I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2131: Should I let them go?

The confession method is also very simple, that is, spray paint on Jiang Siming's car.

And Jiang Siming also learned from mind reading that this girl's family is very ordinary, just a working family.

The reason why I dare to do this is because there was a video on the Internet not long ago. It was a girl who pursued the rich second generation and sprayed paint on the rich second generation car.

The rich second generation did not hold the girl accountable, and was moved to be with her.

Ever since, the girl also began to paint gourds.

In her thinking, an ordinary rich second generation doesn't care about a car, let alone Jiang Siming, the world's richest man.

Even if Jiang Siming was not touched by his own wave of operations, Jiang Siming would never be stingy enough to care about the car repair fee with her.

After watching all this, Jiang Siming was irritated.

It's really silly, every year, this year is especially many.

"Chairman, this..." Chen Guo was also at a loss for the first time seeing such a thing.

"Call the police first." Jiang Siming said lightly.

Even if an immortal arrives today, Jiang Siming will make her pay compensation at the price!

Chen Guo immediately obeyed, took out his mobile phone and walked aside to call the police.

But Jiang Siming walked to his car.

When the painting girl saw Jiang Siming coming back, she was ecstatic, threw the spray paint, and said to Jiang Siming with an expression of admiration:

"Brother Jiang, my name is Lin Youyou. I am a sophomore in the music department of your wife Jiang Lan School. I really like you very much. I can't help but want to confess to you today. I want to be your girlfriend. "

The girl's delicate expression also has a lovely look.

If I changed to a normal man, I really couldn't refuse. Even if I refused, I wouldn't say too much.

However, that is an ordinary man, Lao Jiang, can that be an ordinary man.

"Did you pee today? Did you look at yourself in your urine?"

With a single sentence, Jiang Siming reduced the atmosphere of the scene to a freezing point, and the surrounding audience became quiet and did not dare to speak.

Lin Youyou was also taken aback, and then smiled awkwardly, and said strangely: "Brother Jiang, you really know how to joke. Your wife and I are classmates."

Jiang Siming snorted coldly and said sarcastically: "Why don't you say that you and my wife are both Chinese, or that you and my wife are both from the earth, that would be more professional."


The surrounding audience laughed, that is, does the same university as your wife have anything to do with you?

I still work in the same city as the richest man Jiang. Is it possible that this can also be related?

Lin Youyou's expression changed slightly, knowing that Jiang Siming seemed to be angry, and immediately apologized weakly.

"I'm sorry, Brother Jiang, I was too abrupt. I must reflect on myself when I go back, but I really like you, goodbye."

After finishing talking, Lin Youyou wanted to drive off with his classmates.

However, as soon as she turned around, Jiang Siming said a word behind her.

"You can go, pay for the repair fee."

Lin Youyou turned around, compensating for a smile, and said pitifully: "Brother Jiang, this...I really can't afford it. Your lord has a lot, so don't care about me as a little girl."

"I don't want to talk nonsense, lose money." Jiang Siming replied impatiently.

Lin Youyou finally couldn't help it, and said with a thorn in his words: "Brother Jiang, you are the world's richest man and a car. Why are you aggressive? There is no such thing as the richest man, really not a gentleman."

"You should leave the word gentleman to those stupid hats. I have always been relatively low and caress about everything, so I should pay quickly and stop talking nonsense." Jiang Siming sneered.

Seeing that there was no way to end, Lin Youyou had to take out two thousand yuan from his bag and threw it on Jiang Siming's car.

"I'll pay you, all right! You are the most dishonest man I have ever seen!"

After speaking, I plan to leave.

The surrounding audience couldn't stand it anymore.

"Girl, your money is not enough for this car to drive to the 4s shop."

"It's so funny, doesn't this woman know what car this is?"

"To be honest, I have only seen it once."

"I just checked on the Internet. The latest limited edition of Rolls-Royce, the Night Elf, is the most expensive model. The price is 28.88 million. There are only seven units in the world, and this is the only one in China."

"Hey, my boy, this car repair is at least tens of thousands, right?"

"Turtle, she sprayed the whole car on her and changed all the paint, at least millions!"


The voices of the surrounding people made Lin You Youru stand on the tip of a knife, and she wanted to run away in a hurry.

However, as soon as he wanted to leave, Chen Guo brought the police over.

Naturally, Lin Youyou couldn't make it. On the contrary, her classmates ran fast. Anyway, it has nothing to do with her. She is just taking pictures.

After a little inquiry and investigation, the police understood the whole story.

"Ms. Lin, you have to take full responsibility for this matter and compensate Mr. Jiang for all the damage to the car. We have contacted the car damage appraiser at the 4S shop, and you just need to be ready to pay for it."

Lin Youyou felt cold all over, and had to ask Jiang Siming for help again.

However, Jiang Siming didn't even look at her too much.

Soon, professionals from the 4S shop came over.

After reading the loss of this car, a shocking number was reported.

"This car needs to be returned to the factory for a paint change, and only the original paint can be changed. This is the latest Rolls-Royce model, at least 1.8 million."

Hearing this number, Lin Youyou was dizzy, 1.8 million? She can't afford it even if she sells blood.

Woo woo woo.

Lin Youyou cried, crying so pitifully, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

Some people moved with compassion and asked Jiang Siming: "Mr. Jiang, can this compensation be reduced as appropriate? He is a girl after all."

I didn't expect many people to agree with this.

Jiang Siming glanced at them and said, "Compensation at the price, no less."

He is rich, but should he let such a person be rich?

If Lin Youyou just undoubtedly smashed his car today, Jiang Siming really wouldn't make a difference.

But the problem is that this kind of brain damage is deliberate.

You say that if you are a rich girl, you can lose money. You can't blame it for playing like this. The big deal is to lose money.

But you know that your family is not rich and can't afford the consequences, so you still make this kind of cerebral palsy operation.

If Jiang Siming let her go today, it would have contributed to the arrogance of this kind of brain damage, and this kind of things will increase in the future.

And if she let her go, she wouldn't accept the lesson at all, she would only think that there was nothing wrong with what she did, and would worsen the situation to harm other people or continue to pester Jiang Siming.

Lin Youyou cried more miserably. The police tried to persuade her for a long time, and then they could only contact her parents.

Lin Youyou's parents happened to be working in Shanghai. When they heard that their daughter had damaged a luxury car and had to pay more than one million in compensation, both husband and wife were dizzy.

He rushed to the scene soon, and Lin Youyou's mother beat and scolded Lin Youyou as soon as she came over.

Her father walked to Jiang Siming with a loss of face, and said miserably how difficult his family was at home. He burst into tears and knelt down to Jiang Siming.

It looks very pathetic.

Lao Jiang, should we let them go?


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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