I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2125: I want to save you!

Fortunately, this talisman will gradually become invalid, and the demon girl will gradually resume her actions.

But she dared not run anymore.

The fool also knew that unless Jiang Siming was killed, he would not be able to run.

The demon girl now finally knows why Zhang Xiaofan is leaving. He sensed Jiang Siming's coming, no wonder she was running fast.

And she didn't feel it at all, she was still grinding here, and was caught by Jiang Siming.

"Um... I didn't provoke you. Your junior sister was injured. I also helped carry her to heal her. I didn't mean anything."

The demon girl stammered, and also described the situation of Zhang Xiaofan to Jiang Siming.

After Jiang Siming heard this, he really didn't expect Zhang Xiaofan to betrayed the sect directly.

It seems that "Ghost Zhang Xiaofan" is about to appear in advance.

Jiang Siming didn't care much. For him, the most threatening protagonist was Han Li.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiaofan's protagonist is much safer than Han Li.

"It turned out to be so, so I have to thank you."

The demon girl simply dressed to the end, raised her chest and raised her head, patted her water-green shirt, and brought the golden bells jingle around her waist.

"Of course, but I always like to do good things without leaving a name, you don't have to thank me, just let me go."

After the demon said, her feet were ready to step outside the cave.

However, Jiang Siming's voice resounded behind him: "But how did I just hear that you were going to take my junior sister to Ghost King Sect and make her a member of your Sect?"

The demon girl snorted, but he didn't expect to hear what he said just now.

She turned hurriedly, waved her hands and shook her head, smiling very embarrassedly.

"I'm angry, angry, really, really, you believe me."

When Jiang Siming looked at her, he suddenly remembered the words just now, Ghost King Sect...very familiar.

This green shirt, golden bells, and her strange flower magic weapon.

All these add up, isn't it the other heroine of Zhu Xian, Baguio?

"What's your name?"

"My name is Baguio." Although the demon girl didn't want to answer, due to the situation, she could only honestly explain.

"It really is."

Jiang Siming's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect this charming little demon girl to be Baguio.

The daughter of the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect, is also the young Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect.

It's a pity that Zhang Xiaofan was a pitfall in the original work, and he fell in love with him. In order to save Zhang Xiaofan, he used the "Infatuation Curse" in the "Book of Heaven" to block Zhang Xiaofan's sword.

After the death, the three souls and six souls suffered from the suffering of Jiuyou, but in the end they couldn't save them.

This may be the most miserable and hapless heroine.

Without Zhang Xiaofan, she would already be the Sect Master of the Ghost King, with a boundless future.

Unfortunately, in order to set off the hero, she can only be arranged as a green leaf and a victim.

Baguio found that Jiang Siming looked at her in a trance, a little strange, and asked carefully: "What's wrong?"

Cunning flashed in Jiang Siming's eyes, and said, "It's nothing, I decided to save your life."

"What? Save me? What do you mean?" Baguio was stunned, not understanding what Jiang Siming meant.

If he doesn't kill her, she will be Amitabha, so where do you start to save her?

"You don't need to know, you just need to know, I plan to save you from the abyss of purgatory."

Baguio chuckled, amused by Jiang Siming's dumb words, and giggled with her arms akimbo: "Then tell me, how do you save me? Let me listen."

Jiang Siming didn't answer, but carried her in his arms and directly...mount!

In the cave, Baguio’s screams and screams, as well as crying...

"Asshole! Desperate thief! Big villain! Devil! Stinky..."

Baguio cursed and cursed, and her voice gradually became wrong.

He was quickly attracted by Jiang Siming's practice, and like Nangong Wan, gradually lost...

After about an hour and a half, there were footsteps outside the cave.

Soon, Baguio walked out of the cave. When he came out, his clothes had just been put on.

She looked back at the Dongfu, the blush on her face had not subsided.

"Smelly badass, I...I'm going back, goodbye!"

After speaking, Baguio disappeared quickly, and Aunt You had already found her.

"Baguio, did you find the heavenly book?"

"Found it, Auntie You, let's go back."

Not only did she find the heavenly book, she also found a bastard.

"Well, why is there a red mark on your neck? Is it poisoned?"

Aunt You noticed the bright red "strawberry print" on Baguio's neck, and immediately asked worriedly.

She is also a little white, otherwise how could she not even recognize the strawberry she loved.

Baguio hurriedly shrank her neck and tightened her neckline.

Aunt You's eyes were sharp, and she said solemnly: "Take your hands away."

Baguio didn't dare not listen, and let go.

Aunt You stretched out her hand and opened her collar. There were several strawberry prints on it.

Looking down, even...there are strawberry prints in those two places.

Baguio blushed and turned into a peach, all to blame for that stinky villain, must...have to suck...

"Are you stained with toxins?" Aunt You was puzzled.

"It's nothing. Maybe it's because I haven't been here for too many years. It's normal to have a bit of poisonous insects. I have already eaten Detoxification Pill. There will be nothing wrong. Let's go Auntie You.

Baguio replied with a guilty conscience. Although Aunt You was still a little skeptical, she had never seen this ‘toxin’, so she really thought it was just an ordinary poisonous insect.

He no longer hesitated immediately, took Baguio and left here.

Baguio didn't forget to look back at the direction of the cave house when he left, thought angrily

"Smelly bastard, when I practice the book of heaven, I have to tie you to the Ghost King Sect to be my exclusive male servant, hum~"

In the cave, Jiang Siming stretched and stretched, and in the dantian, the original golden core has grown a lot again.

Jumped from Jindan first to Jindan three.

This kind of cultivation speed is what his Lao Jiang wants.

Whatever meditates and exercises are all scum, and cultivation requires both happiness and progress at the same time!

As for how to be happy, I can only say that the secret cannot be revealed, hehe.

Patronizing Happy Cultivation, they all forgot about Lu Xueqi who was in a coma, sins and sins.

Jiang Siming hurried to find Lu Xueqi and fed her a fairy bean.

Although the fairy bean is precious, it depends on who it is used for.

Jiang Siming has always been generous to his own people.

After taking fairy beans, Lu Xueqi quickly woke up quietly.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself lying in Jiang Siming's arms. She thought it was a dream.

After all, just before she fell into a coma, she was still under the control of the demon girl, and she ran out of true essence.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that I had nothing to do, and I was lying in the arms of the big brother.

I thought it was a dream no matter what I thought.

Since it was a dream, although Lu Xueqi was shy and tight, she still didn't bother to break free from Jiang Siming's arms.

Anyway, it is a dream, the arms of the senior brother are so comfortable, and I secretly want to enjoy it greedily in the dream, Junior Sister Zhao probably won't know, um, definitely don't know.

Thinking of this, Lu Xueqi blushed to Jiang Siming and said, "Brother Jiang, I may be dying. Before I die, I want to tell you. Actually... I seem... I like you..."


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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