I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2132: Yoyo's mouth

To be honest, Jiang Siming was really soft at the time. If it weren't for the illusion-breaking eyes and mind-reading skills, he really cheated the two couples' acting skills.

The two couples began to discuss on their way, one beating the child, the other begging for mercy, and selling poorly.

Even Lin Youyou's father had coronary heart disease. The two couples planned to plead with Jiang Siming, they came up with a bitter plan and pretended to be sick.

This can trick Jiang Siming into paying for their family's medical expenses.

Knowing the thoughts of the two of them, Jiang Siming was expressionless anymore, letting the two couples act in a turbulent manner, and even the police were moved to intercede for them.

However, Jiang Siming is like a rock heart, indifferent.

"Boss, big boss, please, just forgive us this time, the kid is not sensible, oooooo."

The man began to kowtow, but Jiang Siming still didn't move, just replied lightly:

"Did you finish? Lose money as soon as you finish talking."

This remark caused dissatisfaction among the surrounding people, and everyone began to rebel, thinking that Jiang Siming was too cold-blooded.

"Everyone is so sincere, so let them do it once."

"Yeah, yeah, it's not easy for people. If you make money so easily, you should do good things."

"The dignified richest man embarrassed ordinary people, and gained insight."

"It's really not a gentleman at all. I liked him a lot before, but now his fans are turning black."

"Sure enough, the richer people are cold-blooded, and I don't want to think that he was just a poor boy at the beginning?"


The words of the surrounding people are like bayonets in the heart of Zhajiang Siming.

Chen Guo looked at her boss being so slandered by them, her eyes were red with anger, and she stood up and confronted them:

"If you do something wrong, you have to take responsibility. No matter how rich others are, they have no obligation to tolerate everything. Is poverty a fig leaf and a shield for them? What is the law for?"

Chen Guo's words still had some effect. Some people stopped talking, but they couldn't hold back their words.

When one person says it is right and a hundred people say it wrong, even if the thing is really right, it will be said to be wrong.

Especially when such disadvantaged groups are selling poorly, powerful people should be the target of attack.

"No matter what, you don't have to hold on like this? Knowing that they can't afford it."

"That is, it is easy for you to make money, but not so easy for others."

"For such a big company, I heard that the market value of several trillion yuan, for the sake of a car, this kind of boss will not last long."

"Beauty, even if he is your boss, you don't have to speak out of your conscience, or you have no love at all like him."

"I originally wanted to buy some Fuxi products, but now it seems that this kind of boss sells things, there is really no desire to buy, and I will never touch them, I said!"

"Yes, unless he doesn't let people compensate for the loss of the car, and apologizes to them, otherwise they will never buy Jiangshi Group products!"


Chen Guo was anxious to hear it, and wanted to say more, but was dragged back by Jiang Siming.

At this time, it is a matter of the company's interest. Generally, any boss will quickly apologize to minimize the impact.

However, Jiang Siming did not play cards according to common sense at all, and he directly attacked these people in public.

Looking at the person who said those words just like a joke, he said:

"Our company’s products never ask anyone to buy it. Whether you buy it or not is your own business. I hope you can remember what you say and do what you say. I also ask you to never buy my company’s products, because I think your IQs are low and good products are wasted. You are most suitable to buy St. Mary's capsules. That thing is best for you."

Damn it!

The others were stunned. Damn, this guy is too fierce, right? Going against customers?

Are you really afraid of causing public outrage?

Everyone has seen the consequences of what the Xiaomi spokesperson said a while ago. Why did Jiang Siming dare to step into this minefield?

Sure enough, Jiang Siming's words caused great dissatisfaction among many people.

However, their dissatisfaction is their business, and Jiang Siming doesn't care.

But Lin Youyou's father saw that public opinion began to tilt, and he immediately took his heart, clutching his chest and fell to the ground in pain.

"Baby his father, child his father! What's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

Lin Youyou's mother ran over immediately, Lin Youyou also rushed over, pointing at Jiang Siming and cursing:

"The surname Jiang, you are so amazing! Didn't you just break your car, do you want my dad to die?"

Jiang Siming put his hands in his pockets and smiled: "Don't say whether you are pretending to be sick. Even if it is sick, does it have anything to do with me? I made him kneel or I made him sick. Isn't it because of your cerebral palsy? Mom and dad made it like this?"

With that said, Jiang Siming turned his head, looked at this family of three, categorically cut the line:

"It's your business that you love acting. Don't waste my time. Let me put it here. How much does it cost to repair the car? You family, give me a lot of money, and I will let the lawyer sue if you lose a penny. Your family!"

After finishing talking, Jiang Siming glanced around those who were talking coldly and said: "I would like to advise you one of the Virgin White Lotus. If you feel that you can’t stand it, you can pay for them and pay them back. Don’t be with me. Just play with the keyboard."

"Watching as the Virgin, being a grandson in reality! You can post the video online, but if I find someone who uses the video to reverse black and white and take it out of context, I will let you know that the Internet is not outside the law!"

After Jiang Siming said these words, he left with Chen Guosa.

A group of people and Lin Youyou's family of three were left behind.

After leaving the scene, Jiang Siming asked Chen Guo to call the company driver to pick them up. Chen Guo was worried and worried all the way.

Who would have thought that just came out to buy something and came across such a thing.

Chen Guo has been an artist and knows the power of public opinion best. When public opinion is all saying you are good, everyone will like you even if you are an inexorable person.

But when the public opinion is all talking bad about you, no matter how innocent you are, you can also black out you.

The actor Zhou J is the best example. He was slandered by the bend star Lin Moumou. For a time, he became the most popular star and became the target of everyone's beating, and he was also criticized for misconduct.

Angrily, Zhou J faded out of the entertainment circle and ran to farm.

Although he is now mixed up very well, the psychological trauma left to him at the beginning is indelible.

Chen Guo was afraid that this incident would affect Jiang Siming and the company.

However, Jiang Siming himself didn't take it seriously. After getting in the car, he took out his mobile phone and called the king, leisurely like a okay person.

"Chairman, let's start public relations immediately after we go back, so that we can minimize the impact." Chen Guo persuaded.

Jiang Siming laughed and said:

"Is there any good public relations? They like to comment and comment. They are fair and comfortable. I didn't care how many people scolded me before I got married."

Just after talking here, Chen Guo's phone rang.

She turned pale as soon as she connected.

"Chairman, it's not good, Lin Youyou is going to commit suicide by jumping off the building!"


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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