I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2133: How outrageous!

At this time, Lin Youyou was already standing on the tall building of the shopping mall, crying to jump off the building.

The police and fire brigade rushed to the scene and tried to persuade them to no avail.

Lin Youyou demanded that Jiang Siming should come to apologize to her family and compensate her for mental damage and her father's medical expenses.

Chen Guopai's former company lawyer, upon seeing this, called Chen Guo.

"Secretary Chen, do you come over with the chairman first to stabilize this person's emotions so as not to make matters worse?" The lawyer asked this out of consideration for the company.

Chen Guogang wanted to report to Jiang Siming, but Jiang Siming had already heard him, and without raising his head, he continued to lower his head and manipulate Li Bai to rush to the line.

"Jumping? It's so fresh? Let the lawyer help me record a video so I can see what it looks like when people jump off the building."

Jiang Siming stopped telling him to persuade him, he didn't even look at him.

"However, if Lin Youyou really commits suicide, it is likely to affect the company's interests..."

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Siming interrupted:

"If the company's interests are affected so easily, I won't be able to sit on the top spot of the world's richest man. Our company has not been listed and has not violated regulations. Besides, our company's products, which one needs to be bought? Good things are never afraid of no market. ,do you know."

"Will they keep hacking you..." Chen Guo considered it more comprehensively.

I'm afraid that this kind of person will smear Jiang Siming's black ideas.

Jiang Siming took the time to look up to Chen Guo and said:

"I have always lived for myself and the people I care about. What other people think of me is their business. I will deal with them if they hate me. If you hate me, just let them hate you. Lost."

When Chen Guo heard this, she stopped persuading, thinking that the chairman's heart was not something she could guess.

Lin Youyou was finally rescued by the firemen, but failed to jump off the building.

In fact, this had long been expected by Jiang Siming, this kind of person, let alone jumped off the building, she would not dare to cut herself, she was very sorry.

Although Lin Youyou did not jump off the building, the Internet is very developed in this era.

It didn't take long for Lin Youyou's jumping off the building scene to be reported by many media.

The video of the dispute with Jiang Siming has long been uploaded on the Internet.

Most people are a little bit resistant to Jiang Siming's indifference and cruelty. They don't know how scheming Lin Youyou's family is.

It was just because of their acting skills that I was moved and felt that they were pitiful.

With a miserable family on one side and the richest man in the world on the other, people’s compassion will only be left to the disadvantaged.

So they all ignored the essence and right or wrong of this matter one by one.

Public opinion began to show a one-sided trend.

"I think Jiang Siming has done too much, bullying a working family, as for?"

"Sure enough, the hearts of rich people are black. How easy is it for him to make a car? Can't he let others go?"

"I see how generous the richest man in foreign countries is. He never cares about ordinary people. Jiang Siming, the richest man, is too unmannered."

"I liked Jiang Siming a lot, but he feels a bit too pretentious. Now, I am overwhelmed and feel that the whole world is just like him."

"The fans have turned black. In any case, the parents knelt down and apologized. If they don't let them go, they can't justify."

"I just bought the Fuxi mask. I saw this news and I immediately felt that the diaphragm used for this mask should be panicked! I will never buy it again (smiling)."


The hot discussion of netizens has repeatedly made this matter a big deal, and has even stabbed it on foreign websites.

The world's richest man bullies ordinary families.

Even if Gulu Weibo wants to save it, it will not be able to pull back the direction of public opinion.

Because apart from Guru, other websites started to report like this, and many people habitually block the truth.

Although Gulu repeatedly stated the ins and outs and right and wrong of this matter, everyone couldn't listen to it at all.

They only affirmed one ‘fact’, that is, Jiang Siming, as the world’s richest man, bullied an ordinary family in this way and forced them to a dead end, and you would jump off the building.

Just like when Jiang Siming and Yin Zhirou met beggars on the side of the road, if Jiang Siming hadn't used hypnotism to expose the identity of the beggar, he might have been sprayed by the whole network.

But this time, Jiang Siming didn't want to use hypnotism anymore, nor did he want to use any ability to uncover the truth for everyone.

Because the beggar did not know the truth in the first time, Jiang Siming was willing to lift the veil of the truth.

But this time, the truth will be in front of them tomorrow morning, but they can't see it selectively, so why bother to play the piano to the cow.

Even Jiang Siming’s friends have come forward to post on Weibo to support, and even high-profile public figures such as President Ma, Wang's richest man, and Xing Ye argued for Jiang Siming.

But it was still to no avail. Instead, everyone considered it to be a raccoon dog, taking this opportunity to cover up Jiang Siming.

The most ironic thing is that this time the news is known to all over the world.

Except for China's netizens who criticized Jiang Siming, netizens from other countries are all on Jiang Siming's side.

They all believed that the reason for this incident was not Jiang Siming's fault at all, so why can't it be compensated?

On the contrary, foreign netizens felt very unbelievable about the behavior of Chinese netizens targeting Jiang Siming.

This incident is clearly Jiang Siming suffered a loss, he is the victim, why did Jiang Siming become the perpetrator? On the contrary, the person who did the wrong thing became the protected person?

How outrageous!

So many high-level officials in many countries took this opportunity to throw olive branches to Jiang Siming and urge Jiang Siming to emigrate to them.

Among them, Lao Te was the most vocal. He knew Jiang Siming's ability. It would be great if Jiang Siming was willing to immigrate to the United States.

He doesn't need to worry anymore, and the United States can have a **** in this way, so why not do it.

Regarding the remarks made by Chinese netizens, Old Te is dismissive, and he is worthless for Jiang Siming.

This is also the time Lao Te feels that he has the best chance to win over Jiang Siming, and even opened up the policy, giving the drooling welfare conditions that Bezos and Bill Gates envied.

However, Jiang Siming didn't have him at all, he was just old special wishful thinking.

Things got worse and worse, and the entire Huaxia seemed to be filled with resentment and disgusting voices towards Jiang Siming.

Countless people asked Jiang Siming to stand up and give an explanation, and even harshly asked Jiang Siming to publicly apologize and cancel the compensation.

Finally, Mama Yang couldn't sit still. At seven o'clock in the evening, on the latest Xinlian, the host Bai Song, with a serious face, stood in front of the Huaxia TV.

This time, completely unexpected, Yang Ma did not stand on the side of most people, but... resolutely stood on the opposite side of them!

As soon as Bai Song spoke, he pointed the finger at those netizens who thought they were right! ! !


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