is estimated that this news will have to spread throughout the cultivation world the next day.

Qingyunmen's newly promoted outstanding disciple, but failed to succeed, fell from a high altitude on the way to the sword and died tragically.

Before winning glory for the sect, he was stinking for thousands of years. It didn't matter that he was ashamed. This time Jiang Siming was with him.

Lao Jiang can't afford to lose this person.

"Well, the big brother is the master, the leader has orders, after going down the mountain, all actions must be followed by the big brother." Lu Xueqi said lightly.

The two behind him did not refute, because Daoxuan did say so.

"Then go down, just find a restaurant to relieve the greed." Jiang Siming finished speaking, the first Yujian went down and landed quickly in this city.

Many mortals just took a few casual glances, and then became disinterested.

There are so many cultivators in this kind of immortal complex world, and there are often various cultivators in the mortal world, and everyone is used to it.

When the four people landed, Jiang Siming asked about the best restaurant in the city. After entering, he directly ordered four luxurious rooms, and then ordered a large table of signature food and the most expensive wine in the store.

When paying the money, Jiang Siming didn't blink his eyes, because Daoxuan gave the money.

Jiang Siming's outing this time is a public money consumption, so what's your kindness?

The dignified richest man in the world, it is rare to have such a good opportunity to eat others, Jiang Siming can't be polite.

Before Tao Xuan retreat, he was given a small storage bag, which contained half of gold and silver, and half of spirit stones.

Gold and silver are used for mortal consumption, while spirit stones are used to manage the realm of cultivation.

Jiang Siming also learned that Lingshi is the universal currency of the realm of comprehension, divided into four types: lower, middle and upper.

Lower-grade spiritual stones are the most common, while middle-grade spiritual stones are relatively rare, and high-grade spiritual stones are extremely precious. As for top-grade spiritual stones, they are even rarer.

Although the ratio of these four kinds of spirit stones is 1:100, if it is a top-grade spirit stone, because it is too precious, it is difficult to exchange two hundred high-grade spirit stones.

In the bag Dao Xuan gave him, there were more than 1,000 spiritual stones, of which more than 600 were low-grade spiritual stones, 300 middle-grade spiritual stones, and 100 high-grade spiritual stones.

There are only two pieces of the best spirit stone.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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