I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2122: The golden core is complete!

Fortunately, this is only a copy, a fictitious world, otherwise there must be a real world of immortality in reality, and Jiang Siming, a great **** of transformation, is just a small character.

Lao Jiang must be furious.

I have to say that the macroscopic world of the copy of Xianxia novel is too big, Lao Jiang is a mixed city, don't eat this set, hehe.

The third thing is an emerald-green wooden ruler, which is also the best spirit weapon, called the Eight Spirit Ruler, which can restrain evil demons to a great extent.

The fourth thing is a cloak-like spirit feather, a high-grade spirit tool, named Wind Thunder Wing Cloak.

Refined from Lei Peng's bones, it has long silver feathers with hints of golden light. Can cast thunder shield technique, and wind escape technique, escape extremely fast.

One of the magic treasures, the blood-colored cloak, was fused in it, and was forged together by Han Li using the Xu Tianding.

The escape cloak and wings are specially used for running away.

The name Han Paopao was not called for nothing. Han Li relied on this thing and ran away if he couldn't fight.

Han Paola only used it once when he was playing yesterday. Fortunately, Jiang Siming was witty and secretly planted another Fenghouqimen.

Otherwise, he really ran away, and Jiang Siming would never be able to catch up.

The fifth thing is an insect box, which contains a female insect similar to the gold eater just now, and many eggs.

This is the root of Han Li's insect breeding. With it, it can give birth to constant gold-eaters.

The last thing was his set of cyan flying swords, twelve handles, each of which was a low-grade spirit weapon.

Used together, it is completely stronger than the middle-grade spirit weapon.

It's a pity that Jin Dan blew himself up and destroyed too many good things, otherwise Han Li must have more treasures. Just Lingshi alone would be countless, but it was a pity that they all blew up.

But this is the case. After reading these five treasures, Lao Jiang is still a little autistic.

Damn, you deserve to be the treasure expert Han Laomo, and his family has a solid foundation.

Even if there are artifacts, the best artifacts are the same as without money.

The key point is that he is only in the Golden Core period. If he is really allowed to grow up freely and ascend to the immortal realm, the estimated number of this guy's treasure is uncountable.

His Qingyunmen primordial infant stage elders only have a low-grade spiritual weapon, and you know how rich Han Li is.

He was a great master of the transformation stage, but he only had one top-grade spiritual weapon, the Xuanyuan bow, the top-grade spiritual tool Jingyangjian, and the middle-grade spiritual tool Liuhejing.

Except besides, no, this is no...

This Nima cried and cried, no love.

Fortunately, the courier Han Li brought him a little comfort.

Being stimulated by Han Li, Jiang Siming suddenly had a new goal.

Since it is hard to follow the Xianxia copy, it must be in the copy to achieve a higher achievement.

This is the world of Xianzong, not Han Li's copy, let alone Zhang Xiaofan Lin Xuan's copy.

This is his copy! Make him a stronger copy!

He is now in the deity stage. To tell the truth, he can only rely on intermediate wormholes to shuttle through the Milky Way. Outside the Milky Way, there are countless galaxies.

If you are more capable, you can see more galaxy worlds.

From the dream of Xiao Nishang, it can be proved that there are indeed very strong aliens in extremely distant galaxies.

Even if there can be no intersection in this life, at least you should get more self-protection ability first, this Xianxia copy is the most suitable.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming has a new goal.

Before long, Nangong Wan dealt with all the remaining monks and returned.

She took all the monks' storage bags back and gave them to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming took a few casual glances, they were all tattered.

Compared with Han Li, their storage bags are inferior to that of beggars.

That is, Jiang Siming is still useful for this storage bag, waiting to be refined and given to the new wife at home.

"Don't you hate me?" Jiang Siming asked after accepting these things.

Nangong Wan took a serious look at Jiang Siming, shook her head, and said, "Don't hate. You don't have to believe it, but I really don't hate you."

This is the truth.

Han Li is dead, and she has no more shackles in her heart.

If Nangongwan and Han Li have become partners, it is estimated that she will not be able to be calm.

But the two of them just had a good impression of each other and were not really together. Nangong Wan did not give any sincerity to Han Li.

When Han Li died, she was indeed apologetic, but it was only an apology as a friend.

Han Li tried to kill her several times, and Nangong Wan completely let go of her burden.

These days, girlfriends are just girlfriends, and those who are not married cannot be counted together.

Married and those who change their minds and have an affair, let alone Nangong Wan, even Han Li's girlfriend can't be considered.

Although you can't use mind reading, Jiang Siming can feel that what Nangong said is not a lie.

"Then go, go somewhere else, find a cave, and you help me hit the Golden Core Realm." Jiang Siming said, there are not many people who are ruthless, but the car is the mouth.

Nangongwan didn't doubt that he had him, thinking that Jiang Siming really needed her to help her practice, so she obediently followed.

When Jiang Siming started to practice, she understood, what it means to help him cultivate...

Another few days passed.

Jiang Siming appeared alone a hundred miles away.

Next to Nangong Wan disappeared.

It's not that Jiang Siming's spoiled flowers, he dumped it after he used it up.

But the disciple of Nangong Wan's disciple came over.

According to Nangong Wan's introduction, although her Moon Sect is not as good as Qingyunmen, it is also a medium-sized sect.

The point is that, like the Qingyunmen Xiaozhufeng, the Masked Yuezong only accepts female disciples.

In her sect, all were female disciples, and the lord was also a woman, and she was a stunning woman who was more beautiful than her.

After Jiang Siming listened, he let her go with the disciple of the same sect, and agreed to have the opportunity to cover Yuezong to see her, well, it was purely to see her.

After sending Nangong Wan away, Jiang Siming became alone again and wandered around the land of Demon Abyss.

Wherever he went, the storage bags of the decent monks were taken away. Not only did the storage bags of the evil monks disappeared, but also their lives.

Jiang Siming just hit the monks all the way, without reason.

And his cultivation base has also come to the first layer of the Golden Core Stage.

Thanks to Nangong Wan's selfless dedication in the last two days, he was able to break through the Golden Core period so quickly.

It took Old Mo Han more than a hundred years to achieve the Golden Core. Jiang Siming entered this copy to the present, except for the two years he left the copy, it seems that it has not been a few months.

It is estimated that after the old demon Han knew, he would have to die depressed if he didn't die.

He fumbled around, wandering on the edge of life and death every time, and remained closed for several decades, finally becoming a golden pill.

But it's not as good as Jiang Siming's shots, it's too bullying.

It is estimated that Old Mo Han knew that he had to ask Jiang Siming to teach him the merits of Yin and Yang.

I am running and running, and I would like to call Yin-Yang Gong the strongest method!

Although it has become the Golden Elixir period, the task reward has not been issued yet. Jiang Siming estimated that he would have to wait until the end of the copy time.

Calculating the time, with more than half a month left, Jiang Siming had to figure out how to make his cultivation level go further.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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