I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2123: The plot is not right

In addition to the monks, there are many demons and evil spirits in this Demon Abyss.

Jiang Siming has encountered a lot, so he handled it smoothly.

The strength of these demons and evil spirits is quite strong, and they even have the strength of the Golden Core Stage.

It's a pity that they met Jiang Siming, not to mention that Jiang Siming is already a golden pill, even if it's just building a foundation.

Jiang Siming has the god-slashing style and the golden crow, and he has strong restraint against evil monsters and monsters. In addition, he has a newly acquired superb spirit weapon, the eight-ling ruler, which specializes in fighting evil.

And the horrified salamander sword can also be used, Ba Shi!

Even if the Yuanying-period demons came, he wouldn't persuade him. Sorry, there is no Yuanying-period in this Demon Abyss, hehe.

The current Lao Jiang is directly invincible.

That's why he walked sideways in the land of the Demon Abyss, arbitrarily and recklessly, robbing his house everywhere.

In the past few days, there have been many more corpses of evil cultivators and many more clean and decent cultivators in the land of Demon Abyss.

Before long, the monks in the Demon Abyss began to spread the name of Jiang Siming, a decent bandit.

Jiang Siming never tire of it, harvesting a lot of treasures, storage bags, elixirs, spirit stones, etc. in a few days.

Add up to a lot of value.

It is a pity that Jiang Siming has been searching for so many days, but he has not been able to find Lu Xueqi, and he does not know where this girl is now.

In the past few days, the days when the land of Demon Abyss was closed came closer.

Jiang Siming has appeared in a magic cave. The reason for coming here is that Jiang Siming came from the mouth of a decent monk.

I learned that it seemed to see a female monk who was walking with him in the barren mountain before, being forced into this cave by a monster.

Jiang Siming immediately found him.

In the cave, there are indeed traces of Qingyunmen practice.

On the wall, there are also sword marks left by the Tianya sword.

Jiang Siming was sure that Lu Xueqi had been here, but he didn't know if he left.

But Jiang Siming can be sure that Lu Xueqi is fine, because she has the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor Derivative Armor by herself, and no one under the Nascent Soul can hurt her.

It is also aggrieved. Jiang Siming can only use Wanlongjia until now. Wanlongjia had been in a closed state before, and his cultivation was not enough, so he could not urge him.

Now the golden core period is over, and it is finally available.

Counting the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, Jiang Siming can also be regarded as possessing a fairy tool.

Wanlongjia could only be regarded as the best spirit weapon category at best, but Jiang Siming strengthened it once and became a fairy weapon.

Jiang Siming has made up his mind. When this task is over, as long as the cyan fragments are given a strengthening spell, he will use it for the horror sword!

The startled salamander stayed with him for the longest time, but he didn't enjoy the enhancement.

The yin and yang powers have been strengthened, it hasn't been, Jiang Siming thinks about it, he is very guilty, his heart is like a knife

However, if there is a strengthening spell...I use it to strengthen... Palm Sky Bottle would be better.

Or... Xu Tianding is also good, cough.

Don't get me wrong, don't worry, I will definitely strengthen you this time!

Entering this demon cave, Jiang Siming walked all the way. In addition to seeing more and more sword marks, he also unexpectedly discovered that there were a few scattered petals on the ground.

Jiang Siming is very familiar with this petal, and it is the magic girl who asked him to settle accounts at the restaurant's other courtyard at the time.

The strange flower in her hand is exactly the same as the petals here.

Going further inside, Jiang Siming still saw the traces of the Soul Eater.

Zhang Xiaofan seems to be here too, what happened?

Jiang Siming frowned and looked like Zhang Xiaofan lured Lu Xueqi into the cave.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming speeded up, unfolding the wind and thunderwing cloak directly, at a strange speed, and penetrated into the cave.

However, Jiang Siming never saw a person until the end of the cave.

Jiang Siming went to the end to find that at the end of the cave, there was a terrifying deep pit. Below it was so dark that there was nothing to see, and it was full of ghosts.

Lao Jiang was not afraid, and jumped straight down!

Because he couldn't fly with the sword, Jiang Siming could only fall continuously, and the falling speed was very fast.

Jiang Siming took out a few modern lighting sticks from his storage bag and threw them down.

The lighting rod kept falling down, and then the light came on, Jiang Siming discovered that this deep pit was hundreds of meters long.

Although there is no way to fly with the sword, it is simple to simply hang in the air, so Jiang Siming landed without incident.

With the light of the illuminating stick and his own night vision ability, Jiang Siming looked at this place like an abyss.

There were several pools of blood on the ground, but Jiang Siming didn't know who it was.

However, the marks of fighting nearby are more obvious.

At this time, the arrival of the newcomer Jiang Siming made the Yin Ling very excited, and they bite towards Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming raised his hands to kill these ghosts just like pinching ants to death.

However, there seemed to be countless ghosts in this place.

Jiang Siming patted the storage bag directly, and the box containing the gold eater opened.

Dozens of formed gold eater flew out.

These insects were extremely loyal to Jiang Siming, and as soon as they came out, they began to bite the Yin Ling.

The strength of the gold eater is quite powerful, even if it is just an adult gold eater, it is extraordinary.

They can easily tear the Yin Ling to pieces and consume them all.

Now, these annoying yin spirits have become the nourishment for the gold-eaters.

Jiang Siming simply released all the juvenile gold-eaters, along with the female worm.

All of a sudden, the Gold Devourers entered the lamb with the long-hungry wolves, and the scene was very **** and violent.

But Jiang Siming looked quite comfortable.

"Eat more. It's best to eat all of them. Come and find me after you finish."

Jiang Siming let the gold eater slowly enjoy the feast here, while he continued to search inside.

Following the blood stains, Jiang Siming quickly moved forward.

Finally, by the side of a blood-colored river, Jiang Siming saw three figures.

Two women and one man are now facing each other.

Zhang Xiaofan, Lu Xueqi and the magic girl are all inside.

It stands to reason that Zhang Xiaofan and Lu Xueqi are disciples of the same family, and the plot should be that the two of them unite to deal with the demon girl.

But the scene before him was completely upside down.

Lu Xueqi and the demon girl were sitting together, watching Zhang Xiaofan on the other side of the river warily.

Zhang Xiaofan is full of devilish energy, and the soul eater in his hand is even more demon-powered.

However, it seems that Zhang Xiaofan is injured and is meditating and adjusting his breath. There is a faint shadow of a demon looming on his chest.

Lu Xueqi and the demon girl sat back to back, watching Zhang Xiaofan on the other side of the river vigilantly.

"I said, why are all the men of your Qingyunmen are monsters. Even if your big brother is outrageous, why is this little junior brother even more evil than evil?"

The demon girl couldn't help but vomit, the blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth and her pale face made her look pitiful.

Lu Xueqi was also injured and her body was crumbling, but she, who was mentally tough, still clenched her teeth.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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