I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2124: The protagonist who betrayed the sect

Facing the enquiry of the demon girl, Lu Xueqi did not answer, and said coldly: "This is our own sect, so you don't need to worry about it."

"Cut, you think I'm willing to worry, it's not him. I already got the book of heaven. You should think of a way. When he recovers, we will all have to die. You senior sister will also die in the hands of your younger brother."

The demon said secretly leaving a hand.

Before fighting with Zhang Xiaofan, Lu Xueqi had always been doing her best. She played the autumn wind next to her to preserve her strength.

The demon girl had decided that when Zhang Xiaofan got up, she would sell Lu Xueqi and run away.

"He was possessed by an evil demon, but I don't know why. Junior Brother Zhang's weapon seems to be actively guiding him into the demon, which is terrible."

Lu Xueqi frowned and looked at Zhang Xiaofan worriedly.

Of course she didn't care about Zhang Xiaofan, but because she was all disciples of the same discipline, she came out to practice together.

Lu Xueqi also didn't want to see the tragic result of her fellow junior's demon.

"Hey, it would be great if Brother Jiang was here."

Lu Xueqi sighed. At this moment, she missed Jiang Siming so much. With Jiang Siming, it seemed that all problems could be solved easily.

"Hey, hey, he opened his eyes!"

The demon girl suddenly panicked.

Lu Xueqi looked across the blood river, Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes as expected.

But these eyes were completely bloody.

However, Lu Xueqi could still tell from the expression in his eyes that he was struggling and that there was still humanity.

"Junior Brother Zhang, you have to keep your heart, don't get into the devil, you are a Qingyunmen disciple, how can you be reduced to the demon way of the evil demon!" Lu Xueqi held up a sigh of relief and shouted.

Zhang Xiaofan turned a deaf ear, and the moment he got up, the magical power rolled.

Lu Xueqi's heart is terrible, and this junior is afraid that he can't control his heart completely.

"Senior Brother Zhang, think about it, think about your hard work in Qingyunmen over the years, don't let all your efforts go to waste, think about your master, think about your brother."

Lu Xueqi could only persuade, because this was her only way now, she couldn't move at all.

When Zhang Xiaofan heard these last words, he seemed to be stunned for a while, his eyes gradually struggled.

He did think of his master, and even more of his sister Tian Linger.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan began to fight between heaven and man in his heart. On the one hand, it was the invasion of magic energy that he could not control at all, and on the other it was his only remaining nature.

Was awakened because of Tian Linger.

Pain gradually appeared on Zhang Xiaofan's face, and the demon girl and Lu Xueqi did not dare to speak again, and looked nervously at Zhang Xiaofan on the opposite side.

In the end, it may be Zhang Xiaofan, who has just been enchanted, has not been completely enchanted yet, and has gradually recovered his sanity and returned to his normal state of honesty.

"Sister Lu, I'm sorry."

Seeing that he beat Lu Xueqi like this, Zhang Xiaofan felt very guilty.

Lu Xueqi shook her head and stared at the Soul Eater in Zhang Xiaofan's hand, and said, "Junior Brother Zhang, your magic weapon is too evil. If you use it again, it will lead you to escape into the magical way. You will soon throw it away."

Zhang Xiaofan looked down at the Soul Eater in his hand, feeling the monstrous demon energy and power contained in the stick just now.

He was naturally reluctant.

Without this power, he would never want to surpass Jiang Siming in his life, and Senior Sister Tian would never look at him more.

In the cultivation world, how many people can resist the temptation and call of such a powerful force.

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head, and as expected, rejected Lu Xueqi.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan felt that someone was rushing here, and with this breath, he was sure that Jiang Siming had arrived.

"Sister Lu, I'm not going back to Qingyun Sect for the time being. You can help me explain to the Sect."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan squeezed the Soul Eater and ran away instantly.

He must not be caught by Jiang Siming. If Jiang Siming wants to take him back to the sect to be dealt with by the head teacher, he will never survive.

Even if one can save a crippled life, all the power will be taken away. Qingyunmen will never allow a disciple of the Demon Cult.

Therefore, there is only one way before Zhang Xiaofan, to escape from the Qingyun Gate, and he has the Taoist and Buddhism two cultivation methods, with the blood eater and the soul eater.

A fellow practitioner of the three veins, his future is vast!

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan disappearing into the abyss, Lu Xueqi sighed lightly, and it was only a pity that her fellow junior was unwilling to get into the evil spirits.

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan left, the demon girl next to her became unwilling to be lonely.

"This ghost-like guy is gone, but now you and me are left. Although we have just fought side by side, you are righteous and I am evil. I will not be merciful because of this. I will take you back to the Ghost King Sect and let Auntie You Make you a disciple of my Ghost King Sect, hehe."

The demon girl stood up, triumphant, thinking that she was the final winner.

"Dare you!" Lu Xueqi was anxious. With this urgency, the Zhen Qi in the body was completely disordered, the meridians were reversed, and after vomiting blood, she was unable to support her and passed out into a coma.

"Tsk tsk, such a strong girl, she still looks so beautiful, no wonder your Senior Brother Jiang takes such care of you, hum, I'm angry when I think of that guy."

The demon girl carried Lu Xueqi and walked to a hidden cave on the other side of the blood river.

Here, the magic book "Book of Heaven" she dreams of is stored, which is the most important goal of her trip.

She had already got it, but the appearance of Zhang Xiaofan disrupted her plan, so she was forced to fight alongside Lu Xueqi and almost belched.

"I don't know why he ran in such a hurry? It's strange..."

The demon murmured, picked up the heavenly book from the cave house and put it away like a baby, looking back to bring Lu Xueqi back to the ghost king's sect.

As soon as she turned around, the demon girl saw Jiang Siming standing behind her.

what! Ghost!

The demon girl was so scared that her spirits and spirits were flying, especially after seeing Jiang Siming, her whole body was shaking.

She also threw off Lu Xueqi who was carrying it, but as soon as Lu Xueqi fell, Jiang Siming easily raised his hand and hugged her.

Jiang Siming checked Lu Xueqi's state and found that there was nothing serious, so he put her down carefully for the time being and solved the demon first.

The demon girl was already fleeing at this time, and it was like a panic, like a mouse that saw a cat.

However, as soon as she reached the entrance of the cave, a talisman behind her hit her.

Ghost Youlu Yun Sealing Talisman!

The demon girl who had hit this talisman became extremely slow, and gradually she was directly imprisoned in place.

The meridians all over his body were the same as the old Demon Han before, sealed by charms.

At that time, Jiang Siming used this talisman to control Old Mo Han for a second.

And now that Jiang Siming has entered the golden core, the demon girl is only at the foundation stage.

After hitting this talisman, he couldn't break free for a long time.

Jiang Siming walked over slowly, came to her, chuckled and said, "What do you mean by running when you see me?"

The demon girl seemed to have been pricked, unable to move, and the only eyeball that could move was shrinking crazily, too scared.

This guy, it was the first time I saw him to build the foundation period, why not see him for half a month, he is already a golden core!

She was not an opponent at all in the foundation period, let alone like now...

[Author's digression]: First more~

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